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Greetings dear Patron!

I am feeling pretty good today. I had a busy few days and have just felt so dragged down and tired, but I turned a bit of a corner I think. Letting go of a few things and allowing myself to move past some others I think. This and that getting a bit easier around the home and such. Anyway.

I know there are some mixed feelings about the Sebastian series and I kind of have a few ideas why, since it feels kind of like a superman situation perhaps. Too good to be true, everything too perfect. But it is fun to enjoy that wonderful ride sometimes. Which brings me to today's offering. I was contacted to write a story following Jessica, the booty-licious instagrammer from Jumbo Juice, the female counterpart to Sebastian in book two.  There were other requests as well which introduce a pair of scientists and one thing led to another and now we have a bit of a spinoff/sequel to the story.  I am wondering if this is going to end up becoming a 'Sebastian-verse' scenario like some avengers kind of thing. That was kind of what Band camp was in all honesty, but I digress.

There are a few new elements in this story that I don't really follow too closely, but as I wrote about them felt like I was plucking a few strings which I could see resonating with folks. I wonder what you think about it?

 It kind of fleshes out Jessica as more (Ayy) as a character in her own right with her own motivations and things going on outside of 'gramming and working at a juice bar. And having a rocking fat ass she loves showing off. It also introduces a pair of scientists who are good at what they do, but have a very lax attitude (They are best 'bros') and perhaps a few feelings that haven't been touched upon until the events of this story take place. For people who are sensitive to this kind of contact, the only booty getting any serious loving is Jessica's, so don't fear too much. I wonder if my futa adventures have been too strong a turnoff for a lot of people so getting into this yet new territory might be a big leap. But not a regular one unless there is demand for it of course.

I will have CYOA ready for next week and either the rest of this or perhaps a sneak peek at experimental medicine to follow shortly after that.

Please enjoy the first few chapters of JJ2!

Ta ta~


JJ2 The Outlier

“Her fat-to-muscle distribution is showing such extreme deviation in concentrated areas.” The short doctor with dark hair said, sitting at the workspace he shared with his partner. He was scrolling through a series of pictures featuring the subject of their study, looking over them with great interest. His partner, a lean man with close-cropped dirty blond hair with nearly white tips, kicked off and glided across the smooth lab floor in his office chair to park up beside him.

“And here we hypothesized it was going to have subtle side effects.” A smile crossed his face as the glare of the screen’s pictures scrolled before his eyes. He nodded and stood up putting playful hands on his partner’s shoulders giving them a few squeezes. “She might be the key.”

“Doctor Hooke, I believe you may be right.” Said the dark-haired scientist in a self-important mocking tone while standing up and reaching out an open hand to his partner smiling. Dr. Isaac Hooke, or Zac, smiled and nodded then assumed a faux air of professionalism suddenly grasping his partner’s hand.

“Dr. Lee, this will be a breakthrough of momentous portent!” He pointed up with his unshaken hand into the air sending the declaration to greater heights. They held the gag up for another few seconds and then began to double over in laughter before sitting back down in their chairs around the PC. “Dude, we need to pop by the franchise she works at. Where is it?” Zac said, sitting reversed in his lab chair drumming the plastic backrest and bobbing his head.

“Looks like… Hmm…” Dr. Lee focused his attention on another screen which had the personnel of all Jumbo Juice workers and found her profile easily and brought it up on screen. “Looks like her name is Jessica Addison. Works downtown. About an hour or two from here. Not bad.” He said while going through her employee profile and info about the franchise.

“Noice. I can’t believe we found someone who reacted so quickly. Maybe working out helps activate it.” Zac said putting his chin in his hand and glancing at his partner for a reaction. “Lou?”

“Potentially.” Responded Louis Lee in a thoughtful tone, “We need to interview her first and get some data. But I have a feeling you might be right.” He smiled and took off his glasses rubbing his eyes. “Finally!”

“She’s smoking hot, too. That doesn’t hurt either.” Isaac said, raising an eyebrow. Lee looked at him with a serious face for a minute, finally done rubbing his eyes. He held the look until it broke into a wide smile smile matching Zac's, and they kept on laughing talking about the boundless potential.

JJ2 By Design

Jess was waving goodbye to her boyfriend biting her lip as he passed out of the open double doors being held by a pair of guys who nodded at him. 'Anyway, back to work.' She sighed while sizing up the next customers, the pair who held the door for her boyfriend Sebastian. One looked kind of nerdy and was on the shorter side, not even as tall as her boyfriend. The other one wasn't not handsome, but acted all loud and goofy cracking some joke to his buddy as they approached the counter. They were both wearing the same dark green jackets like some frat buddies or something. She took a deep breath and got ready to deal with them hoping for the best.

