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Had to re-publish this post as the first one was missing half of the text and pictures. I don't know why. 

Hello everyone. I just got back from my small and spontaneous trip in thailand. Now I am quite tired from the flight so I will be brief in this report. So let's get right down to business. Let's discuss what's going on there with HQ and why I went on vacation.

What prompted me to go on vacation. Usually I do it planned and suspend my page in February and during this period I just rest. But it so happened that the beginning of January I did not do well. In terms of animation. The plans for this month were grandiose. But I spent a lot of time again on the endless simulation of the physics of breasts and ass. I became obsessive about it. Searching for my perfect body physics simulation. I combined different ways of simulating physics from simulating through clothing and soft tissue function. To tying the sumlation of tissue to the bones of the rig. And adding all possible combinations. Spoiler. At the moment, the ideal variant has not found. It doesn't even exist. I at some point came to a depressing dead end in this matter and as if lost my grip. It started to seem to me that everything I do is a downgrade compared to my past works in different aspects. And as a kind of head I realize that it is not so and I just because of the desire for better animation quality became overly demanding of myself and because of this I began to spend inadequate amount of time on elementary things. But understanding does not allow me to stop emotionally experiencing this situation adequately.

And as a consequence, my friends took me on vacation. I took my laptop with me and thought I could remotely finish rendering Wips animation. I already have quite a lot of material that can be put in the category WIPs animations. And here's the second spoiler. No wips animation remotely could not finish. First I forgot to transfer the cache of their simulation of physics on the laptop, in addition to the main files had to re-torture with the simulation of this physics. And on a laptop it is extremely long and painful process. So also online render farm which I used gave a number of errors after paid render. For some reason the hand of the character when I did render began to live by itself periodically. Because of what I put an end to all attempts to release WIps animation remotely. And just periodically when there was free time during the vacation I continued to do animation. On a laptop it is probably the only thing that I have quite not badly turned out. I also took a course on non-photorealistic rendering. So I learned a little to make textures in the style of anime.

Also in the short reports I talked about my problem with whether the character will be wearing a corset in the next sex scenes or not. Well as you can see in the pictures there will be no corset. :)

I'll try to take it easy on things that don't turn out the way I wanted and in general on everything I do. It will always be a priority for me to improve the visuals of my animations. I remember seeing the first episode of Love Death + Robots. I told myself that when I achieve the same quality in my animations at home I will be pleased with myself. So I will continue to go in this direction. The main thing is not to burn in this endeavor:). 

I think from tomorrow I will start to finish Wips animation, which is in the queue for half a month. It's also funny to say that after everything I wrote above. But. I will correct a little physics:))). But without fanaticism. Of course.

If we're talking about what new happens in the animation. There is a scene with riding pose in every possible way. There is nothing to describe for the reasons mentioned above. There are literally 3-4 minutes of animation of which a third is the transition to the scene from the scene with a blowjob to the scene with a riding. I'll insert pictures in this post the following WIps animation. As always, to visually dilute this message.

I apologize once again for such a spontaneous disappearance that I did not warn you in advance and could not suspend the withdrawal of funds for this period. It's a pity that Patreon doesn't have a feature like subscribestar that would allow me to go on vacation while still maintaining access to my work. As I understood on Patreon, if I activate the stop debiting mode, you lose access to my posts. I'm not sure if that's true. Please write down how it works from your point of view.

It's also time for me to start developing other skills in CGI and stop putting off learning them for the benefit of creating animations. I mean creating my own models and stuff. All of this needs to be learned mastered and done finally. not mention it once a year. It's time to give life to characters who did not get their 3d models and their fame in our favorite genre :) but found an echo in my heart when watching anime and playing games and the like.

Super short about my vacation. Everything was great. I really liked everything that we went through there. Even though I almost lost my phone.

That's all I wanted to say.  Thank you all again for supporting me and my very long runs to create my long animations. Now I will try and find a slightly different way of working or at least attitude to it. Maybe i add of some new type of very short cyclic animations. With a limited time for them to create. Like a in 1-2 days to make some beautiful short cyclic animation with several angles. You know what I mean. You can find a lot of this on twitter.  We'll see.  

As always, don't get sick. Be healthy and happy, you and your loved ones.

Honey Lemon:

A passion for Honey Lemon chemistry that has gotten out of control.




Our of control eh? You might as well do a Big Hero 6 series with more Cass ;) Also, you ain't got to apologizing to taking some time for yourself. Do it more.


Thank you for your honest thoughts and your impressive work. : )


this video is gonna be crazy lol this the best quality model by far


Ican’t Wait for Harley 😁 Take your time man it’s gonna be amazing


is Honey Lemon going to be a video or just stills? there isn't enough of her!

Saran husan

Can you do Gwen next with venom?? Or even black cat?


Everyone needs vacations. You feel like you need one? Take one. The prons will find it's way 👍


I said this already in your post informing all of us about your vacation Dez… You DON’T have to apologize to us for taking a step back to get yourself back in a good head space. We’re all here because we love your work. I have no doubt it’ll end up being your best work yet and hopefully all of the praise we heap upon you after release will help you remember you’re your own harshest critic and make you realize we don’t see whatever you deem as “less than” any of your previous work in your final product. Here’s the truth Dez… Your animation just gets better with each release. Believe me, we’re going to love anything you produce. 😁


Well I would if I were to take on a sequel to the animation with Cass do a second part with her.


I can't say anything about who will be next. It's still a mystery to me, too.


Thank you so much for those words. Part of what keeps me going sometimes is just the kind word :).

Max G.

You don't have to apologize for taking some vacations. It's a very demanding job you're doing, so it's totally ok and sane to take some well deserved rest. Even if I understand your will to improve your work, don't be to harsch on yourself. You're a creator, it implies risks and things can never be totally under control. Take care and have fun in your work !

Phillip Artressia

It's honestly impressive the gaps in quality from video to video idk if that's from your obsessive desire to be meticulous but if you haven't in awhile you should watch some of your first posts compared to newer ones like dimetriscu or sadako you've grown alot in a short amount of time and also pls tell me that "not trying to burn out on this endeavor" is a MHA pun 🤣

Phillip Artressia

Also a sequel to Cass with honey lemon would be amazing bh6's art style is one of the best


Honestly, this looks great and I’m glad your trip went well, everyone deserves a brake and that Titfuck scene has been hell for you, although I’m glad you didn’t give up as it’s probably the scene I’m most excited for, granted there’s still a couple of minutes that we don’t know what’s going to happen, would love anvil position to spice up a potential missionary.


By the way, i should revise my animations. I almost never revise my animations. For some reason, I'm not in the habit of doing so. Probably before the release of the animation when I look at it a million times I do not want to see it again:). Some of them I've already forgotten what they look like. :)

Phillip Artressia

I've also thought it'd be cool to take the skills you have now and go back and remaster some of your older vids


I'm super stoked on both of these animations

Chop God



Ever thought about doing any mythology gods? Any from smite?


No, I do not think I will take on smite. Still 3d models from the game is almost no and those that are not cause the desire to make animation with them. Although I played Smite 1400 hours ... There was such a period of hard in life.