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Hey there Patron! How are ya?

Please read this teaser before proceeding if you are interested in the poll. It pertains to something that happens in the story.

 What did you think about the head hopping (Changing first person perspective from the male main character to the 'Boss' character)? Pick any that apply!



It would help immensely if you made it more obvious the switch was about to happen rather than let people work it out half way through the first sentence or later. Something as simple as a title like "'s point of view" or just their name. It also helps if it's been a thing from the start but we all gotta experiment and learn starting somewhere. But as for if it's hot or not, I came.


Really good points and wonderful feedback that I appreciate a lot. Thank you. Head hopping is almost a taboo in writing because it's tough to do well. Stratifying the change more clearly is a good idea and I think after he passes out from pleasure having something more concrete there to ready the reader is something I will work on. There are another couple hops but only between those two characters planned so far. I'll work on making it more clear so readers can be more ready to accept a new body and mindset before it happens. I'm glad at the very least it was worthy of your pleasure! Thanks as always for your comments and participation in polls.