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Having a nice start to the week? I sincerely hope so my dear Patron.

I decided to stop being lazy and finally cranked out the next bit of the CYOA story. It is still slow burn, but doesn't have to be for long! Depending on what you choose of course. Also, instead of just having blanks for names I am going to choose something which I think fits the vibe of a character and leave the final choice to you. Also going to start throwing in some gag answers as well. Maybe it will bite me (and us) in the future, but that is part of the fun.

Just hoping for two names this time around and then what to do next. I am hoping to keep things going along similar lines to this going forward so the turnaround is a bit quicker. I will post a bit more of Jumbo Juice 2 later on this week as well.


Decisions from the previous poll: You are a new construction manager. The person who saved you was a friend from a while back. You decide to disobey instinct and drink double the recommended tea amount. The Shrine Maiden’s name is Mai.

The bag of well used tools felt heavy in your grip as you shut off the lights and locked up. With your large beat up plastic red and white thermos in one hand and the tools and your keys in the other it wasn’t an easy proposal, but you managed it. You were recently cleared by the doctor for less strenuous physical labor which included driving and visiting job sites, but not doing any actual work. The muted clatter of the ice cubes inside the thermos accompanied the bumps and bobbing of your truck's suspension as smooth asphalt gave way to ruts of a rain-worn gravel and dirt road. The music on the stereo dimmed to barely audible background noise as the loud ring of your phone sounded through the stereo. A glance down from the taller grasses and overgrowth on the sides of the road gave you enough time to find your phone and swipe accept.

“Hey (A) Bev. What’s up? I’m about five or ten out.” You said with both hands back on the wheel and taking in the surroundings. The overgrown fields on either side of the bumpy gravel road stretched towards a small copse of woods on the foothills in the distance.

“Good to hear. The crew will be glad to have you around. Road bumpy enough for you?” She huffed a laugh hearing the stones kicking up and pinging against the undercarriage of the truck. A smile crossed your face, reliable as ever, that Beverly. She had been your number one foreman on every site when you were a site manager and she was more than ready to manage and due her shot. Although you have worked together for years this was kind of the first day in a lot of ways since you were a managing director now. In charge of it all. Dealing with the planner, and liaising with the site manager when the planner wasn’t available. Which they weren’t since there wasn’t one. You knew ahead of time that most of the ‘upper’ management positions would be your responsibility until the projects started rolling in the parent company deemed it necessary. It wasn’t normally a big deal and this was a big opportunity that your old friend, a representative in that parent company, set up for you.

“Plenty bumpy. I can feel it in my back already. Might as well just turn around and call it a day.” You strained your voice grumbling playfully, inciting belly laughter from Bev.

“Didn’t even take a day and you are already settling into your big wig position. I bet you didn’t even bother bringing your tool belt either, eh boss?” She cracked a joke and you knew that even in the months you’d been away, over negotiations to bring Bev and much of her team into your new operation and all the serious talk and paperwork that went into it, she was still Bev.

“Obviously. I just brought a canteen of whisky and a chair with an umbrella. You know how it is. Heavy weighs the crown. So what’s up?” You played along. But jokes aside she called for a reason and you got on with some details about how to start things up and what the plan was. You were talking right until you pulled onto the site and were motioned in a general direction to park up your truck.

Hopping out of the truck and strapping on your tool belt you took a long pull from your half gallon canteen. The tea was supposed to be hot, but you figured it might be delicious cold as well and you were right. Leaving it in the truck for the time being, you grabbed a small briefcase, threw on a hard hat, and approached the site and the congregation of workers, foreman, and staff gathered.

There was light applause for your revival and then Beverly addressed the crowd. She was a big woman wearing jean overalls over top of a stretchy white sports shirt and simple beat up brown boots. She wasn’t quite burly, but more sporty with defined muscled arms from working for many years. The tied back curls of her dark brown hair tumbling from her scuffed white hard hat swung around as she looked in your direction.

“And here he is. The man of the hour, right on. Well, just about on time.” The crowd chuckled at her jest. “But as you all know, this is actually an important day for a lot of reasons. It is the first job for our new unit under a new banner, although many of us have been together for a long time.” There were some cheers and grunts of acknowledgement from the crowd of about a dozen men and women in similar hard hatted attire or jump suits as Bev. “It is also the first day on the job for Mr. Fancypants big Director over there as well!” There were cheers and laughs as they looked in your direction and you gave a friendly nod and laughed with your team. “Congratulations and thanks for having us on. We all know there are risks to starting fresh, but already under your leadership we are looking at better working conditions and compensation as well so there is no doubt that each of us and our families are happy for that.” Bev’s voice got serious and the atmosphere got serious in a sentimental way as she spoke up about a lot of things that you promised, based on things that were promised to you as well. “Lastly, although this is our boss and he is wearing a belt like the rest of us, it is all for show. This guy got his last promotion by sacrificing himself to save a fellow worker and it is actually a miracle he’s even standing right now. So don’t you dare let him swing a hammer or this whole thing is going tits up! Welcome back!” The cheers of support and admiration for you and your situation and turning it around were palpable.

