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(Author's Note: This is the original version of a 4,000-word commission I wrote a year or two ago. I ended up going over by 1,000 words which I didn't charge for since that was one me. If it's written already then it is meaningless (And annoying to go back and delete words) to me to withhold the extra 1,050 words.  There are currently four parts in the series and I will be releasing them in order slowly but surely as I rewrite them adding more detail and fun. Without further Ado, 'Poolside Snacks', Part one of the Sebastian Series.)

5050 Words, Roughly 9 Pages

 My girlfriend Mika had been kind enough to give me some bagels from her friend Analyn’s Mom’s shop.  I had never been there, but heard they were good and liked bagels. The bag was heavy so there must have been a couple in there as I sat down for lunch.  I opened the bag and realized that it was two bagels and they had a ton of cream cheese on them which had a sweet smell and streaks of blueish color amidst the creamy whiteness which was spread over the dense grainy bagels.  I ate them and felt really satisfied and went on with my day, only a couple classes left before I got to see Mika again.  It was Friday and we were going to have a pool party at Mika’s house.

 Of course things had been going great with Mika who was a sexy Japanese girl, and had a great body.  Her ass was excellent and she had nice average C-cup breasts too.  She always wore her long black hair in a bun.  But I also didn’t mind hanging around with her bubbly friend Analyn either.  Analyn was a cute Philipina girl, shorter and smaller than Mika in almost every way, but she was still fun to be around and made a part of me kept hoping for a chance to maybe get a threesome going since Mika would joke about when she saw me looking at Analyn sometimes.  I felt myself getting a boner just at the thought of it as my dick and balls continued getting warmer.  I slid my school bag around to hide it and headed to class.

 The hard on in my pants wouldn’t relent and I was starting to get worried.  It wasn’t a random boner anymore and was super hard, almost to the point of hurting as it pushed against my cargo shorts.  That and the heat as well was starting to make me sweat.  I managed to make it through my second to last class and ran to the bathroom and into a stall to see what was going on.  I whipped out my rock hard cock and it was throbbing as I grabbed it with my hand feeling the hotness of it.  I wasn’t small or anything and Mika often mentioned how much she loved my dick, but my dick was bigger and thicker than before as I started to stroke it without thinking.  Even though other boys were coming in and out and the bathroom, I just started to masturbate as quietly as I could mesmerized by my new dick.  It was at least seven or eight inches long, just enough to fit both my hands around its length and as I began to stroke it back and forth my testicles popped out of my fly and began to bounce back and forth.  Were they bigger and heavier too? I wondered to myself and grabbed one with one of my hands, still stroking my thick shaft as pleasure began to fill from the depths of my crotch.  My nutsack and balls were bigger too, and each nut was almost the size of an egg.  This was crazy.  I got lost in the fantasy that seemed to be actually happening to me and the warmth of my cock and balls, mixed with the thrill of fapping this new tool as my balls slapped around brought me to orgasm fairly quickly.

 I grunted and shot the first two ropes against the back wall before gaining control of the thing and shooting the next few bursts of cum into the bowl which hit the water with heavy splashes.  My mouth fell open as I looked at the mess I’d made on the back wall and surveyed the amount of cum in the toilet bowl.  That was the biggest orgasm in my life.  I wiped my brow of the sweat, and cleaned up as best I could before heading to my final class.

 I was coming to my senses and realized that my boner had finally calmed down and did my best to concentrate on the final lesson.  It proved to be difficult because my penis was still hot and my balls already started to feel full again and when I stole glances at my situation, I had a pretty serious bulge.  The shorts I wore today were kind of older and didn’t fit as well as my newer ones and there was a pretty obvious outline of my soft shaft running down my leg, not to mention my nuts as well forming a separate bulge as well.  There was no way I was still growing, right?  I caught a few classmates giggling and looking at me, whispering to each other, but ignored it the best I could and rushed out of class starting to head home.

