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Hello everyone! Some of you already know and some of you are just getting to know. I went a little spontaneous trip.  I was partly dragged out of the house. I've been in a bit of an emotional slump usually arrange such a vacation in February. BUT I was a little hastened by both my condition and my surroundings. I took my laptop with me on this trip so I'll be in touch and available. I was out of touch for a couple of days, I was in the process of moving. I also successfully lost my phone, but I managed to get it back in half a day with almost no consequences :). 

Probably I'll minimally do animation this week and mainly I'll be learning all the basics related to plans for anime style animation.

 Sorry that so spontaneously.  T_T

I'm also going to finish an almost finished WIPS animation. Which I talked about in the short report.  When I was able to equip my corner it became possible.  



That’s all good hope you had a fun trip


Have fun on your trip! 🙌

Harrison Huynh

I hope you'll update us on your trip! Also hope to see some more animation update. Have fun on your trip and stay safe!


No worries!! Hope you enjoy your trip!!


Have a fun and safe trip.


Enjoy your adventure!


Nice! Fun and safe travels!


I'll try. I'm incredibly clumsy. So at the very least I hope nothing worse than a nearly lost cell phone happens to me.