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Hello there my dear Patron.

I don't know about your part of the world, but mine is finally, FINALLY, slowly, getting cooler. Seriously. For a person like me, the heat is a death knell from the get-go so seeing the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel of this year's summer is a ringing bell of hope. Are you in a similar boat or does the heat feed your heart and kick your engine into overdrive? More power to you, Patron.

Today is another chapter of Jumbo Juice 2. I will post the conclusion next week. What do you think about this kind of content? I am kind of going into experimental territory with this story and am curious about what you think about it. Speaking of experimentation! After this is posted up the teasers for Experimental Medicine's final chapter will come out until it's all done. It is super long already so there will be plenty to enjoy for a while. I have put it off long enough and am kind of avoiding it because I am partially nervous about writing such hyper sizes and because, since I am writing about such hyper sizes and super explicit sexual goodness, I can't seem to sit at my computer very long before I need to excuse myself! Such is the live of a smut writer at times.

Please enjoy this steamy nibble and enjoy the double potential from the continued work by the Jumbo Juice Researchers.

Ta ta~!



JJ2 Double Potential

The flurries from an unseasonably early snowfall for November followed her on the trip to research headquarters for Jumbo Juice. The air was so fresh and clean and she was glad she wore her heavier jacket. It was in the afternoon and she got there early enough that she would be able to leave by dinner time. The atrium was impressive as ever and had some slight festive decorations, but largely remained unchanged.

When she exited the elevator she was greeted by a staff member who showed her in a different direction from where she met the guys before. When she opened the frosted glass door to the lab she was blown away by what she saw. The place was a home gym but on a larger scale with state-of-the-art everything. Almost every machine was flanked by a dolly which had a number of electrodes and little suction cups on it. Besides that set up was a variety of monitoring equipment and one or two laptops and other machines hooked in. There were two kind-of hunky guys with their backs to her working on the machines. One doing leg presses and the other pulling down on a bar exercising his lats. She wondered where the scientists were. Maybe off somewhere doing research about these two buff dudes.

The air in here smelled hot, sweaty, and sweet to her and was just like the gym she went to all the time. There was also another smell she thought she recognized, but didn't want to assume anything. She moved toward the guys in a wide arc so they could see her approach. It’s a bad idea to sneak up on someone pumping the amount of iron these guys were pushing. They were both built, taller than her by more than a few centimeters, and had thick arms and legs. When she had sufficiently rounded about the side of the gym along the frosted glass wall, she spoke up in a kind of shy, but audible voice. There was some generic rock music playing in the background loud enough to muffle most of their heavy breathing and the sounds of their steady exhalations.

“Hello? I am looking for Doctor Lee and Doctor Hooke? My name is Jessica A-” She said getting closer to them. The guy on the lat machine looked up and smiled, letting off the weights carefully as the heavy rack clanked to the bottom of the machine.

“Jessica! You made it!” He was covered in sweat wearing a short pair of shorts and a thin tank top. There were electrodes and measuring nodes all over his back and chest and neck. He looked over to the guy on the leg machine and told him to join her.”

“D-Doctor Hooke?” She couldn’t believe her eyes. This specimen with pecs of chiseled granite peeking from beneath a taught tank top stared right at her. His smile was familiar as always and warmed her heart, but the sharp definition along the full span of his ripped bod commanded her attention. His arms flexed while he carefully took the trodes off of his back and sides. The image in her head of a flabby guy in a lab coat melted away and was replaced by this hunk of muscle. He nodded his head up and smiled with one cheek waiting for her to finally make eye contact with him again when she was done. She wasn’t done.

"You guys are... are..." She was already kind of turned on due to the fact that there was a pair of beefcakes in here and she could smell them. But knowing what they used to look like... Beside Zac was apparently Dr. Lee. He was slightly shorter than his partner but covered in a wiry network of interlocking muscle groups like a mosaic puzzle of sleek marble. He wasn’t wearing glasses like before but still retained the same tied-back hair.

“D-Doctor Lee? Is that you, too?” Her mouth hung open as the pair stood glistening with their hands on their hips letting her soak it in. And soak she did. As they approached the smell that permeated the gym flooded her nostrils and she felt like she could have fainted if she wanted to.