Jessica was sort of an influencer on instagram and had a few thousand followers. She was doing well enough to earn a bit of money every month from it and her job here at the local Jumbo Juice franchise rounded out the money she needed for rent, loans, and other necessities. She loved working out, improving her body, and showing off her gains and losses. She was more than aware of how much guys and girls drooled over her photos and loved obliging them. She was more than happy to post suggestive pictures to bring them back again and again and it worked. She had a rocking body and her dedication to going to the gym, eating healthy foods, and keeping up with trends only increased her attractiveness. She shifted her weight from one thick-thighed hip to the other and stood up from her elbows as the pair approached the counter. Her shining work smile appeared on her face and she greeted her customers.

“Welcome to Jumbo Juice! How can I help you guys?” Her voice was friendly, if not a bit forced since it was getting near the end of her shift. Working out, playing on social media all day, and doing this job took it out of her and she was actually pretty beat.

“Hey there, I’ll take a medium Strawberry Splash. What kind of supplements do you recommend?” The shorter nerdy guy said without even looking at the menu. His eyes were locked onto hers while she ran through a memorized list of the various supplements and flavor packages. She added in further detail after each one explaining how adding this or that would increase vitamins, minerals, proteins, and more.

“..and my personal favorite, ‘Nature’s Bounty’. It is new, but not very popular. People just think it is almond milk, but it has so many benefits.” She said, really selling it. She took a deep breath after reciting the litany and her chest puffed up a bit under the apron and she smiled proud of herself for getting it out in one breath.

"Impressive memory." Zac said, acknowledging the feat while scanning the menu very carefully.

“You really know how to talk it up. I will take one of those, make it a double actually.” Lee responded with a smile. When she started talking up Nature’s Bounty, a supplement line that Lee and Zac had designed themselves, watching her extol it filled them with pride.

“Yeah, I will take one of those, too. Make mine a Jumbo, uhh,” Zac was looking at her modest chest searching for a nametag, finding it after a too long pause, “Jess! Thanks!” Jess rolled her eyes a bit at the big show and Lee looked over at his friend through the side of his eyes.

“No problem, uhh,” Jess mimicking the awkward gawker with her mouth open in jest and was surprised to find a name embroidered on his jacket pocket. “Isaac!” She noticed that there was an understated logo for Jumbo Juice above his name as well in that instant and a pang of fear shot through her. Was this guy some kind of secret shopper or district manager or something? And she just finished mocking him? Her eyes shot up at him and he was still all smiles. She realized the color of their matching jackets was identical to Jumbo Juice’s logo and internally smacked her head for overlooking it. “Oh my gosh! Are you guys here to check the place out or something? Should I get my boss?” She began to panic a bit and look around. They both began waving their hands emphatically to the contrary and tried to calm down the energy by striking up a conversation.

“Nothing like that at all actually. We are from the research department and were pleasantly surprised at how highly you spoke of the supplement we designed. I’m Louis Lee and this is my co-worker, Isaac Hooke.” Lee explained while Jess nodded, listening thoughtfully, mostly glad to not be in trouble.

“So you guys are just here to see if your supplement is selling or not? Don’t they have all that data in the computer or something?” Jess started.

“Actually, we heard that you are quite an upcoming influencer on insta and were wondering if you’d be open to having a chat about opportunities along those lines." Zac spoke up and smiled. Another co-worker of Jess’ who was making their drinks was kind of listening in. He looked at her and winked.

“It’s nothing serious, just making sure a cup shows up in a pic here and there, the occasional mention or @ to the company account, no big deal. It could be a lucrative opportunity and a chance to try new supplements before they come out and stuff.” Lee explained consummately. Jess had a thoughtful look and just as she was about to ask, Zac's business card was already between his fingers in her direction. It had all the official signage and stuff on it and when she checked later on, the addresses all matched up. Their pictures were on the website for the research team and everything. They were legit.

“Your opinion and feedback could also shape the future of the brand, of course,” Zac mentioned.

“Contact us using any of those methods if you're interested. If we hear nothing, then that is totally fine too. Thanks for all that you do for the company already.” Lee said and also smiled and nodded at the other girl walking up behind Jess. She gave them their drinks and they said a few more pleasantries and headed off.

