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Getting into the good stuff now, my dear patron.

After being away from the story for so long it has been satisfying and kind of electrifying to jump back into Experimental Medicine. I had almost forgotten how extreme things had gotten and it is quite intense.  I like it!  Also in this teaser, there is an additional point of view added!  A bit of head hopping!  

I am going to put out a small poll asking about that and see what you think later on. Kind of a side note, sorry about the slow updates on the CYOA. The last week or two have been busy for me and work has picked up a bit. My mind has just been elsewhere regarding a lot of things. Happy to be making good progress on this final chapter. I am a bit nervous to reveal the conclusion, but I hope that you will all enjoy it. Got quite a ways to go before that time, but hopefully, these teasers are giving you plenty of fun images and enjoyable feelings.

 Please enjoy the next two thousand or so words of EM10~!



“I have you in this rack because I don’t want you to succumb to the testosterone-fueled rage that happens, and because this angle is best for sample collecting. See?” She pointed out the fact that I was right at the perfect level for the machine to suck me off with it’s slippery and, now warm, sleeve at a nice even pace. I felt like I was going to blow any minute. “There are also some other benefits to you being in this apparatus.” She reached up and pulled down a pair of hoses just within range of my lips if I leaned forward a little. “This one is cool, fresh water.” It was. “And this one is, well, my milk.” It was! She blushed a little bit. “There isn’t as much milk as water, but I am working on that right now.” She smiled flatly gesturing to the trickles of milk squirting down her breasts which hung down to just above her navel.

“And how long will I be here?” I asked again. She paused letting me continue without answering. “And the bed?” She remained silent and smiled before turning her attention to the control panel on the rack I was in. She twisted the knobs on the masturbation machine a little bit and the intensity rose for just a few seconds and I came hard grunting and gritting my teeth. Thoughts of questions vanished in the wake of intense pleasure. Semen was forced from my balls as the sucker greedily drank up my ejaculation before it even finished spitting out of the end of my dick. I could feel it being pulled through over thirty-six inches of hard cock like a bundle of sparklers through a pipe. After fifteen seconds of ejaculation I felt the intensity go back to normal and blinked my eyes wildly looking around.

“You will be here as long as it takes.” She looked at me from an angle where bright light illuminated the frames of her lenses so all I could see was whiteness as she addressed me. “You will be here as long as I say you need to be and you will like it, my dear.” Her wide smile unnerved me and aroused me at the same time as the intensity of my orgasm slowly faded into the build up of the next one.  “I will be here for most of the time, so we can chat if you’d like. But I am a very busy woman so don’t expect me to dote on you all the time. The quicker you cum the sooner this is all over.”

She walked over to a computer on her desk which had a variety of wires running along the corner of the walls towards the large tanks and who knows what else and she smiled turning around.

“Close to five liters. Not bad at all. Only 995 to go. Drink up.” She said from across the room and I sipped the water for a while and then took a few pulls of her sweet milk. Then I was certain that this was all for the best.

“Take it to two. Please.” I said in as steady a voice as I could as she smiled and twisted the knobs gently and the thing squeezed and jerked me faster and harder than before.

I had come maybe ten, twenty, fifty times. I lost track. The line on the tank’s clear strip of glass indicating the general depth didn’t even seem to move any more although it wiggled each time I let loose. Each time another thick wad was sucked forcefully from me and splashed into the tank. I was generally drinking water non stop and only when my sexual morale felt low did I dare waste any of the milk that I knew came from the Doctor’s own breast. It was creamy sweet on my lips and filled me with a fire that renewed my vigor. Each time I took a gulp of her gift I could feel it sliding down my throat with a sweet warmth that began to fill my nuts as they produced cum in overdrive. She left after the second or third orgasm and came back now and again making small talk or tweaking the intensity knob up to three teasing me to orgasm now and again. She would squirt more of the clear gel into the sleeve or readjust of the sucker on my tip when I mentioned something. She always complimented me and told me I was doing well and treatment was proceeding smoothly.

Each time she left and came back her breasts seemed to grow larger and larger until they were down past her waist. She was cursing a lot and the milk was pouring from her nipples and she had to pump them non stop, often working at her desk filling up a small vat of her own as I continued to fill up mine. Then she started to get smaller again. I couldn’t believe how quickly she grew and shrank. She must have been on one of her own medicines or something to make milk for me. She was making sacrifices I couldn’t have asked for. She really was taking this treatment seriously. I drank water furiously interspersed with sparing pulls of her precious milk and resolved to fill up my balls as much as possible so I could rid myself of this ailment once and for all and resume a normal life.

There was an echoing sound after each time she left beyond just her footsteps down the hallway. After she walked down the brick hallway and it faded after a while, they would fade back and I could hear the ringing of a bell on a door. It came from a different direction and had a metallic reverberation accompanying it. There must have been a vent near my head or something because I thought I heard her walking in and out of the door, getting a breath of fresh air or something, and dealing with delivery drivers or talking on her phone.

Once there was a sound of an argument. Three female voices had accosted and complained to the doctor about something. I could only hear a few snippets of the conversation before orgasm took me again and I fell back into my dream of pleasure which had become a happy place for me during the duration of this intense treatment. Thinking clearly was becoming more and more difficult for me as hours felt like days lost in endless orgasm.