 Mika and Analyn were walking around the quad and giggling and laughing together heading slowly back home.
 “I am so excited for the party tonight…  do you think...they worked?” Mika said smiling an evil smile to her friend.  Analyn responded in a similar tone of voice.
 “I don’t know, but if it did, you remember our promise, right?  I get a chance with Sebastian too.  You always tease me about how good his cock is and that we might do a threesome some day.  I snuck into my mom’s shop to get these special fertility bagels and that cream cheese filled with growth hormone for you.  Have you had any yet?”
 Mika was happy to hear her friend so desperate for her boyfriend’s dick and felt proud.  The idea of having a threesome was something she wanted for a while too.
 “Don’t worry, Ana.  I think Sebastian is into the idea too, so we will both get to play with him tonight.  He has no idea how lucky he is.  And lucky for us nobody will be home tonight but us...
 “Will your brother Jiro be there?…” Analyn said wondering if she and her friend would be able to have Sebastian all to themselves.... “Hey, isn’t that Sebastian now?” She pointed across the quad.

 The two girls ran over to catch up with him.  He swung around smiling, surprised to see them and gave Mika a hug completely forgetting about his dilemma for the time being and wanting to come off as normal.  She felt the warmth of his thick soft cock against her hip when she leaned in for a small kiss.
 “Still good to go for tonight, Sebastian?” Analyn asked looking at him stealing glances at his package.  “Don’t forget your bathing suit! I know I won’t” She smiled and quietly gulped as she realized how effective those bagels must have been.

 “Yeah, of course.  I am as excited as you are I think.  I...uhh…” Sebastian’s eyes darted around and he was avoiding eye contact looking for a reason to get out of there when Mika chimed in.

 “ How were those bagels?  Good?  They were made with love by Ana’s mom!” She took a long look at his bulge and back to Analyn mouthing ‘Holy fuck!’ silently.

“Yeah, they were super good. Thanks a lot.  Hey.. What are you two joking about?” He asked slowly trying to hide his growing boner.

“Maybe it’s that huge boner youre are popping in the middle of the quad?” Analyn quipped and pointed at his crotch, stealing a long stare at it licking her lips now that the subject of it was breached.

“Well I would have a boner too if I was going to a pool party with two of the hottest girls in school tonight.” Mika joked and bumped her hip against his thickening rod. “Go home and get ready.  We are going to meet in a couple hours.  See you soon Sebastian!”  She gave him a kiss and he did as she asked blushing hard and trying to cover his boner.  The second that he was out of earshot they grabbed each other by the arms and started jumping up and down cheering and dancing.

 “IT WORKED! IT WORKED OMG IT WORKED! DID YOU SEE THAT THING? HOLY SHIT? OMG IT WAS MASSIVE!” This continued for some time until they each pulled out the bag with a bagel they brought to school.  Neither of them had tried theirs, fearing what might happen.

 “I was too afraid…” Mika said softly.
 “Me too…”  Analyn added.
 “So… Sebastian ate two of them I am guessing. And all that cream cheese too…” Mika mused.
 “And if he had them at lunch, that was only a few hours ago…  It happened so quickly…I thought that it was more of a healthy living thing, and not an actual means to get bigger!” Analyn stood holding the bagel in her hands.  Actually they were both holding their bagels in their hands as the conversation kept going.

 “You think it’s safe for girls?” Mika asked.
 “I don’t know what it would do.  We won’t grow dicks or anything I think.  It is a fertility drug.  We’d probably get super horny and that’s it.” she replied.

 They took another glance at each other and started to eat the bagels fiercely.  They were pretty nervous about them so only put a little bit of cream cheese on them too.  They were really good and when they finished, looked at each other and shrugged.  

 “I guess it was nothing?” Mika asked.
 “Maybe we need to wait a bit longer.  Let’s go get ready for tonight!” Analyn smiled.

 Analyn and Mika got back to Mika’s huge nice house and were getting everything ready for the party as quickly as they could.  They laid out a platter of the special bagels and cream cheese as well, thinking about their encounter with Sebastian at the quad and starting to fantasize about the possibilities.  It had been about an hour or so since they left the quad and they were in Analyn’s room and getting their bathing suits on when the effects started to take hold.