“Surprised to see us like this?” Lee mentioned and did a playful leg flex stretching it out. It was impressive considering he was a beanpole a month before. His smile hit her with a different effect this time and she gulped, spying a glimpse at his prominent package while he showed off a beastly quad. She had some thighs, but it was a lot more fat than muscle due to how juicy her butt had become lately. She looked shamelessly at Zac’s crotch seeing how he turned out like a kid on christmas seeking the next present to open. Her obvious, but quick glance gave her get a good enough look at the big bulge under his shorts. Maybe it was the smell in the gym or the fact that they were so muscled. Or maybe it was just the palpable shock at the sheer difference of what they looked like before compared to now. Regardless, a heat spread through her body at an alarming rate and she felt sweat blossom from all over. Another wetness also began to bloom.

“We've made a few conclusions based upon the reports you sent us and have been working on replicating his results.” Lee said letting the flex on his leg finally relax returning to business at once. “Hearing about your particular results after the second hand effects that you extracted from him is extremely interesting and we’d like to learn more.”

“This stuff is really miraculous, don’t you think?” Zac added with a smile looking down at himself. He bounced his pecs a little with an open-mouthed smile before continuing. “We have actually made a new batch and have been testing it here as well. I don’t think this will be making it to the smoothie shops, though.” He laughed. She was amazed through and through. The scientists chatted about their gains and showed the graphs of data based on what she told them. She was very intrigued by what the various lines represented. When they told her which ones were Sebastian’s and which ones were theirs she raised an impressed eyebrow. It was almost near the end of her big experiment with her boyfriend and she couldn’t believe how big he was getting. But according to the data on the screen, these two guys were catching up in some ways, and surpassing him in many others. She could tell just from looking at them and smelling them that they had something he didn’t. She shifted around awkwardly on the yoga ball she was sitting on. If her ass wasn't so fat at this point to form a gentle pinch in the large sphere, she would have fallen over.

Suction electrodes kissed her shining skin and sucked tightly where they were pressed firmly into place. The scientists took measurements in close physical proximity and their mere presence overwhelmed her. They asked on more than one occasion if she wanted to apply the ‘trodes herself when it came to more intimate places, but she could only shake her head slowly. Each time beads of sweat ran down the small of her back and between her cleavage. She had no idea what was coming over her. She did, but she didn't know why or why so strongly. They tried to make her comfortable and always asked if she wanted them to lower the temperature or open a window, but she refused quietly. She just slowly took off her jacket and stripped down to her regular exercise sports bra and tights instead.

Her midriff showed off a toned six-pack, and her breasts were testing the limits of cups that used to hold them so comfortably. Now soft flesh bulged over the edges each time she breathed in and nipples, even soft, showed bumps through the thick absorbent fabric. The constant vigilant care of her body and exercise toned her well, but there was a new extra layer of thickness around her body. On her legs from the knees up, shapely thighs culminated into a pair of large round butt cheeks which stuck out prominently. Each large buttock was pushed up and separated neatly by the stretchy nylon tights painted onto her.

The scientists remained outwardly professional, but their stares as she was on the bike could only be perceived as predatory. Big butt cheeks wobbled back and forth on the laughably small seat as she pumped muscled calves down. Nature began to pump the two onlookers up over the course of her measurements and testing. Incidental contact while refitting electrodes, intimate closeness during measurements, they were all sweating. Her sweat was pouring down and the data was flooding in, and all three of them could feel the excitement in countless ways.

Her sweat soaked into her workout pants to the point they began to lose purchase on her bountiful booty. Her butt tried escaping on more than one occasion affording them a wonderful view as the round moon waned. After every test on a new machine she would have to grab her pants with both hands and hop up and down yanking them back into place. She was just trying to keep her pants on, but it kept getting more and more difficult. They seemed to be getting smaller and tighter each time she did it and the damp fabric dug deeper between her lips every time. When she was on the treadmill she pretended to be focused on running but was taking long obvious glances at them the whole time.

They were sitting on yoga balls with their legs spread flexing and rubbing their muscles after the workout she interrupted. She saw their poorly hidden hard-ons and the obscene bulges under their shorts waiting to be set free. Each time they moved positions everything she wanted shifted like a sack of potatoes being flipped over on their laps. When she was lying back flat on the bench and pumping weights, her breasts nearly fell out of her sports bra. They were there to spot her looking down at her from above. They stood on either side of the bar with weight plates holding their hands carefully at the ready to assist her if there was trouble.

From below she looked up and there were two throbbing hard tents pushing their shorts so much she could glimpse their fat nutsacks between the open pant legs. The musk slowly wafted down over her from both sides and she began to get dizzy and blacked out. When she came to, she was still on the bench and they were kneeling beside her with water and a cold compress.

