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To test my new Tablet PC, here's this brand new HMGBAPS Short styles miniseries but entirely based on sexy times named HMGBAPS WILDTIMES ! It'll be mostly updates whenever the HMGBAPS series is in pause!

The Shorts will focus on lore, and the Wild Times will focus on the sexy shenanigans our ladies are getting into!

Starting slow, but it's gonna give ol' Unsheltered it's run for its money... I hope. :p




Since when has she liked guys?


Since always, as Lou is bisexual, unlike Eerie. She mostly cares about the vibe when it comes to sex, unless it's with Eerie.


I don't recall any art where she does anything with guys. Either in HMGBAPS, shorts, or pinups.


It was mentioned several talks in Lore discussions on Discord, she slept w ith Aya who can grow a dick, which KINDA let you know she's not strictly lesbian.


Looking forward to both series!


Tread carefully with talk like that. There are lesbians dating trans women who would not appreciate what you're implying.


Who the fuck do you think you are? Go fuck yourself with your veiled threats, and see if I care.


So out of idle curiosity, will we get to see her getting railed by the guy? Or will he be featured in other works?


Hey Kite it’s clearly just a over sensitive person trying to get attention and influence the comic their own way instead of respecting you the artist’s own direction .At least your getting their money


I considered it, so I'll put it to vote (if people want to see her getting railed by the dude) he'll probably appear more in THIS one at least :o


Well I banned the guy so that last step isn't the case anymore xD I just really, really, don't take kindly to these sort of bullshit veiled threats.

Art Lover

Love this page! Love it a lot! Can't wait for more! Love seeing more sides of Lou. :)


This was a fun read. It got a nice chuckle out of me. I really like the guy's dopey face at the end.


Huh. This is both cute and mild. Yet someone exploded. Remarkable. Welp, I like it.


Tells artist to tread carefully. Wtf people. 🤡


Not gonna lie the entitlement on that guy was strong 😂. It’s not that serious they were literally complaining about a porn comic if they really wanted a all lesbian comic their is many,many of those on the internet lol