 “I think it’s working, Mika, I am feeling so horny right now it’s crazy.  How about you?” Analyn was squeezing her small pert breasts and ass through her all black bikini and ruffling her hair, breathing a little hard while looking at Mika.  Mika was in a similar state and reaching down and playing with herself gently biting her lip looking at Analyn.

“Yeah I feel it too.  This is nuts.  I am so hot down there…and look at my nipples! When is Sebastian getting here?”  Mika reached up to her full breasts bouncing them, as large as plump oranges, beckoning playfully at Analyn for her to look at her hard nipples poking through the grey and white gradation of the bikini’s fabric like sharp little tents.  She flicked them and moaned a little, sliding and getting closer to Analyn and the two of them started to touch each other’s breasts squeezing and massaging.

“Ana, I always thought you had kind of smaller boobs, but they feel so big.  You hide them really well.” Mika said as she continued to grope her friend who poked playfully at the sides of Mika’s breasts and ass which were being squeezed tight by the greyish white bikini strings.

“Speak for yourself, Mika.  This bathing suit leaves little to the imagination, when did you buy it? Before you went through puberty?” She laughed a little and saw Mika examine her own body more carefully with a look of surprise on her face at how much her breasts and ass were starting to bulge against the straps.

“Actually I bought it for this party specifically a few days ago and it fit perfectly…  you think it might be a side effect of…”  Suddenly Analyn held up a finger stopping her friend.

“Hold on a minute, I have an idea…”  She came back quickly with a plate of bagels loaded with cream cheese and handed one to Mika.  “I wonder what happens if we eat some more?” She smiled and the two of them began to eat while getting intimate for the next twenty or so minutes waiting for Sebastian to arrive. They heard the doorbell ring and after stifling a moan of pleasure Mika yelled for her brother to get the door and send Sebastian to the back patio to wait for them as they got ready.

 Jiro, Mika’s brother, scoffed at the command but got the door.  Sebastian was wearing his bathing suit and a hawaiian shirt and sunglasses when Jiro opened up and invited him in.  He led him to the patio in the alcove below the main part of the house where the pool was.  Jiro offered him a soda too as he eyed up the suspicious bagel and cream cheese platter grabbing some for later.

“Help yourself I guess.  Don’t tell my sister! Later dude.”

Sebastian smiled and began to dig in realizing he hadn’t had anything to eat since lunch which was a few hours ago.  He wasted no time and ate three bagels and loads of cream cheese.  He sat around for a while drinking the soda and eating, walking around the peanut shaped pool and checking the water.  He looked up at the house windows from the half of the pool that was visible from above and saw Jiro on his computer looking at something sexy and turned away and quickly headed back to his chair.  It wasn’t long before he felt the heat in his loins again and started sweating.

 “What...It’s happening again? This can’t be happening…” Just before he was able to do anything the girls came down giggling and laughing when he swung around to see them both.  They were sexy and he had never seen Analyn in a bikini before and she was thicker than he had imagined.  Mika too looked super sexy in her bikini and her normally fit and tight ass looked bigger and rounder than usual and he watched them both bounce around as they came over to say hello.  Mika came up for a hug and a kiss again, her breasts, larger and softer than before, squishing against his chest, hard nipples poking out, and his hot thickening member against her juicy thigh again.  Through the thin fabric of the swim trunks on her bare skin she felt its warmth and immediately felt horny despite having just come alongside her best friend upstairs.

 “What… I don’t get a hug either?” Analyn pouted crossing her arms hoisting her now more significant boobs up a little to emphasize them which was more than enough for Sebastian who walked over and leaned down slightly and gave her a nice big hug.  Analyn squeezed back, her breasts pressing against his chest and her thighs unabashedly rubbing against his hardening cock.  “Ready to go swimming Sebastian?” She said as she ran to the pool jumping in.

The other two followed Analyn’s lead and they swam and laughed for a bit, but before long Mika swooped in pressing against him and whispered in Sebastian’s ear.