“Trish, help Valentina out of the car. Time to give this bitch a piece of our minds.” I said kicking a shiny black heel out of my brand new car. My legs looked great and although my typical black, gray, and white plaid skirt was tight, it still covered everything I needed it to and was professional enough to wear at work although the office had been closed since the incident. I had put the whole staff on paid leave. It was the right thing to do although almost all of them were certainly going to enjoy the ‘bonus’ that awaited them after that mad rush on the pond of his cum in my shower.

My breasts bounced with each step I took. I didn’t step lightly, I knew who I was and knew I was in charge. I wanted something, I’d get it. That’s how I rolled. The vest propping up my huge mounds reinforced my hourglass shape emphasized by the soft fat beach balls I managed to conceal inside of a hastily purchased white button down. Gold bracelets jingled on my wrists and I pursed my lips pulling out a compact to check my makeup. My hair looked great, the tight blonde bob was exactly how I liked it and swayed and bounced while keeping its sharp shape. It wasn’t easy to do. I couldn’t stop staring at the few blemishes and wrinkles that countless creams and a flawless moisturizing regime couldn’t keep away. What can you do? Forty is the new Thirty they say, and I wasn’t even forty yet but it was on the horizon. Otherwise my makeup looked fine, some light eyeliner and mascara and just a little color to make my eyes and cheeks pop. I had nice cheekbones, but doubted anyone would be looking at them anytime soon.

“Can she stand? Do we need the chair?” I barked at Trish. She looked like a mess. She didn’t know when enough was enough and had enough trouble walking on her own with breasts easily twice as big as mine. All she could wear was oversized t-shirts and sweatshirts and sweatpants from the look of it and I pitied her for it. ‘This is what you get for crossing the greed line, eh?’ I thought while watching her struggle to wrench Valentina free from my back seat. Valentina, on the other hand, was the ultimate example of self gratification. It looked like she had two full sized yoga balls on her lap at all times and we had to bring a wheelchair to move her around since she was largely immobile and only finally stopped growing a day or so ago. When she didn’t have enough strength to stand up on her own anymore we decided enough was enough.

“Can you get the chair? By the time I slide her to the edge of the seat you should be ready.” Trish said in a mousy voice. She was going to end up like Val, I could feel it. The only reason she didn’t was because that damned orgy found its way into my office. I shook my head and sneered at the clinic while pulling out the chair remembering it. Chair set, I helped Trish pull Val into the wheelchair and she got settled, cleavage up to her neck and hugging her cheeks her breasts were so huge. If one of those things slipped off her lap she’d end up on the ground unable to move so we had to push her slow and easy. Each tiny bump sent bouncing ripples along the expanses of her exposed cleavage. We bought the biggest and stretchiest clothes we could find, and she could wear the oversized yoga tights, but that was it. No shirt fit her and we just throw a large white sheet over her and tucked it around her waist and behind her back so a stiff breeze didn’t reveal the gigantic tits she was saddled with.

We walked up to the door of the clinic where the blinds were drawn down with no light inside even though it was only about 5 or 6:00 in the evening. It said that on the hours that this place is open until 9:00 but apparently it had been closed. I looked at the window and there was a sign taped to the glass that said there were some renovations being done or something like that and they wouldn't be open during regular business hours for the foreseeable future. I looked over from it to the girls as Trish wheeled Val up to the door catching up to me.

“Can you believe this? You think this is going to stop me? He has to be here. It's the only explanation." I said loudly enough to arouse somebody inside. There was a car in the parking lot and it wasn't my old car so I had a feeling that she was actually here. That Doctor.

I read the sign again after pounding on the glass and waiting for a few minutes and realized there was a number that I was supposed to call so I pulled out my phone called asking what the status of this branch was. The guy on the other end of the line said that the place is closed for renovations as the sign said and basically told me that nobody was inside the building. I told him that he was crazy and that our friend was in there and he said it wasn't possible but he would look into it. I thanked him and proceeded to continue pounding on the glass and ringing the doorbell non-stop for at least a full minute. I was getting more and more irritated and my bra was digging into my nipples and the sides of my breasts annoying me. All the properly fitted ones were being custom made and wouldn’t arrive for another week or two.

Finally after what felt like ten minutes of ringing this damned doorbell I heard the sound of a door opening and shutting inside of whatever the lobby was and I saw fingers split the blinds open. Women’s eyes peered through red glasses through the blinds and after taking stock of our trio, opened in great surprise. The eyes went from surprised to astonished after taking stock again and then she closed the blinds and proceeded to unlock the door. The woman opened up the door. She was short and looked vaguely asian with a short black bob haircut. It was similar to mine but it was black and straight, while mine was kind of curled at the ends hooking in. She was actually kind of cute in that sexy-nurse kind of way and her breasts were gigantic. As big as Trish's maybe even a little bigger, but she moved with more grace than Trish did who was heaving and carrying her chest like luggage when she got tired. I could hear a distant strange mechanical sound when she opened the door before she spoke.

“Can I help you? Are you trying to break down my door or something? We are closed for renovations.” She said plainly while using the door to shield half of her body trying to block the doorway partly.

“I'm pretty sure you know who I am and I'm pretty sure I know who you are. Dr. Michelle Cuunis I presume?” I held up his phone that he left in my office and there were communications between the two of them and she spoke very familiarly with him. She rolled her eyes letting out an exasperated sigh and swung open the door fully ushering us in with an annoyed head nod. “Thank you.” I said with a shit-eating grin and strode in looking the place over like I owned it.


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