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Greetings my dear Patron.

Did you spend any time over the end and start of the year with your friends or family? Did you get any time to enjoy in the company of your own mind? I feel like I got a lot of the former and almost none of the latter. I enjoy being with people and spending time with friends and family, but there is certainly a limit, right? So many online articles and various piles of psychological swill that drift into my various online feeds are always on about 'introverted', 'extroverted', 'introverted extrovert' and all that. Ultimately sciences all point at the same things the whole time, but just keep changing the names for them. Needless to say, I am typically alright at parties and can handle family affairs, but need time to recharge and get away from... people.

People! Non stop people the past week or two. All vying for attention. I certainly do something very similar, but it is online. I don't think it is as bad since you don't have to open the window and don't have to read the rants if you don't care for them. Simple as that. Ignore and move on. Just wait for the next injection of steaming hot smut and dig in when it becomes that special time. In person you have to sit and grin and nod along. Absolutely there are plenty of times where great conversations happen, but they feel fewer and further between than they used to. Is it a symptom of growing up? You be the judge. Regardless, I have had to resort to keeping odd hours while others are asleep to scratch out a chunk of time just to decompress and re-center myself.

Part of me admires the people who can just be surrounded by so much energy, emotion, and the relentless onslaught of nearby human energy fields pressing up against them. The only time I want that many people pressed up against me is, well, in my writing I'd say. Ay.

I hope the teasers have been fun. I think I am going to cool it on EM for a touch to build up some more tension and then release the final chapter. Then a deluge of polls asking for what you thought about it. In my editing process, I have fully edited and rewritten the first one or two parts and combined them into a book available on Amazon. I'd say enough has been added that it is worth picking up, but if you are already a Patron and are a fan of the story as is then you don't need to drop the three bucks to read a frilly version of it. However, I am proud of it. If you are already a kindle direct premium (Or whatever they call it) person, then get your booty over there and drink it up! It slaps! I am sure of that.

I will get maybe onnnneeee more teaser of EM up this week tomorrow or the day after and then start to drop other tidbits. I have a story I worked on which is mega hot which I kind of want to share, but also have the massage story on the side burner which I am really excited about. Not mysterious massage parlor, but perhaps a prequel to that? (Michelle's Massage-verse Incoming.) Hah. I do have an 'In-World Continuity' in my head, but I will leave that pontification for down the road. Stretch goals and all that.

Do the Sebastian stories actually exist within the world of Dr. Cuunis and the EM stuff? Is Lab Partners actually an origin story of Dr. Cuunis? What of all the slop I still, for some unknown reason, don't take down from deviantart? Where does that all fit in. Then there is the Lazy Futa stuff... hmmm.  It is a fun thing for me to think about. Dreaded worldbuilding. For me its a fun game to play to connect dots using stories as points between the main threads. What a rant this is spiraling into. It has been a while since I sat down to tap keys in earnest. Coming back to work has been a pleasant nightmare that I have seen coming for days now. And the dread I have had in the corner of my heart was well placed and deservedly rewarded for its festive festering. Which is to say its busy, everyone is off their game, and undoubtedly the missing chunks of productivity inevitably slide into my part of the court.

Big sigh. But funnily enough I still manage to crack it all into shape and still get a moment to write a rant like this. I will keep going after the rush, but maybe I will just end it. We shall see. Let's look forward to a lovely 2024 filled with fantastical imagery which titillates terrifically. Hang tight and try to be tolerant of my slow pace as I re-prime the pumps and get the machinery operational again. Which pumps are we priming exactly? That is for you to decide, dear Patron.


They titty and penis pumps, lets be real here. Hahah.