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No Robin Wood will not be the title of this story. But the pun is too good to ignore. Also, it was an early inspiration so I felt it would be a nice working title. I have a name for the story which I will reveal down the line, but don't know if it is too artsy. Maybe robbin' wood is the kind of catchy title this kind of story needs. Anyway. Rant cart before rant horse.

Greetings my dear Patron!

*Glances at the proverbial clock as the buzzer sounds while I click the button to post*

Made it! While I know the single patreon tier I offer is for purely donation-esque support, I still try my darndest to get a little something out each week. Something fresh and nice. (I haven't forgotten about the CYOA, but I have been squeezed this week and the past few weeks as well so that will need a bit more time to cook up. Just getting to the good bits, too.

So in other words I am glad I got this out. I will drop the EM finale and perhaps one more teaser this or next month.  Until then I want to share another story I have been working on and has been on my mind for a bit. TMI alert, I actually use a variety of massages in my daily life/when I can in similar attempts to grow. I think many of the people who enjoy my kind of writing and the kinks which pop up in it have all tried a thing or to in hopes of getting bigger, rounder, bouncier, and softer or alternatively longer, thicker, harder, better, faster, and stronger as the two robots have said. More than ever power after power work it never over are the efforts we put into those desires for ...more.

A blessing and a curse to want such things. Finding the balance in desire for more and accepting reality as it is and how much of our time, effort, and resources to bridge that gap. A dangerous game. If I tallied up all the money and time I spent on my pursuits I'd be shocked to say the least. It would be more than a month's salary at this point and I don't make a lot, but frankly that is a bit much.

Reminds me of Marie Kondo, the Japanese tidying expert. (Just skip to the smut-adjacent intro chapter now if you don't want to hear my philosophy rant about spending thousands of dollars on deviant devices and toys. Also sparking joy. Feeling writey this morning and rants are my number one way to procrastinate actually writing smut, hah.)

Yes, in her book the main thing is the 'tidying festival' which breaks down cleaning up all the junk in your life to five categories. I won't explain her system totally, but the first step is clothing. And you are supposed to take ALL the clothing and such in your ENTIRE life and throw it all on your bed. Can't go to sleep until you're done with it. You go through it all and pick what you like and need. (Actually only the items that "spark joy", but I won't break that down either.)

I think the real lesson of that first step in the festival is to see exactly how much clothing you own. When it's tucked away in drawers, hanging in closets, or stacked on shelves you can't really comprehend the sheer amount of stuff you actually hand around you. The clutter. So how to smut come into this? Going back to my point, if you tallied up and mentally made such a mountain of toys, creams, lotions, pills, tools, expenditures, and all that in one place it would be a sight to behold.

I sigh as those items that aren't hidden away in boxes covered with more innocent junk pile up. And when I think of how much I spent on it all. Goodness I could have put a down payment on a house or a car or something! But we do what we love and sometimes that means spending a few bucks here and there and here again and again and again and... yeah let's not think about how much we spent there on that.

So yeah! Massages. Totally free to do! That only takes time and supplementing with creams and lotions is ideal, but still totally free. This story is about a concept I have had in my mind for a while about massages and my understanding of the human body when I put it before my magical lenses. The traditional and ancient Chinese/Thai/Asian breast massaging techniques. Lymphatic drainage massages, etc are so intriguing to me. Obviously the real deal costs a pretty penny and you have to find a proper masseuse to perform it, but you can do a crude version on yourself in your own home. At least if you want to have prettier upper arms and less flabby breasts. Here is hoping.

So this story, 'Robbin' wood' or 'Robin Wood' as I shall call it here, is about a young Asian woman (I am trying to keep it vaguely Asian instead of straight Chinese or Thai or something because my research would have to be that much more thorough and I'm not doing a dissertation on the origins of breast health massage therapy. Maybe if this were my full-time job, but let's get real.) So it's about this girl, Lin. She does massage therapy for a living and as you will see, she is quite good at it.

This is another story which will start perfectly in the realm of fully possible reality and then begin to overlap and fade into vaguely twilight zone/black mirror territory as it goes on. Depending on how it goes it might end up a full-blown bible black-level hentai like experimental medicine has, or perhaps I will keep it more cool. It is proving difficult to top experimental medicine and I wonder if I came to the ceiling with that one. (Ayy) It's still all up in the air.