 “We have a little secret…  There was something in those bagels and I think it’s working.”  Mika reached down under the water and gave Sebastian’s hardening cock a nice squeeze.  His dick  was already starting to give the swim shorts trouble and being teased didn’t help.

  Sebastian responded in a kind of loud voice “S..something in the bagels?  Like a drug?  Is that why my dick... grew?”  He looked incredulously at the two girls staring at them.

 “It’s cool, Sebastian.  We had some too.  I don’t know if it works on girls the same way, but… it SURE seems to be working on you…” Analyn said as she eyes his bulging crotch visible under the water licking her lips.

 “We were kind of wondering if you’d be interested in… fooling around a bit together? The three of us?” Mika added shyly, hoping that her and her friend’s plot to incite a three way after drugging her boyfriend with fertility bagels didn’t come off the wrong way.  The two girls approached him and he just stared.

 “M...Mika?  Ana? You guys… your bikinis.. Are um…”  Sebastian stuttered off as he watched the two girls survey themselves and what was happening.  The heat running through their bodies was like a sudden rush of pleasure as their breasts began to expand against their bathing suits.  The titflesh bulged from beneath the cups holding them in all directions.  Analyn’s pert little breasts, now as large as Mika’s had been the day before, started to push and stretch the black triangles of fabric which were slowly failing to accommodate her bosom.  Mika’s more rounded bikini cups saw her swelling grapefruit-sized breasts begin spilling over the top of them until the shoulder strap began to reign in the growth from above and they started to squeeze out from beneath and over the sides being squeezed together forming deep sets of soft cleavage.  The pair of girls in ecstasy as their nipples got longer and harder poking obscenely forward sending waves of pleasure through their bodies.

 “Ohh god I feel it.  They are getting bigger…  Sebastian, please… take off our tops!” Mika moaned starting to lose control of herself as she moved in to pin him against the pool ladder.

 “Please, I can’t do it myself and I don’t want to destroy my swim suit…  The pressure is … so good…” Analyn said in turn almost flanking Sebastian against the ladder and he reached up and squeezed the breasts of the both of them.  Analyn’s breasts bulging as only her nipples were covered by the now small triangles of her black bikini.  The swelling soft breast flesh overflowing the now small and pathetic cups of Mikas bikini started to look painful as her heaving bosom continued to grow.  The size of cantaloupes now, the fingers in his right hand seemingly melted into the flesh of the large breasts of his girlfriend, Mika, and he felt them still stretching slowly against his fingertips.  His left hand as well ran along the hard nipples of Analyn’s breasts which were growing almost as fast as her friend. He was lost in their softness as the ripping of fabric became louder and in a series of snaps the tops of the two girls went flying over his head and four of the largest breasts he had ever seen in his life bounced out into his face almost suffocating him as the girls came down on him getting lost in pleasure.  He began to lick and suck the breasts without thinking of whose or which breasts they were as the expansion began to slow and the girls got their wits about them.

 “Oh my god I already came…like two times” Mika said and saw that Analyn was nodding in agreement.  They looked down at their new breasts and compared a little bit.  Mika’s breasts after all the sucking and squeezing ended up being the size of large, soft, volley balls resting proudly against her ribs covering almost half of her fit stomach reaching down to the water line and bobbing up and down floating slightly.  Analyn was only right behind her in size as her breasts were almost as plump as honeydew melons.  The both of their new pairs of breasts were tipped with dark chocolatey caramel colored nipples which were still hard and wanting. The girls began to play with their assets as Sebastian stood on the ladder.

 “Dude, your boobs are gigantic.” Sebastian said looking at the two of them, not realizing that his own cock was hard as a rock and clear as day.  The wet fabric from the swit suit clung to his form showing a perfect outline of his cock, easily eight inches long and thick as a banana.  His testicles and nutsack were like a pair of plump eggs and visible clearly.

 “Speak for yourself, Sebastian.  You have a gigantic boner and that suit is doing nothing to hide it.” Mika said smilingly before looking to her friend. “Ready for some fun?”  Analyn nodded as the two of them waded over to him sitting on the side of the pool, their large breasts bouncing above their stomachs and splashing water creating large ring like ripples in the surface.  

