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Hey there patron! How are you doing?

It is the start of a new week for me and I have something to look forward to this weekend coming up so I am pumped. I wanted to get this out as soon as possible. It is slow burn, and I know that isn't always the most popular around here, but I have been enjoying writing Robin Wood quite a bit. This is so corny, but I kind of teared up while writing this chapter. I am actually a very sentimental type if you would believe it. Between lashing poor guys to dick-sucking machines and then sucking women's sizes away only to have it unleashed all over their faces, I tend to get weepy at almost all the films I watch.

This was a first for me though. My writing has moved me before, don't get me wrong. That is one of the reasons I even began writing in the first place. But, typically my writing moves, well, different parts of me than this. It surprised me and I took a memo in my document for posterity.

Curious to know if my writing has ever moved you? Obviously, I have to hope it turns you on for sure. But beyond that? I find it doubtful. Maybe I have made you laugh before. Maybe I have surprised you with how things twist and turn in the story?

I wonder. This Robin Wood story is actually a bit more emotional and kind of personal from the looks of things. This chapter has a bit of the goodness in it, but the deviousness won't kick into gear for another chapter or two. So much build-up, right? I know. I suppose that is why I hope that the story is interesting at least. Learn a bit more about these characters and their situation so that when it gets real down the line it matters more. That is the plan at least.

Here is hoping you guys enjoy the path that Lin Chan goes down.

Thanks as always for reading.



2. Massaging Auntie

At first, it was for the master to see if the pupil was performing the techniques correctly, but that hadn’t been the case for over a few months. Therapeutic massage techniques were considered ‘basic’ to Lin’s family, and over time her auntie was teaching her more advanced techniques to make more wondrous and significant adjustments. These techniques bordered into chiropractic territory, working with pressure points, and cosmetic applications among others. For all the crap that she went through, Lin did appreciate the teaching from her auntie.

“Last time your draining technique was too weak. Show me what you have learned since the last lesson.” Auntie Ti said calmly with her tone of authority as she sat topless on the massage table. For a woman in her sixties, her upper body was surprisingly tight despite the years and immediately anyone could see her breasts were firm, round, and on the larger side for her family. Many women would have jowls and waddle on their necks and arms, but auntie’s skin was supple for her age if not a bit pale. She did have a bit of weight around her core which squished down into a pot belly resting on her lap, but she loved eating. Everyone in their family did, that was just how things went. Nothing a corset or binding belt couldn’t hide during work hours.

“Yes auntie. Please raise your right arm.” Lin said while squirting massage oil liberally into her hand. Her auntie did as she was asked and Lin began spreading oil from her auntie’s upper arm down to the side of her breast. The goal was to loosen up and dislodge the blockage in the lymphatic node, a critical factor in increasing the efficacy of the more advanced techniques. This was where the outside upper portion of the breast stretched across the armpit and connected with the arm. Although a somewhat sensitive location, it had to be handled surprisingly roughly to affect real change.

“There you go. This is better than before. You are improving.” Her auntie purred as her niece put her strength into each clutching pinch and slow methodical slide of her oiled fingers and palms. “Why do we do it?”

“To increase the flow,” Lin answered through a grunt of effort. She felt a bead of sweat already.

“Harder. I am not like those flabby housewives you fondle weakly who wince at a stranger’s touch.” Auntie awaited the increase in pressure and was pleased to feel it and had to stifle a wince of her own. ‘My little niece is getting stronger,’ She pondered before catching herself. “Increase the flow of what?” She snapped at her niece.

“Lymphatic fluid, blood, and chi.” Lin huffed, finally finishing one arm.

“Enough. Good. Now the other.” Her auntie commanded and the quizzing and massaging continued. She could answer all the questions without even thinking and even the techniques themselves came naturally. But it ended up being such a workout because of the overaggressive nature that her auntie insisted on.

Lin’s mind went to clay again. ‘When was the last time I even sat down at the wheel?’ She lamented silently. Before she knew it she blinked her eyes and her auntie was lying flat on the massage table and she was nearly at the end of the massage. ‘When did auntie lie down? How long have I…?’ Almost twenty minutes must have elapsed depending on how strict her auntie was.

