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Well, after yesterday's deblace I decided to... do as usual lmao I'm not gonna change anything for one oversensitive fu- anyway! I'd probably have drawn how Lou got railed for four hours, but I'm also brainstorming other stuff.

Also I got a lot of AMA answers, so I wonder what's the temperature are your waters, in term of who you'd want to see next :o

Here are the characters/pairings I have idea for, lemme know which one you'd want to see the most!



Aya and Clem has my vote, the two of them are adorable


I kinda wanna vote for Lou/Lucky boy just to spite that asshat lmao


This was a tough one, and I voted - though the proper answer from me is "do what you think sounds the most fun". Honestly, I am game for all of these, lol - it's your roller coaster, I am just here to enjoy the ride!


I just want the lucky bastards night to be drawn to piss off anyone else who still might be holding back their anger thinking it's a one off thing you did, you draw what you want to draw Kite, love your art and look forward to whatever u draw next year :)


Lady Vigne or anything Elsa are some side characters that I would like to see more of.


Only one? But they're all good idas and I'd love to see them all :c

Purple Floof

How is it that the majority of folks aren't voting for That Lucky Bastard out of spite for Le Connard du la Semaine


Humanity needs Lou getting railed 🙏


Definitely getting railed just to spite that dude and also cause it would look great in her Christmas outfit 👀


As others have said, the best answer is to draw what you feel is the most fun. You have a lot of good options out there too, and I hope they eventually all get made. That said, I'm going to choose the Insert something you want. Lou ran into a Hex Maniac a long time ago who had aspirations of being a beauty. I had really enjoyed her character design and had hoped she'd pop up again. Sow hat have the other Hex Maniacs been up to?


I'd love to see some Lou/Laure content. Maybe in a non-canon way


Annabelle, hands down


Yeah the Hex/Beauty could be a nice one to see again someday!


These all sound great.


I really liked that one pinup of Lou in the elevator with someone (unknown..I forget). It got me thinking of how Lou could sometimes be like a hunter, going to clubs/shows/concerts to find some random hottie that will take full advantage of Lou. With Lou footing the bill of hotels, yachts, limousines, etc.


Lou in the elevator... I have no idea of what you're talking about xD I don't remember doing a pinup of Lou in an elevator...


All of these deserve so much justice (particularly wild Lou, Eerie, Aya/Clem). Really excited to see where everything goes and whatever your brilliant mind creates!


Sorry my mind made a mistake in remembering. I am confusing the Corposlut pinup and the cosplay Elesa one. Neither are in an elevator and I don't know why my mind went there.