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Zhao Wei's figure seemed to turn blurry and like how a cell would undergo cell division, his very being seemed to divide into two.

The other Zhao Wei was a mirage brought into existence due to how fast he had moved.

In an instant, Zhao Wei was already a foot away from the startled face of Nan Gongfan. The mirage he had left behind also began to gradually break down into smoke before disappearing.

'Wow, that speed is truly something. How interesting!' Nan Gongfan thought in surprise as he sized up the adonis.

'Too bad, you have brought yourself within my domain - my range extends to most of this space.' Nan Gongfan smiled to himself.

'An eagle never fights a snake on the ground, it picks it up into the air - an aerial domain - where it's king. I am an eagle and you are the snake!' Nan Gongfan extended his hand forward and slowly curled his fingers.

In that instant, a suctioning force caused by subtle manipulation of the wind was generated and Zhao Wei felt as if something was trying to pull him off his position.

"Paltry tricks," Zhao Wei said blandly as his body remained rooted down on the ground. He was as steady as an ancient mountain that could withstand the turbulence of nature and the alternating of the four seasons.

His back was straight and his stance, unshakable. Zhao Wei felt as if he was being massaged by a breeze.

"Your ability would have been really good in picking up loot in an open-world game. Ah, it really brings back memories when I remember the game I used to play in my youthful days."

The nostalgic, distant tune of Inazuma OST played inside his mind as Zhao Wei instinctively used his index finger to cushion the fall of a free leaf.

"Open-world game? What is that? And why are you talking like an old man?" Nan Gongfan chuckled with confusion on his face.

He couldn't understand the youth in front of him.

He could resist his initial move that already indicated he was a genius in his own right.

Nan Gongfan was taken aback by his calmness and nonchalance but didn't feel anything beyond that.

"I can be anything I want. Anyone can be whatever they want. It's a matter of perception," Zhao Wei said slowly as he pointed his middle finger at Nan Gongfan.

His action elicited a huge reaction from the crowd, even Bei Mo's expression changed a tiny wee bit.

As for Zhao Yufei, she was trying to think up ways to prevent the laugh from escaping her lips.

Zhao Wei was a funny bastard when the situation didn't demand it.

Wasn't he trying to insult Nan Gongfan or what type of scheme was he up to?

Zhao Yufei touched her perfectly sculpted smooth chin as she anticipated Zhao Wei's next move.

"Hey bud, don't you think it should be my turn next?" Golden motes of light began flowing through Zhao Wei's hand and concentrated on the tip of his middle finger.

The air around his hand began to buzz and the illusion of space twisting and warping could be seen as a result of the extremely high temperatures.

[Solar Finger]

'That's some dangerous moves but the perfect defense is always the perfect offense.' Nan Gongfan got excited as he channeled his inner strength and executed his technique in an instant.

[Wind Turbine Technique]

A four-foot-tall tornado appeared and with it, came a force of repulsion that tried to resist the oncoming attack.


Two different forces of nature met in aggression but the resultant winner was a golden light that shone with the brilliance of the sun.

It was irresistible. It was overpowering. It was supreme. It was the dawn of annihilation!


Nan Gongfan watched with his mouth wide open as his technique was overwhelmed by the youth's attack.


But Nan Gongfan didn't linger on the 'hows' and 'whys' as he instinctively raised his two hands defensively.

Multiple barriers formed around him as he valiantly faced the attack.


The first barrier was taken down almost instantly, followed by the second, the third…

Nan Gongfan's eyes widened in shock as he implemented other layers of defense the more Zhao Wei's [Solar Finger] edged closer.

Gosh, he was an Eighth Rank Martial Master, an elite among elites, so why? Why was an attack from someone with a cultivation base weaker than him so damn frustrating and powerful?

Nan Gongfan hadn't had much expectations when he had set foot into the Sky Guards Battalion. He had also taken it upon himself to drag his sixth brother from his monotonous life of secluded meditation.

As a super genius, Bei Mo was not easily impressed by others but he had to admit that the Sky Guard youth was exceptional.

After all, he could put up a fight against Nan Gongfan.

Only he knew that Nan Gongfan hadn't used all of his strength. But what about the other youth?

He didn't know for sure.

"Aaargh!" A small groan of pain escaped Nan Gongfan's mouth when the solar beam made a small circular hole in his palm.

Nan Gongfan gritted his teeth before using his inner strength to stop the bleeding almost instantly but…

It was too late when he felt something hot poking at the nape of his neck.

It was very hot as if a soldering iron had been placed directly on his neck.

When? Nan Gongfan asked himself but couldn't immediately get the answers he sought.

He was completely taken by surprise - left in the dark before he even saw it coming!

He had miscalculated.

Nan Gongfan had never felt so wrong as he looked at the solidified solar energy branding his neck's skin from the corner of his eyes.

"How does it feel?" Zhao Wei asked vaguely, his question open to many interpretations.

"To lose? To be defeated? Or are you trying to ask how it feels to be closer to death?" A self-deprecating smile appeared on Nan Gongfan's handsome face as he sighed.

"Are you trying to mock me?"

Zhao Wei snapped his fingers and the solar beam disintegrated into countless light particles.

"What would I stand to gain from mocking you?" Zhao Wei lifted his brows before smiling mischievously. "I was just thinking about your previous tornado attack."

"Say, buddy? Have you ever seen a real tornado?"

A real tornado?

A collective thought formed inside everyone's mind.

Have they ever seen a real tornado?

Zhao Wei raised his hand and opened his palm and from it, a small tornado began to form.

'Well, don't I look like Riptide from X-Men's Brotherhood?' He was prepared to teach Nan Gongfan the essence of a Tornado.

He felt insanely magnanimous at the moment!

Zhao Wei didn't intend to attack him with it either.

It was simply for educational purposes!



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