“Are you alright? My goodness, we were worried!” Dr. Lee said shaking his head with real fear in his face. At moments like this Jessica could recall his less bulked self and saw him as the gentle person he was inside.

“My god I am so glad we were there spotting you. What happened? Was it too much?” Zac asked. They were still flanking her quite closely and she sat up, slid back on the bench, and took water and toweled herself off. The cool water felt amazing.

“I just got carried away I think. There is something in here that smells and makes me dizzy. Not like sick, but like…” She paused looking down at her crotch which looked soaked in sweat, but she knew it was different. There was a wide shining line of wetness from where she shifted in on the bench. They saw it as well. “It turns me on.” She was embarrassed to say it. They assured her that was natural and explained that the supplement was causing them to exude an unnaturally high amount of pheromones which could have affected her. They were worried about that and went to open the window and refresh the room, but she stopped them saying she liked it. They both raised an eyebrow and she smiled. “I think I am done for today though. Thanks a lot guys. Please let me know how the results turn out.”

She was happy and when she went to stand up, swooned a bit and they were on her immediately, helping her to her feet. The heat and slipperiness of their hard bodies against hers set her on fire. Just as she thought she had a footing and began to stand up she took a deep breath that was thick with their post-workout manliness and it was like sticking her face into a cauldron of pungent sex muscle stew. If she wore glasses they would have fogged up, but she was feeling foggy somewhere else and her knees buckled.

They thought she was back on her feet and before they knew it she was going down again and reached out her hands for something like a shirt or forearm to grab onto. She managed to find two thick support poles covered in damp cloth, but still hot to the touch. They must have been mounted on springs or something since there was some give to them. As she grabbed tighter, squeezing the poles to try and stand up her vision had returned from the previous wave of pheromone blindness she suffered in their presence.

She looked at her hands holding tight onto their still erect phalluses while she regained her footing. Judging at a glance and based on how thick they felt, they both seemed similar to Sebastian, but not nearly as long. Her knees continued to buckle and shake and she let out a moan as more wetness joined the already damp front part of her pants. Her body couldn't take it and she had an orgasm right there causing her to pause again. When she finally regained her feet she slowly and begrudgingly let go of their rock-hard members while apologizing profusely in a shaky voice. They apologized in return that they had been unprofessional with erections all day. After a bit more staring on everyone’s part, everything was cleared up and it wasn’t a big deal. She headed home after taking one more break and they thanked her for everything. Her head cleared up on the way out of the building and they got right to work studying the raw sample she brought, a condom filled with precum which he leaked almost constantly according to her reports.

It was a goldmine of information and they derived a new supplement right away. Her gram was blowing up considerably and she gained many more followers as the supplement she extracted from her boyfriend began to affect her more and more. Her changes were being noticed and her clothes were fitting less and less. Lee and Hooke developed a regime of self-teasing and used toys and machines that brought them to their absolute limit. They wanted to mimic and surpass the results that Sebastian was getting and it was starting to work. They also engaged in abstinence from masturbation and sex unless they need to collect a sample. While it wasn’t a competition, they decided to collect samples on the same day at the same time. To be fair, of course. And since they had to make sure the other wasn’t tampering with the samples at all behind closed doors, that meant they were in the same room at the same time.

Monitors with data showing their lines approaching, meeting, or surpassing Sebastian in almost every way showed on one monitor. Recordings of their workouts, and the measurement testing session with Jessica or her instagram were on another. The teasing, abstinence, and vigilant observation of each other meant plentiful gushing amounts of their pungent samples which were better measured in ounces rather than milliliters. Their testicles were swelling up dramatically and their shafts were thickening and getting longer as well. As much as that turned them on, seeing each other getting bigger was even more erotic.

When sample day came, as they began calling it, they made sure to collect plenty and beaker after beaker was filled to the brim. ‘Can’t be too safe, right?’ They would joke as they worked themselves to hardness again and again. They would be side to side matching pace exactly as their arms pressed against one another synchronized right up to the orgasm. Leaning on each other almost completely nude, they both filled their final beakers for the day letting out a breath and grabbing towels

Much to their chagrin, though, as they celebrated their gains, glories, and intimate sample collection, Jessica would report faithfully about her boyfriend, and his gains were incredible. He really was special in his ability to swell and grow so much and it frustrated the scientists a bit despite how far they had come. And how much. They resolved to not give up and continued their research and workout routines. Maybe they would need to take steps even further.


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