“I think she’ll do it, man,” Zac said with enthusiasm after they cleared the front glass of the windows and walked down the street a bit. They weaved through people on the sidewalk along the main drag of the college town sipping on the bounty.

“Let’s hope so, my dude. She would be perfect.” Lee said taking a nice pull of the splash. He recoiled a little bit smacking his pallet a few times. “It’s more sour than I remember. We need to work on that.”

JJ2 Growing Data

They had a simple contract signed by early October after a series of emails, phone calls, and one meeting in person. They gave her a bunch of initial gifts like hats, shirts, cups, and all kinds of merch with branding on it. The two scientists also explained more details about the supplements with a fair amount of data on her favorite, Nature’s Bounty.

For the rest of October, she slipped in more and more shots of cups in her posts and threw the occasional @ to the company. Before long it ramped up to talking about the supplements in detail and what they did for her workouts and beauty routines. She was also privately keeping detailed reports of how much she drank and if she noticed any changes, per their request.

That was also another opportunity she opted to join in on besides the social media angle. She was testing out the various new supplements and noting if she felt any differences or the like. It was easy work and she had been doing most of that record-keeping already since she was actually majoring in Health and Nutrition. Being very particular about her diet and workout schedule meant for accurate assessments. Making a few modifications to her diet to fit in a few more smoothies was a mostly painless endeavor. She knew right away that taking in more sugar was going to impact her looks. Despite the more natural sweeteners that most smoothies used from the fruits and plants in them, they were still high in sugar. She naturally thickened up a little bit as time went on.

Her data was to be sent through e-mail and discussed in a follow-up chat over a video call in the evenings. She would get in touch with them once every week or so to report her findings. The timing that seemed to work for them the best always seemed to be after she worked out. Their schedule was pretty busy at the research lab and she didn’t mind the timing either.

“So yeah, besides getting a little flabbier around my butt and thighs despite all the leg presses I am doing, no major changes. I will take more measurements for you later on.” Jess said while toweling herself off. The two researchers were looking at her video on their computer. The square showed her backed against a painted brick wall, sweaty and hot fresh from the workout. Her hair was tied back tight and she was wearing a thick gray sports bra. It was dark from sweat and glistening tanned cleavage filled much of the lower half of the screen. She was no stranger to showing off online or in person it seemed.

“Excellent. Thanks as always for the reports and your cooperation. The release of your recent posts has begun to show correlations with increased sales, too, by the way. Jumbo Juice has agreed to add an addendum to the contract if you are interested.” Dr. Lee said with a straight face, wearing his lab coat and glasses with his hair tied back as well.

“Basically it's more money to keep doing the same thing since you are gaining popularity. Also, we have another opportunity if you want to hear more about it. More stuff with supplements.” Dr. Hooke always broke things down more easily and came off a bit more agreeable than Lee. She laughed and shook her head putting a towel up to her face in complete surprise staring at the camera. Her headphones popped out and went somewhere and she began to scramble to get them. They realized she was sitting on the ground when she crawled halfway off screen and only her big round butt was in front of the camera. It was stained with a patch of sweat splitting her tight yoga pants in half so that only the very outsides seemed to be dry. Her booty cheeks shook around like someone trying to see who was on the other side of the camera moving back and forth sporadically. Either the camera was too close or her butt was just so big that it took up most of the screen. She got set again apologizing and ending her scramble finally popping the earbuds back in.

“I can’t believe it!” She said in an overtly loud voice resuming her previous excitement. Her headphones were in and it was an internet call and the gym’s internet left a little bit to be desired. The sound of clinking weights broke the constant whirring of treadmill footfalls and stationary bikes.

“Well, please review the addendum, and if you like what you see there, we will need to arrange a meeting in person. Nothing serious, but there are some sensitive matters that we can't discuss over e-mail and such. Company secrets, you know.” Lee smiled while facetiously whispering towards the end with Hooke nodding beside him.

“Sounds great! I will be in touch as soon as I can!” She responded with a polite laugh at Lee’s attempt at humor. After a few emails and texts, she met with them at their laboratory office not too long before Halloween. It turns out that this opportunity was less about her participating and more that she would be studying someone else on their behalf. She was quite nervous since everything they hinted at was veiled in secrecy and she didn’t know what to make of it.

‘Sensitive matters?’ She thought as she walked into the lobby of the large building. This place was in the next town over between where she lived and the largest city in the area. It was an eight-story dark gray building covered in reflective windows and you couldn’t see inside it at all. The signage didn’t look like the logos and branding of the actual Jumbo Juice shops, but it was listed as a research facility to that effect.

