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The young males who heard how Zhao Yufei intimately addressed another man felt extreme jealousy wishing that it could have been them instead.

Just how lucky could Zhao Wei get to be given exclusive attention by the most beautiful woman in the Sky Guards Battalion?

Even though they had a lot of jealousy and misgivings, they didn't talk shit or throw a tantrum like how a good-for-nothing young master would react, they chose to keep their mouths shut.

It honestly took a lot of willpower from many to prevent themselves from bashing the hell out of Zhao Wei. If they couldn't resist, well, it would be akin to inviting the devil right on one's doorstep.

Those who knew Zhao Wei wouldn't wanna mess with him if possible.

This was a deterrence born from both fear of his ruthless abilities and respect for his more-than-excellent aptitude despite his current fifth position among the Ten Sky Guards.

Information and rumors had already begun circulating among the youths about how much of a cultivation shut-in Zhao Wei.

Some said that if he wanted to be number one, nobody could stop him and he was merely being reserved.

Some said that he was better than Feng Hanyue but liked to keep a low profile as he awaited the emergence of Lord Guanjun.

There was even a hot news that said he was Zhao Yufei's bedroom daddy, how uncouth.

Of course, Zhao Wei came to know about those rumors and speculations but remained silent about it.

He lacked the emotional bandwidth to care about each little detail others said about him.

Emotional damage? He had immunity against that shit.

Flattery? Dog licking was a career that couldn't be erased for an eternity. Even Zhao Wei with his current power, couldn't affect it.

It was that powerful as it spread across multiple realities.

To Zhao Wei, Reputation and fame were like clothes that could be worn and then disposed of at any time.

"You are surely becoming bold with each passing day, lady." Zhao Wei sternly looked at her without being serious.

"Lady? I have a name and it's Zhao Yufei, gege!" Zhao Yufei cutely laughed, her white teeth like a set of immaculate pearls.

"I shouldn't have taught you to be shameless. It was a mistake on my part." Zhao Wei clicked his tongue with visible regret on his face.

"Poor Wei, don't you know it useless crying over already spilled milk?" Zhao Yufei innocently fluttered her eyelashes.

"Do you want to spar? There is this technique that I have started practicing but for it to be more refined and perfect, I would need to spar with excellent fighters." Zhao Wei shifted the conversation lightning quick, perfectly pulling an uno reverse card out of his *ss.

What did you have to say about unpredictability? Zhao Wei was unpredictable itself.

Zhao Wei gave her a similar innocent smile.

Zhao Yufei's jovial expression experienced a complete 180 as it turned sour and dreadful.

"That's not fair, Zhao Wei!" Zhao Yufei nervously bit her lower lips as she fiddled with her dress.

"The world has always been unfair. You should've gotten that reality check long ago." Zhao Wei wore a foxy grin.

"Now then…" Zhao Wei put one hand behind his back as he tauntingly beckoned Zhao Yufei to attack first.

"I am lenient enough to give you the first move, Yufei. Do your best!"

"Hmph, you only know how to look for ways to bully me. You are a devil!" Zhao Yufei looked as if she could almost cry and she had that pitiful look on her delicate appearance that made the nearby males have an urge to protect her while silently cursing Zhao Wei.

"Yufei, do you want me to move first?" Zhao Wei's lips curved into a smileless smile - a fake smile of the highest order.

"Nooo!" Zhao Yufei immediately primed herself for a fight and a beating.

She just hoped Zhao Wei would go easy on her but deep inside, she couldn't help but want him to be more ferocious and hard on her.

She wondered if she was slowly turning into an M.

"Spiritual Wind Slice!"

"Star Destroying Finger!"

"Gentle Fist!"

Zhao Yufei went all out at the first move, supplementing her three successive attacks with all of her peak sixth rank inner strength.

The power she was currently displaying would have been enough to completely put Lei Cong into hot soup since… Those three techniques had all been trained to the peak level, just a little bit into perfection!

Zhao Wei had a devilish grin as Zhao Yufei charged at him.

A few moments later…

"Please forgive me! You are being too fierce!"

"Just a little bit! It won't hurt, Yufei. I will be gentle this time around."

"I don't want to play with you any longer!"

"Stop jumping around like a grasshopper and face me squarely. I promise to spar at the same wavelength as yours!"

"Aaah, how can I believe the sweet lies of the devil himself?!"

"Haha, you are too cute!"

"Stop it! The words of men can't be trusted but, uh, c-can you repeat those words?"


It was at that moment of Zhao Yufei's hesitation that Zhao Wei's casual slap managed to spank her butt.

"Buhu, you baddie!" Zhao Yufei's eyes turned teary as she reflexively rubbed her spanked butt.

"You have no respect for a lady! You mannerless bastard!"

Just when Zhao Wei's hand was raised for a second spank, Zhao Yufei's expression immediately changed into one of defeat and reverence.

"You win! I lose! You are the greatest foe I have ever faced!" She waved her raised hands in surrender.

"You are the master! My master!"

Zhao Wei winced at the bull Zhao Yufei was pulling as he ceased his 'discipline' session or 'spar' in better terms.

The spectators had their mouths open wide in shock and disbelief at what they were witnessing. Pikachu's reaction aside, their facial expressions were the real deal.

"Now that's a good girl!" Zhao Wei complimented her as he patted her head with what was reminiscent of… affection and doting.


Zhao Yufei parried his hand away and harrumphed before crossing her arms in dissatisfaction.

"Did you miss me?"

"Dream on."

"But I missed you."

"..." A pink blush spread on her soft cheeks and she turned her face away in embarrassment.

"I-I missed you too." She stammered a reply.

Zhao Wei laughed at the atmosphere and how Zhao Yufei was acting.

He didn't care about the on-lookers as he gave in to his amusement.

'Am I living in a romcom? I would never have imagined that I would ever interact like this.' He thought in silence as he studied Yufei's face.

'Am I going through changes?'

It was then that two unknowns entered the Sky Guards Battalion!



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