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"Anyway, I am happy that you are going to be a Martial Master very soon," Zhao Wei said to Zhao Yufei as his amused eyes scanned the two new faces at the entrance.

"How did you know?" Zhao Yufei casually asked as her eyes followed Zhao Wei's gaze.

She wondered what could have picked the interest of the hard-to-impress stud.

Two unfamiliar faces? Who are those two?

The two unfamiliar youths easily garnered attention due to their contrasting superficial personalities.

The first young man was a looker with a smile that could make many both like and dislike him in equal proportions.

He looked very dangerous despite his concealed cultivation base.

As for his acquaintance, well, he was on the opposite end of the spectrum.

His face was expressionless and cold. His eyes didn't hold any interest or impression over anyone.

An air of hidden superiority was perfectly ingrained in his very being.

He had that "I am better than everyone but I won't say it" first impression.

"Sixth brother, don't they look quite diligent and promising?" The handsome easy-going youth commented as he gazed at the supposed geniuses who had been training but we're currently staring at them.

The expressionless one didn't respond as his eyes showed that he was in another world - lost in his own thoughts.

The handsome easy-going youth sighed as if he was already used to his sixth brother's snobbish behavior.

The handsome easy-going youth was Nan Gongfan and the expressionless youth was Bei Mo.

"Sixth Brother!" Nan Gongfan used a voice that would surely annoy anyone and surely, Bei Mo's next glare said it all.

"I don't care." Bei Mo's response was succinct enough to put anyone back in their tracks.

"What a killjoy you are, Sixth brother!" Nan Gongfan whined like a child as he laced his fingers behind his head.

"Your reaction can be interpreted quite negatively you know," Nan Gongfan mumbled as his eyes uninterestedly scanned the nearby youths.

His eyes only showed slight interest when he gazed at the ten wooden rooms that normally housed the elites of the Sky Guards Battalion.

Nan Gongfan, despite, his quite outgoing personality, had his own insecurities - He didn't like to feel inferior when he compared himself to his junior, Bei Mo.

He could be considered a top genius among his peers but Bei Mo was better than him. He was more talented than him - more genius than him.

The feeling was suffocating for Nan Gongfan.

The problem with being jealous is to want your object of jealousy to suffer through setbacks, to be humiliated, and to be humbled for your own satisfaction. That was how much Nan Gongfan has always wanted things to turn out.

But his wishes were merely fantasies since truthfully, there had never been a super genius like Bei Mo ever since they were chosen as disciples by Lord Guanjun.

"Hey you all, where's our welcoming party?" Nan Gongfan asked in a domineering voice as if he was entitled to everything.

Well, Nan Gongfan wanted to have some fun by picking up a fight. It was better for someone to pick up a fight with him.

He was curious about the quality of the elites of Sky Guards Battalion.

"Don't you have fighters to defend your honor? Or are you all cowardly trash?" Nan Gongfan harshly told everyone.

"Sixth brother, they are afraid of us. I thought they would defend their dignity if I roused them a little bit." He turned to Bei Mo.

"I told you so," Bei Mo expressionlessly responded straightforwardly.

The nearby youths only clenched their jaws silently and cursed Nan Gongfan in their minds.

If there was one thing they had learned from the first time they ever saw Zhao Wei effortlessly take on various challenges, it was the ability to refrain from impulsiveness and the heart to acknowledge one's weaknesses.

Zhao Wei didn't teach them personally but teachings weren't meant to be received in one way only. Zhao Wei himself was oblivious to this information.




Light claps originated from the wooden rooms area and then…followed by a burst of laughter.

"The people aren't responding to your shit because you talk too much, boy."

It was Zhao Wei who was beyond amused by the turn of events.

It wasn't about preserving his dignity and being belittled.

Zhao Wei didn't care about such mere trifles.

It was simply the joy of meeting new familiar characters from the novel.

If they wanted to play, why wouldn't he play along just for fun?

One individual suffered from an inferiority complex while the other one was too talented for his own good, Zhao Wei analyzed.

He recognized them oh-so-well even though Nan Gongfan's personality was quite…amplified.

If there was one thing that Zhao Wei thrived in, it was talking bullcrap and speaking nonsense in serious situations. He liked making light-of-heavy scenarios.

"Haha, you were the one that I have been looking for!" Nan Gongfan didn't get offended by Zhao Wei's uncensored words but instead felt that the youth was interesting.

His aura, and his looks, kind of made him look inferior but not in the same way as Bei Mo.

It was something else that he couldn't put a finger on.

It's good that he can manage his own emotions, Zhao Wei silently complimented Nan Gongfan in his mind.

"You are being cringey, friend," Zhao Wei said blandly.

They were separated by a distance of over 30 meters but they could hear each other's murmurs just fine.

That twinkle, Zhao Yufei smiled to herself as she silently observed the interaction between the two young men. Her attention was more on Zhao Wei.

He isn't going to change that aspect of his, anytime soon, Zhao Yufei thought as she watched the talkative youth slowly move toward Zhao Wei.

"Oh? You are approaching me?" Zhao Wei lifted his brows as he smiled mirthlessly.

"Am I supposed to run away?" Nan Gongfan raised his right foot in exaggeration.

"Ahahaha, you are about to." Zhao Wei released a short laugh before…