The inside was large and luxurious if not plain filled with people in full suits talking on phones. There were some walking around wearing lab clothes, and others in general business attire milling about the large lobby. The statue of the palm tree in the logo stood in the middle of the tiled floor greeting people immediately. Groups of business folk sat at low tables resting, waiting, or having discussions along the windows and walls. A series of elevator shafts off to another side gathered and delivered their cargo of busy people. There was even a small viewing gallery with pictures of famous franchises, the founders, and more at the far end of the atrium.

In the center of it all was a large round desk staffed by a handful of secretaries assisting people between taking phone calls. The atrium itself boasted more than a few stories of high windows reaching up to the bottom of the next floor. From where the glass met the ceiling to the central peak of the atrium, ceiling tiles climbed up towards the large chandelier hanging above. She was in awe of the place and any lingering fears and doubts about those guys were dispelled. They must just be goofy she guessed. After checking in with a receptionist she was given a guest pass and headed up to meet Dr. Lee and Dr. Hooke.

Now, this was more like an office she expected them to work in she thought as the doors of the elevator opened. One direction went towards a laboratory and research area, and the other to some offices. She headed in the direction of the offices and soon met with Lee and Hooke. They ushered her to a sterile meeting room where documents had been laid out and the title card of a presentation sat idle waiting for them to begin. She was surprised at the length they went to explain things to her and appreciated being treated like such a VIP. She had taken note that more than a few people in the office seemed to know her. A group of younger women in the office had actually even clapped in delight. They must have been fans.

They exchanged pleasantries and then the pair shared data about her current numbers on insta. They discussed correlations to the business, and then got into the real meat of what they wanted to talk about. They explained the basics to her as professionally as possible and sat with expectant and concerned looks when she hadn't said anything. Her reactions were all over the place varying from happy to scared to excited and questioning.

“Ultimately, if you knew a willing subject you think would be interested in this kind of supplement, you’d be in charge of the whole thing. You'd need to administer it to them regularly, collect samples, take detailed notes, and send them to us.” Mr. Lee said while steepling his fingers making as nice a face as he could. He wasn’t wearing his lab coat instead opting for a sleek black turtle neck. It was really cold in there surprisingly, and he seemed so thin without the flare and prominence of the coat. She was almost as tall as him herself, but certain she could subdue him with her thighs alone, she mused.

Zac on the other hand seemed a bit more beefy, but didn’t know if it was from muscle or just because he was a bigger guy. He wore a simple polo and had a bit of a belly, but besides that she approved of his fitness level. She kind of liked watching how nervous they seemed when she didn't respond and was trying to be respectful until they finished talking.

“Again, this is just an opportunity. Your help as an influencer has already been noted and Jumbo Juice is thankful for that. When Dr. Lee and I learned about your background and intentions in the health and sciences, we wondered if you wanted to maybe get a foot in the door.” Zac’s smile was so easy and everything he said seemed perfect when compared to his partner. Jessica shifted in her chair a bit. The nylon of her tight spandex made scratching noises against the rough black wool fabric of the chair as her butt squished around. She rubbed her arms a bit looking around since the light zip-up hoodie she wore wasn’t doing the trick before nodding at their words.

“So let me get this straight. I'd have to ask my boyfriend or some other guy to drink this supplement. With their consent. And then need to get them to jerk off in a cup, save that and like, keep it in my fridge or mail it to you?” She said with eyebrows raised mid-utterance. The guys nodded at her with straight faces. “And then I’d keep notes and basically do the groundwork and initial observations for a larger research project that you have been working on for a while now?” She continued. They continued to nod as their concerned faces began to brighten. “And like, his dick and balls will get. Like. Bigger?” The guys kind of shrug-nodded at the last comment.

“Well, we believe that might be the case.” Lee said.

“We hope so! Any guy and honestly, any girl could gain a benefit from this. Ending infertility among so much more.” Zac added waggling his eyebrows before putting on a more serious face.

“But it is still relatively early, so these are our secondary human trials. We are trying to keep things ‘in-house’ as much as possible. What do you say?” Lee glanced down at the packet of documents next to a pen and back to her. She smiled and shrugged.