“Thanks, team. Bev. For the wonderful support and your tireless work. Thanks as well for taking the gamble along with me starting this thing out. A lot of people think of my accident as a sad story, and I will admit having crushed my entire pelvis wasn’t fun, but something great came from this.” You held out your arms motioning to the crew and the hope of new beginnings before them all.

“A new girlfriend after you saved her life?” Bev cracked, lightening up the mood. You shook your head laughing and met Bev’s bright eyes which hinted at hesitant anticipation. You never realized it until that very moment and were caught off guard. The crowd started to quiet, signalling you to go on.

“No, no. Nothing like that. Not yet at least.” An overwrought wink in Bev’s direction drew some laughs from the crowd and her reaction was a mix of happiness and relief sprinkled with unease. “But the full backing of her parent company’s support is financing all of this so if getting my pelvis crushed brought this whole thing about and can make all our lives better, so be it. I didn’t give up during my rehabilitation and blew the docs away when I started walking and climbing the endless steps of the old shrine a little ways down the road from here. They said I’d never walk again. Might not do a lot of things again. But I proved them wrong and I will admit I am still pretty raw from the experience, but I can still swing a hammer!” You cheered while hoisting up the hammer pulled from your belt. After a mock swing you jokingly pretended it took all the wind out of your sails and then popped back to reassure the crowd before holstering it again.

“Alright enough out of this guy. Go set up your beach chair and let us get to work, will ya?” Bev waved a hand in his direction with a glint in her eye smiling at you.

“You heard the boss. Do us proud, team. And don’t mind me. Just don’t feel like a job has started unless I am walking around the site, you get it I’m sure.” You added to the group and twirled an open hand tipping an invisible hat in Beverly’s direction. One last moment you shared eye contact and that smile and she blinked and immediately switched gears into the foreman you remembered her as and she doled out tasks with snaps, claps, and back pats. The operation kicked off smooth as silk and all you had to do was watch it.

Beverly watched her foreman gather their teams and work got started soon after. When she was satisfied, she sidled up next to you patting your shoulder and giving it a squeeze with her gloved hand.

“Bossman. Crushed your freaking pelvis? I had no idea! I knew it was something with your back, but didn’t know that girder crushed you. Cheese and rice, man.” Bev’s sympathy was authentic bordering on horrified. “When my foot got crushed back in the day I thought that was gruesome. I couldn’t imagine. I mean, you were under sheets the whole time when I visited you so I had no idea-” Dropping that bomb during the morning assembly clearly took her off guard and it came through in her voice. She let her hand drop from your shoulder and perched them on her hips as she listened on.

“Yeah, it was touch and go for quite a while. I seriously got lucky. They told me to expect to be paralyzed from the waist down. I still don’t have a lot of feeling down there. All pins and needles, but rehab has been doing wonders.” You nodded and slowly brought your gaze from the workers working on foundation and calling trucks in to start pouring cement. When you met her eyes again, she was shaking her head with an open mouthed smile at the incredulous words.

“Shit, man. Well good for you. You don’t even look worse for wear besides having lost a bit of weight and muscle maybe!” She smiled and pinched your biceps through the clean light blue button down shirt you wore, scuffing it. “Sorry about that.” She said upon noticing the mark.

“No big deal. Director or not, I will be on site when I can and people in meetings will have to deal with it. I’m still me, Bev. Don’t worry.” Your look assured her and she smiled genuinely wondering if she had bumped into some new boundary now that the pair of you were both technically one or two more levels up in the food chain than before. “You were worried about what was going on under my sheets at the hospital were you?” The smirk you cracked disarmed her serious mode and she crossed her arms across under her chest. Ample bosom hefted up against white fabric pressing against the two thick blue straps of the overalls.

“Listen to you. Of course I was. I need to know if our director has balls enough to keep the team going. At least as big as mine!” She was still untouchable and jovial as always. Having Bev running things was the assurance that you knew it’d be. You couldn’t help but laugh and shake your head.

“Well, I don’t know how you manage a site, but if comparing balls with the director is some kind of factor for raising morale we can discuss it. My door is always open and if you need anything let me know.” You were pretty slick yourself. In your own way at least, you thought. Just as Bev was about to say something there was a ring on your phone and she stopped. You waited to hear what she was going to say, but she shook her head and insisted you take the call.

“I will catch up with you later, Bossman. Good to see you upright again and on the job.” She said taking one more look at you before heading off to the job site while you pulled out your phone. It was (B) Trisha.

“Hey Trish, to what do I owe the pleasure?” You said jovially while walking back towards your truck. All that talking had you thirsty already and the sun was beating down on you.

“Just checking to see if Mr. Hero got the warm reception he deserved on his first day back.” She said in a playful and kind voice. “I trust everything is up to par for you?”

