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 The ease you felt with your old working partner was nostalgic and exciting at the same time. The conversation didn’t linger on sexy stuff, but she continued to crack jokes about ‘mystic mountain sages’ or ‘magical tea’ which invariably brought the topic, however briefly, back to your cock. When you were had finished off your sixth drink you knew you were nearing your limit. Either you were feeling the age or perhaps you just weren’t fully recovered to handle a night out drinking like you used to be able to. Regardless, you weren’t going to be keeping up with Bev who was polishing off her eighth and still seemed more clear-eyed than you felt.

Over the course of those drinks despite remaining clear-eyed, her posture had become more casual. She stretched out her arms, back and neck after finishing a drink and made those stretches look like they felt really good. Each time she twisted her back to the side the profile of her full breast was all you could focus on. When she reached under her breasts with one arm to grab the other cleavage bulged out and both of her considerable breasts were squished together. More folks were piling into the bar and it was getting warmer. The drinks were catching up with you and she was pulling the collar of her sports shirt to let out hot air with more frequency.

You had been trying to ignore it, but you’d been hard for a drink and a half and had a feeling she was just showing off now. Pressure of your slacks against the erection was starting to cause you discomfort and a few quick glances down shot holes into any hope that you could stand up without showing it off. A single drop of sweat that had beaded on your brow fell down the side of your head between your chest and your shoulder. The music also felt louder as the crowd began talking over the classic rock in the background and the sound of pool balls clacking.

“You feeling alright, bossman? That magic tea messing with your head? Your, uh.” She pointed at your face. “That head?” She smiled and laughed into her glass downing another nice gulp and smiled at you. You shook your head smiling yourself.

“Actually Bev, I kind of do have a bit of a situation. You think you could help me out with it?” You said it with a bit more seriousness than you intended and her calm expression began to sober up as she perked her ears. “I don’t know if it is the tea or what, but I can’t stop staring at you and its really starting to show.”

“Don’t go playing with me now…” She leaned forward and both her hands interlocked around the back of the empty glass she cradled.

“I’m not stupid, Bev. I’ve been watching you all day and listening to everything you’ve said. I am about to burst over here and. Well. What do you say?” You sat there having put your cards on the table hoping that this wasn’t some kind of extreme misinterpretation on your part as another bead of sweat dripped down. She breathed a big deep breath pushing her chest out enough that the dim light overhead of the table cast little shadows under her hardening nipples. She shook her head a bit and laughed under her breath saying something that you couldn’t make out. Grabbing the edge of the table she peeked underneath it looking for something. But when her head popped back up she had a winning smile and a look of total relief across her face.

“You aren’t kidding, are you? Surprised the table hasn’t flipped over or something.” She laughed and sniffed a bit. “I thought I had been laying it on a bit too thick, thank goodness, though.” Her relief was assuring and she leaned forward a bit on one elbow opening up towards the bar gesturing a pen writing in the air at the bartender. They nodded from a distance and she leaned in. “So where we gonna go to pound down that nail of yours sticking up? Bathroom stall? Bed of my truck? Roof? Right here?” She laughed after running through the list of places. She had gone from a somewhat bashful girl to a hungry woman in the time it took her to turn away and back again. The images flew through your head as she rattled off where you two were going to ‘pound down’ your ‘nail’. You could feel the precum spot of dampness forming already while she raised an eyebrow at you.

So where is it going to be?



Still a couple days left! Looking like either the roof or calling a cab back to hers! But anything could happen!


Thanks to everyone who voted! Looks like things will move to the roof! Look forward to the next part of the CYOA story.