“No harm in trying right? Who knows? Maybe this will change the world!” She smiled and after going through the finer points of the document, signed on the dotted line. They got someone to cover her shift that day and started an impromptu course on how it would all work. She went home with a small container that had a cold compartment and all the stuff she would need to administer the supplement, take samples, and generally get the job done. Going from an influencer and showing off her ass for clicks to doing actual research in the span of only a few weeks had her stoked. She loved the promise and felt this might be a real career move for her going forward. She couldn’t wait to tell Sebastian the good news.

JJ2 Swell Progress

Early November saw Jessica getting data with such diligence and professionalism that the scientists had to hold back their reactions. She was a natural and her objective and subjective commentary were so good. After meetings or video conferences, they would look at each other with wide eyes in pure disbelief. The pair of them had begun to take the supplement themselves not long after a few promising reports. They learned early on that exercise and working out affected growth directly. They determined that the endorphins flowing during exercise and the constant flexing of bodily tissue had a strong impact on results.

Both Doctor Lee and Doctor Hook found themselves toning up at a slow pace initially. They began to work out more often since Jessica’s boyfriend would work out a lot. Backed up by the data coming in and positive progress, they had been granted some less-used research space to set up a gym facility. They would be able to take extremely detailed and accurate readings and measurements which would further aid their research. The results and evidence from improved research continued to mount quickly from there.

By the middle of November, Lee and Zac had noticeably more solid musculature and even grew a few centimeters taller each. Zac had a bit less flab around his belly and couldn't believe it. Lee was ecstatic to find he was taller than 160 centimeters. They had moved more of their regular lab equipment into the new gym area and were working out casually for most of the day. Their general working patterns changed and they were using standing desks, sitting on balance balls instead of wheeled chairs. In addition to oogling Jessica's instagram which showed her expanding bounty, they took more of her advice as well.

They spent a lot more time getting fit as the gains excited them. In addition to studying Sebastian’s data, they put their own data up alongside it to help inform their progress and that of the overall hypothesis. The three of them were generally similar in height with Lee a handful of centimeters behind Zac who was more or less the same height as Sebastian. Sebastian was lanky compared to Zac who was more stocky and borderline chunky before the research kicked off. Neither were as thin and spindly as Lee who was somewhat underweight. All that had changed as they looked at the data over the previous few weeks.

Zac was undoubtedly taller than Jessica’s boyfriend and Lee was on his way having grown another centimeter. Sebastian's height didn't seem as affected as theirs and they were already considering buying new shoes. Muscle-wise, Sebastian seemed to focus on his legs and only Zac could rival their size. Lee was just happy to not be standing on the little toothpicks that were his legs beforehand. The both of them had firmed up and began to bulk slowly. One place where they were both soundly being beaten in a competitive sense, was below the belt. Sebastian was some kind of perfect subject or something because according to Jessica’s reports, his testicles were approaching the size of tangerines or oranges based on a rough diameter of around six to eight centimeters per nut. Nearly triple the size of the average male.

They couldn’t believe it and thankfully Jess offered to take pictures for them so they didn’t need to ask. They wanted desperately to see these huge balls. What awaited them when she finally sent the message through blew them away. The variety and sheer amount of pictures she sent answered any and all questions they had. While scrolling through them in order it was like a stop motion animation of his already big dick getting thicker and harder before their eyes. No doubt Jessica had been teasing him relentlessly during their photo shoot. They couldn’t help but get erections themselves while going over the 'data'. To talk about shaft thickness and length put them far behind her boyfriend who apparently had been blessed to begin with. They sheepishly shifted on their balance balls exchanging awkward glances then continued working.

They were excited about their muscle growth, but a degree of dissatisfaction with their results remained. Especially after seeing that. They secretly hoped beyond hope to have a fraction of the success Sebastian had after studying his miraculous expansion. They asked more than a few questions about him which may or may not have been directly related to the research. She teased them a little bit, harmlessly poking fun when they asked for so many details that were clearly private. She finally admitted that she asked him to abstain from masturbation and sexual activity for personal reasons, but she was still very hands-on with him.

They couldn’t believe why they never realized the obvious answer. Stimulation. He had been stimulated to the absolute edge of climax while being teased by his girlfriend almost non-stop when they were together. No wonder the supplement had reacted so strongly with him in that area. Zac and Louis had only been focusing on working out and improving their diets. They looked at each other as the messages and answers rolled in drawing reactions from the pair of them. Behind the chat window in the background was an array of choice pictures of Sebastian’s heavy swollen balls and iron-hard shaft. Whether it was for scientific purposes or just a reminder of what they were 'up against' only they knew.