“Better than I could have imagined and the crew is ecstatic at the possibilities. I really think this will be a win-win for both of us. Thanks again Trisha. I owe you, for all of this.” You were sincere since she was gambling on you as much as you were on the new team and all of it. Nothing was a done deal and the parent company still hadn’t committed to anything long term, but if the results were there, the sky was the limit.

“For the man who saved my life, anything.” She said warmly before breaking into business chat and you two squared away a couple of details that would need to be cleared up during the day. “Also, let’s get together a little later on when you get settled in. We can have a face to face.” She ended the conversation after casually dropping so much on your plate. Looks like it was going to be an actual full day of work after all. Which it was. By lunchtime you drank all that tea and filled up the water again and kept drinking. By two or three o’clock you started to feel a pain in your stomach and a bit lightheaded. People insisted you take lots of breaks and drink water, which you did. Just the first day jitters and being out in the sun all day as opposed to the one or two hours of rehab. It was a lot of phone calls, the occasional chat with Bev, and a little walking around and light mentoring, but a good day overall.

Towards the end of the day you were exhausted and sitting on the bed of your truck with a small station with papers laid out covered in various rocks, bags, and tools to keep them from blowing away. As you cleaned up the spread absent-mindedly your thoughts were dancing back and forth Between Bev, Trish, and the miko at the shrine, Mai. You felt the heat welling up from your stomach and wondered if you were going to throw up. Maybe it was acid reflux or something, the burritos they brought for lunch were pretty rough, but you didn’t think you’d gone that soft. The burning sensation which you feared was going to be something worse had you standing up and tiptoeing towards the port o potty as a ball of energy, pressure, and heat sank blending into your pelvic area.

You had to stop in the spot to try and feel your insides and determine if this was a situation you needed to start running for, or just some false alarm. The sensation passed and you were pretty sure you weren’t going to mess your pants, the back of them at least, when your dick started to thicken and fill with hot blood. ‘Woah woah woah, what’s all this?’ You thought as you looked around to see what was going on while turning back to the truck. In a matter of seconds you felt yourself swell to full hardness unnaturally fast and it almost hurt. ‘Oh crap. Ouch. Agh.’ You intoned trying to shuffle your belt and pants around to make space for the sudden and aggressive erection. Sticking your ass out and resting with your elbows and chin on the tailgate of your truck with your feet forward ended up being the best position and you felt relief, but sweat was pouring down your face. And you were horny. Unbelievably horny.  

Since the tea’s effects helped with your rehabilitation and you started to get stronger and more sensitive erections you had tried to take care of it in the mornings, but something changed. This was different and it almost hurt. The inside of your pants felt hot and steamy like everything was sunburned and radiating heat, but the undercurrent to all of it was desperation to get off.

“Hey Bossman.” Bev said from behind you and you straightened up. “Got a minute? You alright?” She said standing there, arms crossed under her breasts again looking tired from a long day. You waved her over to join you and stood up straight with your waist against the tailgate to hide your throbbing erection which couldn’t be hidden. It was straining against the fabric with small rhythmic pushes like a tent threatening to burst through at the tip.

“Just a day’s work hitting me. Forgot how hot it gets out here sometimes. What’s up?” You tried to remain casual while dabbing your head with a towel and taking a drink.

“Long day indeed. I feel like you were on the phone or talking to the crew or me pretty much the whole time. Despite those jabs this morning, trust me, I see you out here and thank you for it.” She said leaning back against the tailgate resting her elbows on it looking from the site over to your eyes. The late day sun was setting roughly behind her and the silhouette of her was pleasing and when she inhaled you could see the outline of her chest rising against the straps of her overalls digging in like a seat belt. Your cock ached and you had to dab your brow again and take a breath or focus on your cleaning up to stop yourself from staring.

“Thanks, Bev. I knew you were the right woman for the job. None of this would be possible without you. They all look up to you out there. I have a feeling we are going to make an even better team than before.” Your words were heartfelt. This was your number one and if today was any indicator, everyone was going to be much happier once the jobs started rolling in.

“Thanks Bossman. I think so too. Hey, you wanna go grab some drinks tonight? I mean if the doctor gave you the OK or whatever? We could always get you a shirley temple if you want that instead. Hah.” Her voice was surprisingly shaky when she proposed the drinks. Very unlike her since normally she would be a rally leader that brought the troops over to the bar on her own. “When was the last time you actually got to go out, right? Finally got some steam built up in there from a day of working. Why not blow it off right away, right?” She smiled her smirkish grin in your direction looking equal portions exhausted from a long day and nervously excited.

 (C) What should you do?


Choose what you want! Multiple choices are OK!

(A) What is the name of your Site manager? (Bev)

(B) What is the name of your old friend/parent company contact (Trish)

(C) What is the next move?



Taking a peek a couple hours before the end of the poll and I am thankful you trust in my naming conventions! As far as Bev is going, its 2 votes for shrine and 3 to go out for drinks with her. Interesting to see if there are last minute folks out there. Thanks as always for voting!