 They made quick work of his swim trunks pulling them down to his knees as the meat was freed and sprung up at attention in front of both of their faces, the large balls hanging down almost touching the water.  Analyn began and grabbed his balls and began to massage and lick and suck on them squeezing them like gentle jizz-filled stress balls and Mika began to lick up and down the length of the shaft before sucking on the head of the thing.

 Sebastian was in heaven.  The girls were practically worshiping his dick and balls and it felt so good.  That was what triggered it. Mika was managing to get most of his newly huge cock into her mouth and throat when she started to cough feeling it start to lengthen and thicken inside her slowly.  She backed off and nudged Analyn to look at it as it started swelling.  They sat in silence for a good minute or two watching it grow millimeter by millimeter, centimeter by centimeter as it grew almost a full inch in front of their very eyes.  Sebastian was lost in it as well and looked up at them both.

 “I think we need to put these new titties to work, let’s go to the shallow end of the pool, nobody is here anyway.” Mika said as she grabbed her boy by his thickening cock and led him over to the shallow end of the pool following her friend.  Analyn got to the shallow end and her ass was partly out of the water when they both noticed it.

 “Ana, did your ass get bigger too?”  Mika asked. And she rushed over to her friend to check.  Sebastian looked on and noticed his girlfriend’s ass as well had gotten significantly larger.

 “You too Mika, your tight ass and thighs still look tight, but just much bigger.” He watched as the pair of girls lined up before him, asses out looking over their shoulders at all the booty.  What used to be semi conservative bikini bottoms, now looked like g strings getting lost in pounds of fat ass.  Sebastian slapped both of their butts and they turned around, everything jiggling and pushed him to the pool side where they cozied up to his dick, now ten inches long and getting almost as thick if not thicker than Analyn’s forearm.

 “You take the top, I will take the bottom.” Mika instructed her friend and she began to slide her large tits up and down against the base of Sebastian’s throbbing cock.  Analyn took the top as the pair of them slowly worked a double decker titty up and down the hot meat bat which seemed to still be getting bigger and bigger.  Analyn couldn’t help herself and would steal little licks and sucks from the top of his cock head and lick up the pre cum which was starting to form.  Mika set a nice pace and eventually they were in perfect rhythm moving at the same time, with Mika’s large breasts slamming down against his thighs and balls.  Sebastian, not wanting to be rude, reached down and slipped fingers in the both of them gently starting to build them to their next climax.

 Mika had enough.  She needed it right now.  She stood up and stepped back.  Analyn kept getting fingered and started to lick and suck on Sebastian’s neck as Mika looked over her boyfriend’s massive rod.
 “Your balls are huge, Sebastian. Like, seriously huge, as big as tangerines.”  Sebastian looked down and with his free hand grabbed a nut and gave it a squeeze.
 “Give me that dick right now.  Put that huge dick right into my tight little ass and fuck my brains out.” Mika got on her hands and knees and backed up against her Boyfriend as Analyn moaned for more.  Sebastian added a third finger for her and began to line up his large cockhead against Mika’s delicious looking chocolate asshole.  It’s color identical to her nipples and begging for it.  He plunged in and she moaned loudly in pleasure.  Jiro looked out his window and caught a glimpse of the orgy taking place with his sister and her friend and Sebastian.  He looked down to his cock, already much larger than it was an hour or two ago, and looked away from the porn on the screen and started looking out the window at his sister and her friends.

 “Oh fuck I don’t think I can take it all!” Mika screamed as she reached up squeezing one of her breasts as the other supported her.  Sebastian pulled her thick thighs back and used them as leverage as he began to plunge deeper and deeper into her ass it gripped tightly onto his massive shaft.  Mika moaned as nearly all of his 11 inches was thrusting in and out of her and brought her to climax after climax.  SHe just let him keep forcing her to orgasm and scream until she heard Analyn say that she wanted something bigger.