Not long after that, the pair of them mimicked his methods and began to see results more in line with what they were hoping for. They were growing in more ways than one and set up a changing area with a screen for privacy which they took turns going behind. They collected samples privately since that was the default method and each time they commented on the increasing volume, thickness, and ultimately pungent odor of the samples. It was professional in nature and they remained as objective as possible.

“Can you believe that in the last week alone we’ve both gone from normal numbers like three or four mils to closer to ten?” Zac asked, leaning back against his desk and balancing carelessly on a large yoga ball shifting his weight from one leg to the other. He was still hot and toweling himself off wearing only his workout shorts and a t-shirt. The not-quite-soft bulge of his crotch swayed back and forth as Lee was closely inspecting and taking notes about Zac’s latest sample.

“Well, I have yet to break ten myself, but you have outdone yourself yet again, Dr. Hooke.” Louis smiled at his partner while casually handling the still-hot semen of his partner in the graduated glass sample cup.

“This is unprecedented progress. I am sure we will be able to overtake him if we keep it up.” Zac added. Lee nodded and smiled while finishing the data entry on the current sample.

“You’re up, partner.” Zac said smiling at his co-researcher and Lee gulped nervously and nodded. He stood up in an awkward way sliding from his yoga ball sticking out his rear end and obviously facing away from Zac. Zac laughed at him, still absent-mindedly going back and forth doing ab and thigh flexes over the yoga ball. “Something the matter, Lee?” Lee looked over his shoulder at his friend, his friend’s bulge, and the sample on the table beside the line graph showing three lines all steadily going up. Their progress.

“I... I guess I'm just really turned on by all of this.” Dr. Lee turned around bashfully showing off his painfully hard erection tenting from beneath his shorts. Zac raised his eyebrows in surprise and stared at it perhaps a little too long. “All this data, seeing my physique improve, the science of it all, and, well, working so closely with you.” He flared up red, kind of shuddering from nerves after admitting it and looked down. Zac eased off the yoga ball and walked over to his friend giving him a hug. He felt the hard poker dig into and nuzzle his soft squishy package like a big long thumb pressing into a large round dinner roll of soft warm bread. The hug was quick and they exchanged a few pats before stepping back. Lee felt his erection get harder and could imagine it growing from that mere interaction. That was Sebastian’s secret, he hypothesized at that moment.

“Why not, you know, collect the sample here?” Zac said in a timid voice pulling out a clean graduated cylinder and holding it between them at waist level. It slowly got closer to the tip of Lee’s quivering dick until it just barely touched it.

“But, we don’t normally…” Lee began to protest, always a stickler to a fault, while reaching for the cylinder.

“We should have. Who knows what the other could be doing in secret to pad the results. It’s the only way to be sure of a pure result.” Zac said, his fake serious scientist voice barely coming across as he stared his friend in the eye. They stared each other down for what felt like minutes and minutes, only the sounds of their hearts beating in their ears over the equipment of the laboratory gym.

“You’re. You’re exactly right Dr. Hooke.” Lee nodded and his resolution came back as soon as science demanded it of them. He grabbed the glass and their fingers touched, Lee's on Zac's. They held there for a fraction of a second and Lee set the cylinder on the desk counter. Zac, without asking, brought up some pictures on the computer and Lee began to pull his pants down and do the deed. Despite trying to remain professional, they both made eye contact multiple times. Zac finally nodded and took out a tape measure catching his friend off guard, but slowly and gently he took measurements with care. There were incidental touches as Zac held the measuring tape. Before long Lee had produced the largest sample between the both of them to date and they marveled at the results. Almost fifteen milliliters.

"I think we've come to a breakthrough." Zac said and Lee shook his head since his partner didn't even realize it and smiled while squeezing off the last drop of semen into the cylinder.

They had a long talk after that while discussing the results and realized that Sebastian was getting special stimulation and it was affecting his results. They decided to begin adding different forms of stimulation to their regular routine and results also began to change. After a few more samples and their growing passion for the project, they created a new version of the supplement with some minor tweaks. Jess had confessed around that time that she had been collecting samples of her own from her boyfriend. After getting her to admit in clearer language that she was actually drinking the samples, she noticed they had an effect on her as well. After consultation with the researchers, they suggested that she keep track of her own changes as best she could. They also invited her to the research gym. They could take proper measurements and have all the equipment and technology necessary to give her a full feedback report and much more. She was excited for an opportunity to learn more since ‘her’ research had been going so well so far.


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