Anyway. I hope that you enjoy the beginning and the break from perilous debauchery is a welcome one for the near future while I conclude experimental medicine.

Please have a lovely week and weekend~




“In ceramic sculpture, it is said that the artist puts some of themself into their work as they massage the clay. In order to find the perfect curves and lines to express their vision they must in turn give themselves over, body and mind, to the piece until realization is achieved”

  1. Little Lin

I first touched the clay when I was young playing in muddy puddles. When I learned it could be used to make money my family encouraged me to continue pursuing my art. My family always supported me and did everything to ensure I had a bright future. Ceramics and clay were my medium and the bowls and vases I made were a solid contributor to the family’s income. I believed I could make a living off of it if I kept at it. But my father fell ill and I had to learn the family trades of acupuncture and massage therapy. I was convinced that people’s bodies, like the clay, could be molded with enough perseverance. My mother and extended family were all professionals so it was a rite of passage and I was good at it, just like I was with clay.

When I was sent overseas to live with my auntie, it was a chance for me to make real money and pull our family out of the mud. I was to be the new anchor for our family and the hope that we could all have a better life. I took it seriously and thankfully my studies gave me the skills to live in a foreign culture and thrive there. Just like the clay I loved, the people who I massaged would slowly become masterpieces and I would be able to shoulder some of the burden my mother had carried alone for so many years.

“Oh yeah, little Lin. Just like that. MMmm…” The brute on the table resonated in his unmistakable baritone. “You don’t have to be gentle with me, you should know that by now. Heh heh heh.”

‘That laugh is repulsive. This man is repulsive,’ Lin thought while fighting the urge to cringe. She grabbed even tighter with both her hands and sped up. The grumbling purr from the large man’s throat relaxed him back into a calm state. For now. “Yes, sir,” she said in a tone she hoped passed for politeness.

“Almost, now, little Lin. Almost there. That’s right… Almo- UGH.” He wheezed as orgasm gripped him. Lin recoiled instinctively as she continued pumping relentlessly. It was like churning chauvinistic butter and her arms were killing her. It had been almost half an hour and finally he was done. The man on the massage table squirmed and clutched the sides with white knuckles as he came sending ropes of pungent semen into the air.

‘How can he cum so much?’ She always thought as it splashed against her wrists and sometimes even her arms. He would always try to get it on her because he knew she hated it. But she learned that lesson the hard way and that moment would stick with her for a long time. Every time he came from her massages, her ‘happy endings’, her hand jobs, she remembered that time, and no doubt so did he. A true brute. The best customer the shop had, that Lin herself had, was the absolute worst. Worse than that he had a penis that was so big he couldn’t even have vaginal sex anymore he always bragged.

“If I managed to get you underneath me on this little massage table, I’d split you in half little Lin. Heh heh heh.” He always made a point to mention it during the impossibly long handjobs she always seemed to have to give this guy.

How is he STILL cumming? Just STOP. STOP! GO DOWN ALREADY!’ Her inner voice was screaming and her hands were coated in sticky jizz, cramped from grabbing so tightly for so long. She had a grimace painted across her face as she looked down at the final spurts of that foul seed all over her fingers and wrists. It fell down like disgusting rain all over his chest and the towels she draped on him and it still seemed like it wasn’t enough sometimes.

“Alright. Alright. That’s enough.” He croaked and she finally took her hands off of the thing. She could have had three hands wrapped around it and that bulbous head of his would still stick out she wagered. She coughed involuntarily and grabbed a clean towel to wipe off the hot sticky mess. He did the same. “You have the nicest ass I’ve ever seen on a girl that worked in this part of town if you know what I mean.” She sneered over her shoulder at him doing her best to hide her disgust, but it was becoming more and more difficult.

“That’s kind of you to say, sir.” She said washing her hands.

“I have to ask. Is there anything I could do to convince you to go on a little trip with me? Just down the road. It wouldn’t be for long, I prom-” He started trying to sound suave.

“I’m sorry, but no thank you. I am very busy here at the shop and can’t leave.” She responded with practiced ease.

