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(This message is written with some high degrees of indignation so please forgive me for the unprofessional tone, but this one must be said as bluntly as possible. Sooo, this is addressed for a very small but present minority:)

I do not care who you are, what your sexuality is, who you know and what you think their opinion or personal feelings on any subject matter is. I do not give a single flying care if you do not like the fact that Lou had sex with a man in one joke page for whatever self-delusions you concocted in your brain. But.

I'm not the type to be cowed, or bow down to veiled threats.

One time, you are done, permanently. My life isn't stacked on, or dependant on this Patreon. Do not ever think you can bully me around. 

If you don't like a direction this comic takes, fucking unsusbscribe and fuck off.

To anyone who genuinely support me, for whatever reason they have, I truly thank you for allowing me to come this far. I cherish and appreciate your support. It's what mades me and still makes me want to obliterate years of health to produce ever more content! 



Chke is my friend lol


Hey man, it's your content as long as you aren't breaking any laws don't take anybody else's criticism!


Keep up the awesome work. When I first joined Patreon, you were one of the first creators I subscribed to.


Horn dogs bullying an artist over creative decisions? That's nuts. An artist should never be FORCED to do ANYTHING what the hell is wrong with people.


Seems like it's becoming the norm. Well ultimately I'll do what I want, but still, it pissed me off

El Squidd

Wait, people are upset about the comic? Fucking why? Buncha losers getting butthurt over your comic?? Fuck ‘em, you do great work. Much love, Kite!


I mean, criticism is important, but that wasn't criticism I got lol OH WELL. Just wanted to pass a message to anyone with the same outlook as this previous asshole, in hope that they fuck off somewhere else. I rather lose money, but keep honest people than earn money from people who're gonna create an uproar if I make a decision they don't like and think they can make shit up to threaten me with


ah, and here I was happy for the lucky boy. Forget 'em, do what makes you happy


It always amazed me that people get so tied up in their idealized version of fictional characters regardless of what the creator does or wishes for the character. Sucks you have encountered such entitled stupidity Kite.

Art Lover

I'll offer constructive criticism about art and story structure but I definitely won't try to bring politics into a matter where it doesn't belong. Your art and your stories often give me a much-needed boost when you share them so I plan to stick around for as long as I possibly can. :)

Kyo Amamoto

honestly this seems to be a trend people getting on an artists case about pairings and sexuality of characters they don't own. kite keep up the good work as always.


There's manga that they can go read for that reason. If they need it plz go somewhere else.


I thought the strip was funny and enjoyed it. Make the content you enjoy making.

Yuu Yi

I hope you don't obliterate years of health, you have many many more stories to tell, and I'm honored to be here to support and read them.


It’s your story so you make the decisions. People gotta realize that


I can only speak for myself. I love your work! I have loved your everything! KITE! You do you! We love YOU!

Purple Floof

So I looked at the reply to the comic that spawned this post, and I gotta say Jésus, quel connard


100% behind you since I first started reading. Glad to support you and will continue too.


Ah yes sex with a man is where the line is drawn but not at incest or pokephilia, guess someone is real bored or just living a sad life but for the rest of us keep up the amazing work :)


😔✊ Well said.


Hey!You Draw what you link and dont mind some shit people harassing you,keep strong and draw what you love! To think people would threat someone over doing straight porn.


100% on your side.


...not that it really matters but I always assumed Lou would take it from just about anyone hot enough. And I'm gay. *shrug*


I never really read comments or anything. Hope people aren't being too.. weird. Your art and story are fantastic.

Fake Name For Obvious Reasons

It should probably be noted that people insisting Lou is a lesbian are committing bi/pansexual erasure, not to mention talking over the storyteller.


You are the artist in the end its your vision and your right to do as you please. Sure criticism can be important if it is constructive and you do take advice or opinions from time to time but still not compromising on your vision. This makes me respect you more and all the love from me since I want to read what the kite has to say not some one else.


Wow. Threats for an online comic... I don't understand these people. Keep up with what you want to do and fuck off to those who don't want it :p


I've been following you for awhile and I've never seen someone apparently get your goat quite this badly before. I don't particularly care for the details, I just hope everything's going okay in your life and this blows over. Would hate for this to set the tone for the new year.


Oh no, please do not obliterate years of health. Your content is delightful, funny, erotic, arousing and heartwarming in so many various ways.


The truth is, he did not comment long ago because I have not had time, but in reality I never stop seeing your content Kite and whatever you do I like and I find it beautiful, for something you are my favorite artist / author and what matters is that you upload content If someone supports you, look at it and like it equally.