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Greetings Patrons and other honorable onlookers to this patreon page!

Having a nice week?  I certainly hope so.  In a recent poll I asked what you were interested in seeing next and a large number of people responded (As of this posting) that they wanted to see the commission I fulfilled for a regular client of mine over other things.

I have finished the commission in question, delivered, and been alerted that it was quite satisfying, and want to let you know what is going on with that, as well as drop a link to my commissions page and talk about that a bit too.

 Basically, the commission was part 4 of a series and I am kind of wondering if I should post the 4th part right off the bat.  Previously this client wasn't interested in having the story shared on reddit and stuff, but I mentioned about releasing them on patreon and they said it was ok, including the back catalogue of the stories thus far as well.

 This means I have quite a few precious gems to offer to you in the coming weeks!  But how shall it be done? Please head over to the poll to share your opinion on the matter and give me a clue as to what you prefer.  After placing your vote, come back here and read about my commissions stuff.

 So yeah, I am slowly working on collecting all my writing and various stuff and trying to gather it all into one place and my wordpress author page is starting to form into the nexus for all these various places I have been on the internet.

  My old commission information was on DA, but I wrote an updated version of it on my author page and that will be the main source of information on that front.  I do enjoy commissions from time to time, especially when they are in my wheelhouse, but you can read all about that on the commissions page.

 I list prices on there for various story lengths, but if you are a patron and contact me through patreon then I will give you a discount. Nothing too crazy, but maybe a few bucks or an extra 1,000 words or something to show my appreciation.  I am thinking of posting the 4th part of the commission series because it will show you what a 4,000 word commission from me looks like in case you are interested.

 Anyway, those are the things kicking around in my head for the time being. Take a look at the poll and when I get some responses to that I will post something most likely March 2nd or 3rd.  Closer to Friday. I will have to have a poll on what time of the week you prefer to see things release on haha.  My image is that if I can release early into the weekend people who have to work or take care of families and stuff will have more time to enjoy them then, but who knows? Maybe I am way off the mark.

 Until later this week when I drop whatever you want to see!

Take care!



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