 “Oh my… its… I think I am going to…”  Sebastian started to warn Mika, but she scolded him quickly.  

 “Don’t come yet… Don’t you dare!” She said.  “Not until Analyn gets her fill too!”  Sebastian pulls the huge meat bat from Mika as it slides out with a loud wet pop and splashes into the water.  Mika falls in the water for a moment before regaining the use of her legs.  Her and Ana get out of the pool and Ana lays with her back on the side of the pool and legs in the water.  Standing over her is Mika facing Sebastian in the water, both girls’ pussies dripping wet in anticipation.

 “Oh my god Sebastian just fuck me already I need it so badly, please!” Analyn cried and Mika nodded.  As he got closer she pulled his head into her crotch and he didn’t need an explanation of what was going on.  

 “You asked for the big cock and now you are going to get it.” Sebastian said triumphantly as he slid his dick into Analyn’s vagina slowly at first hearing her groans and moans of a mix of pleasure and pain and then speeding up a little too fast for her liking.  Her breasts bounced back and forth and she grabbed one hand on his shoulder and another against Mika’s ass, sticking a finger inside of it accidentally.  He thrust deeper and deeper into Analyn’s pussy as she cried out.

“Oh my god…. Your dick is so big!  It’s like a foot long oh my god I am already going to come it feels so good!!”  She is clearly lost on ecstasy.  Sebastian manages to keep his concentration and fellate Mika effectively as she looks down at the two of them.  

 “Your massive cock is stretching out her tiny little vag so wide!”  Mika says with an air of power about her.

 “It’s so tight!” Sebastian cries.  “I don’t know how much longer I can….”

 “Cum Sebastian.  Come all over my huge tits.” Mika commands.  Analyn adds in between poundings “Please spray your hot jizz all over my body.  Don’t leave a single spot uncovered!  Give it to usss.”

 It doesn’t take much more and Sebastian pulls out the massive rod and as his balls are swinging and pumping cum as fast as they can he aims his dick like a weapon and unloads the first of what he thinks will be many many ropes and neither he nor his two girls will be disappointed.  The first wave of strong heavy gushes of semen go straight up almost as high as Jiro’s window and come down in loud splashes across Mika’s massive chest.  She closes her eyes and opens her mouth letting stray splats hit her tongue as the hot liquid coats her breasts, completely glazing them and drips down her body.  The next few ropes are sprayed across the prone Analyn who leans up to intercept them directly, feeling the hard blasts of cum against her legs, breasts, neck, and face as more drips down from above off of Mika’s body.  Mika leans down to her knees to get in a better position besides Analyn and for the next few seconds Sebastian just clenches his teeth as more and more spunk continues to dump over them.

 “More… MORE… I want to taste it!” Analyn starts to say and her wish is granted right away.  Mika opens her mouth as well as thick strings of cum continue to coath their faces, getting all over their eyebrows, hair, nose, and of course filling their mouths which they both gulp greedily down.  Wayward strands coating their lips as they swallow desperately.  The pace and intensity of the ejaculation slows down and Mika wants to be sure she gets the final drops all to herself although it won’t be much competition.  Analyn looks like a wax statue covered head to toe in cum and she is pushed out of the way of Mika who reaches forward grabbing Sebastian’s beastly cock and jerking it slightly which invigorates it for a final few blasts which cover her face completely.  

 The two girls are in a huge pool of semen and breathing hard starting to lick their lips and fingertips covered in Sebastian’s massive load.  Sebastian falls back into the pool, his foot long cock still hard and only now starting to show signs of softening.  A sound of someone coming down the stairs and rushing to where they were startles them a little bit as Jiro comes running out wearing only a T-shirt and sporting a gigantic cock.  Even bigger than Sebastian’s.

 “Holy shit guys look at my cock!  It’s huge!”  They look at him completely exhausted, the girls barely able to see him through the strands of the slowly hardening layer of cum freezing their hair into a hard shell.

 “What?!”  Jiro says looking over the three of them.  “I ate the rest of those bagels!”

 The End.



Love it!