“That’s enough. I must admit that your technique is good. You have paid close attention to me and learned well. But you are still too weak. You must apply more pressure, my little niece.” Her auntie lectured while sitting up and cupping her breasts, still pink and red from the borderline punishing massage. She didn’t mind the bruising or pain since that would all go away. The question was how long the other effects would last, the increase in size and shape, position, firmness, and so much more. The worse the technique the more temporary the effects were, but masters could effectively massage clients and over the course months and years give them exceptional gains and improve health noticeably. And it would be essentially permanent.

For auntie, she was enjoying gains one could attribute to a true adept at their craft, which Lin was proving to be. They both knew it, too. ‘Despite how much it aggravates me, her mastery of this massage has surpassed me after only months of practice.’ Ti thought to herself while cupping breasts that were bigger, more supple, and almost beautiful than they had been when she was in her twenties. Lin stood in silence letting her auntie enjoy another few seconds of fondling while bringing over her bra and top before breaking the silence.

“I’m sorry, auntie. I will try to be stronger.” Lin’s words hung in the air for a moment until her aunt snapped out of it and her softened look of awe returned to its pretense of authority.

“It’s fine.” Ti said as her bottom lip teased her upper teeth while she grabbed her brassiere. “We may need to increase the frequency of these lessons until you get it right.” She was reaching around her back to hook on the bra and both stared down at how tight it was. ‘I have worn this bra for decades…’ Ti thought while slowly putting on her shirt lost in thought.

“Yes, auntie. Is there anything else I can do?” Lin said bowing her head, but with both eyes secretly peering through her hanging bangs like blinds, locked on the bountiful cleavage that she gave to her. Ti finished buttoning her top having a bit of trouble over the bust and pondered the next way she could play with her niece. She held up a finger ready to say something as she stood, but clasped her hands serenely and shook her head.

“Not now, my precious niece. Have a good night. I will see you tomorrow for lunch.” Auntie said, nodding her head and dismissing her. Lin pulled her head up from its bow and nodded once.

“Good night, auntie.” Lin said mid-skitter through the beaded curtains to rip off her apron and shove it into her basket under the front counter then grab her bag and coat. Not even a minute passed between being dismissed and her first breath of fresh night air. ‘Un-fucking-believable. She can’t even fit into that old smelly bra anymore because of me and she still wants me to take that monster up on his offer to let him shove that fucking baseball bat up my ass?’ “UNBELIEVABLE!” Lin yelled into the night pulling out her phone to check her messages. Her apartment was on the third floor of the same building as the massage parlor, but she had to get the hell away from that place. There was a grocery not too far that was open late into the night so she could grab a few things. She had to pass by that motel on the way and clutched her bag close to her chest. The area wasn’t bad exactly, but anything that brought up those memories put her on high alert. There were a few couples leaving restaurants and a gaggle or two of drunken friends heading to bars and other venues for nighttime excitement. She was thankful that the parlor closed when it did while hearing the trio of completely drunk guys stumbling arm in arm to the hotel describe what they wanted to do to a woman they hadn’t met yet.

Is this what I have to deal with to take care of my family? Did my mother know what I was going to get into when she sent me here? All that talk about our family’s heritage, our family trade, we used to be doctors and respected healers, but here I am giving hand jobs to more than half of my clients for my auntie.’ Lin looked up past the street lights and the few remaining blinking clusters of kanji trying to hook in a few more customers for one more drink or that last climactic moment of the night. The sign for ‘Moon Grocery’ in multiple languages was lit up by a pair of simple spotlights and was a relief to her. It was cold that night and she could just about see her own breath.

The black skintight leggings and undershirt she wore were insulated well so the thinness of the fabric of her peachy-orange scrubs didn’t bother her. When she wore her brown thigh-length jacket and a scarf she didn’t feel like a handjob peddler anymore and was just herself. She wrung her hands fending off the first jabs of cold air. Despite how hot they were only moments ago, the cold air had robbed them of their warmth. Touching the metallic bar across the glass door of the grocer sent a chill up her spine as she went inside.