“I could make you rich if you only put this thing between those sweet-”

“No, thank you. I said. NO. I’m sorry but your time is up for today. Please get dressed and Auntie, er, Miss Ti will take care of you. He sucked his teeth in disappointment then smirked while wiping himself off. His cock had already wilted and slung down between his legs as he sat up. Despite being soft it went nearly past the lip of the bench. He waggled a long finger in her direction and went to say something but stopped himself letting his hand fall with it. She stood there with as good a fake smile as she could as he passed by towards the door through a beaded curtain.

“I’ll see you next week, little Lin. Heh, heh, heh.” He said looking her up and down out of the corner of his eye. Lin let out a long sigh deflating in the process and pounding her fists against her thighs suppressing a scream. The sound of her aunt welcoming the customer back with more fanfare than necessary made her cringe as she recentered herself. Lin heard laughter from the front room while she cleaned up the mess begrudgingly.

“I’ll see you next week, little Lin. Little Lin. Little Lin!” She teased and grumbled at nobody finally finishing up the wipedown just as the sound of the bells on the door jingled. ‘Finally gone, that prick.’ She passed through the curtains to see her auntie waving goodbye to him. The moment he was out of view she turned around and they were nose to nose.

“You must be more polite to Mr. Big, my niece.” Miss Ti, her auntie, said imperiously. “He pays double, you know. That is good for business! And he only wants massages from you. You should be happy to have such a loyal client. Think of your family.” She walked around the room tidying up this and that while dressing her down.

“Auntie, I have told you so many times. He is terrible. He is just bullying me and is gross and is trying to get me to go to that seedy motel. You have to be able to hear him, can’t you?” Lin replied following her auntie around helping in the process. Once again, the message was not getting through to her aunt.

“Oh, he is just like the rest of them, my niece. All talk. Once you squeeze them dry they run out of whatever confidence they had. And then you take their money. Easy money. Just take it.” She waved her hands. She was in her sixties and had her hair in a perfect black bun and despite a few aging lines was still a beauty. An imperious beauty whose smile could flip into a scowl like exchanging masks, and one that clearly had her own set of priorities. She was a bit more shapely than her niece and wore a fine deep blue silken china doll dress. ‘It isn’t a dress code, but it is part of our image’ she would always say. And she stood at the counter at the perfect angle for anyone walking by the glass door to glimpse the tantalizing slice of leg she showed off. ‘This leg works as good as our lucky charms if not better’ she would always say. Always something with Auntie Ti.

“So you think I should go to the hotel with him? Take some money and just become a full-fledged sex worker? I thought massage meant more than just dirty handjobs in our family!” Lin shouted. Their conversation had slipped out of English at this point and her auntie pulled the chains on the neon lights leaving only the soft orange glow of the lamps and overhead bulbs. When Lin threw her final punch by bringing their family’s honor and legacy into the conversation, her aunt turned quickly. She focused a fierce glare deep into her niece’s soul and shook her head mumbling and grumbling under her breath in utter disbelief at the outburst.

“How dare you. You have no idea what you are saying, my naive, stupid niece.” She hissed, ending the sentiment by locking the front door which echoed amidst the silence between them. “Now prepare the oils for my massage. I have become stressed because of you. You do remember how much I have sacrificed because of you right?” Narrow eyes followed the niece as she bowed her head in apology, taking full note of the clenched fists.

“I’m… I’m sorry, auntie.” Lin said through gritted and grinding teeth. Her family sent her and relied completely on her auntie to take care of her and get her a job and everything. Most of her pay was being withheld and sent back to her mother and other family back home. She did get a paycheck but lived in the apartment that her auntie rented on her behalf. All her utilities and everything were covered in the deal, but she didn’t know how much anything cost although she was assured often that it wasn’t cheap. Lin kicked herself inside for biting the hand that fed her and did as she was told. “I will prepare everything and call you when it is ready.”

“Good girl. I forgive you. Now hurry up.” Auntie’s perilous gaze was amplified by her liberal eye makeup which always reminded Lin of the costumes of performers of the new year’s dragon dances. It looked ridiculous, but her attitude and absolute control of the situation were as far from a laughing matter as something could get. Lin quickly went through the beaded curtain and wiped away a tear on her cheek as the worst of the tension solidified into one more pebble of angst deep in the pit of her soul. ‘She has a lot to learn.’ Miss Ti thought as she slowly crossed her arms in superiority.


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