”Good evening, Lin.” The kindly woman sitting behind the counter said after glancing over. She was on a stool next to a portable kerosene heater with a kettle of water atop it lazily puffing out steam. “Want some tea?” Lin smiled and nodded, walking up to the counter and plopping her head down on it in exaggeration.

“Thank you, Mrs. Wu. I’d appreciate it so much.” Lin smiled coming up from her faux collapse. She stood aside while another customer came up to get rung up for their purchases. Lin shared a nod with Mrs. Wu and then began shopping. ‘I am grabbing a couple of these, one of these, a box of these, and…’

“Your tea, dear.” Mrs. Wu said in a kindly voice. She must have been ninety years old and had the look of a short crooked old woman with gray hair in a layered bun of sorts, but her smile was beaming and bright and cut through most of the day's stresses and the tea did the rest as Lin sat across from her cupping the chai. The feeling in her hands returned immediately and the first sip warmed her soul. Mrs. Wu watched her, head tilted and smiling as she came back to life. She frowned and nodded. “She means well, your auntie. But she has lived here too long.” Lin looked up at the suddenly prophetic grocerwoman. “But you will be fine. Just be gentle to yourself and others. Listen to your heart.” The smile returned to Mrs. Wu’s face and she poured a cup for herself. “And drink more tea, dear.” She began to laugh about something. “13.95, young one.” Lin didn’t even know where to begin and took another sip before pulling out her pocketbook.

“How much for the tea?” Lin asked. Mrs. Wu just waved her hand and kicked up laughing again.

“Seeing you warm up and smile after drinking that cup is payment enough for me, child.” Mrs. Wu put her hands on Lin’s. “Come back and drink more when you have a spare moment, will you?” Lin returned the gesture putting her other hand on Mrs. Wu’s. Come to think of it, she had only seen Mrs. Wu sitting here at the grocery since she moved to the area. And that was almost a year ago at this point.

“Yes, grandmother,” Lin said respectfully. They weren’t related, but it was an acknowledgment of  kindness and reverence for the experience of the woman whose hand was between hers. “I will see you tomorrow.”

“The tea will be ready.” She said and made change for her and sent her back on her way.

The tea warmed her heart, but after the first five minutes of the trek home she was soon fending off chills yet again. By the time she was at the foot of the stairwell attached to the outside of the massage parlor, the lights had been shut off totally inside which made her smile and the tips of her fingers were completely numb which made her grimace. She stomped her fluffy boots up the first flight on the way to the third while the wind whistled along the verandas and stairwell and the crinkling of her plastic bag accompanied her.

The second floor was an apartment that her auntie rented for spare cash to cover most of the expenses and taxes for the building itself and the fourth floor was hers. It wasn’t a large plot, but her aunt had worked a long time starting with renting a room in the first floor to eventually the whole floor and over time and greasing palms finally bought the building outright a handful of years ago. Now the third floor apartment belonged to Lin for the foreseeable future. It needed a fair amount of work to get it in as nice a condition as the second floor apartment, which meant it was in disrepair and also conveniently open to stay in.

While a chunk of her earnings were taken to cover her ‘rent’ and ‘utilities’, when they actually worked as expected, Lin was clever and found a way to make some extra money. She convinced her auntie that she was dating a guy and he stayed over sometimes. She didn’t approve of him, but frankly she approved of so little around her and they kept fairly opposite hours so they met infrequently. In actuality, Lin convinced this guy that she was subletting the apartment to him and they would “split the rent and utilities.” He wasn’t very bright, often paid a week or two late on the agreed upon dates, but was one of her best friends in the entire country.

Lin stepped before her apartment door and held her hand above the doorknob letting out a sigh hearing the music from within. And the singing. And what sounded like a maracas or some kind of slapping. He was one of her best friends, but wasn’t the easiest person to live with.


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