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Greetings to my Patron and all prospective visitors checking out what I have on offer.  Here is a public post teasing the upcoming release of something that I dictated on a car ride testing out the technology. After spending a handful of hours going over it and filling out the details and trying to parse what the speech recognition software came up with, I realized I am putting a bit more into this than I anticipated.  It started around 5000 words or so but is almost double that in its entirety at this point.  I'd say another hour or two sitting at the keyboard and I should have something worth reading.  The full version should be up this or next week depending on how my schedule goes.  It will be for patrons only. Yeah, I know, but this is how she goes doesn't she?  Fear not though, for I will still release Lab Partners for free in its entirety since that seems to be quite popular. Over 30 upvotes on reddit!  Can you believe it? Un real. (Can you hear the sarcasm? Hah.)  Anyway, before the self-deprecation spirals too hard, please enjoy this romantic teaser for 'One Night Wish'. ~Michelle

“One Night Wish” - A short scene of star-crossed lovers, By Michelle Cuunis

Contains interactions between male-female characters.

Includes: Romance, Magic, & BE. (Will ultimately include PE, Big Breasts, Big penis, Excessive Cum, and maybe more. We will see.)

4000~ words

 Once upon a time there was a young girl who wasn’t particularly popular and didn’t have many outstanding talents other than her interest in studying science, playing video games, reading comic books, watching cartoons and movies, and enjoying a vivid imagination alongside a small bowl of sweets.  She was often distracted easily and really needed to focus hard and goad herself into reading the second half of books, playing games to their conclusion (even when skipping side quests), or solving longer, more difficult problems in class.
  As almost all boys and girls eventually do, she grew up gaining a healthy interest (and also a disinterest at times) in her own body and started to get curious about the bodies of other boys and girls as well. Even after ‘the talk’ with her parents and the light ‘glossing-over’ that public education afforded her on the subject, she wanted to know more.  A lot more.  Characters in tv, movies, books, and games all knew something or were striving for something she wanted to know more about.  Her fascination caused her to learn and ask about why some people were treated this way or that way and by the time she was leaving high school and puberty was in full blast she wanted to look a certain way and have people treat her a certain way as well.  
 But for one reason or another, she wasn’t as lucky as other girls and didn’t seem to get the same gifts that they had and wanted more.  Always focused on the ‘have not’ aspect of herself and those things she did have weren’t enough or were too much. Technology was slowly advancing and she was a smart girl, certainly, science could solve this dilemma if she came at the issue from the proper angle!

She graduated high school with very little sexual experience and it bummed her out greatly.  She mostly spent her time alone or with one or two of the few close friends she had.  There was actually one boy, a childhood friend she knew from when they were both very young.  A regular guy with average looks, and decent humor, and was always around when you were lonely. The ‘good guy’ who you’d watch movies with, play video games with, and generally have a good time. They were the best of friends, but after high school, their relationship got kind of awkward. It got really awkward actually.  She started acting shy around him, and he around her.  The both of them were stuck in a veritable deadlock of awkwardness. Neither of them were particularly comfortable with themselves and both lacked confidence in anything besides just being good friends.

Although a lot of her scientific ‘research’ during her high school years involved watching, reading, and even drawing an incredible amount of pornographic material, transitioning from that world of fantasy and attempting to make even a portion of that into a reality was a challenge she couldn’t even fathom.  There was such a gap from the world online, rife with videos of such dizzying specificity, to her regular life where she had too many emotions and thoughts and feelings about herself and the people around her.

All of this kept her in a platonic relationship with her childhood friend and his nerves and the story he built up in his head about her made her out of reach as well.  A true deadlock of awkwardness, but something had to give.

By the time the end of her high school career was on the horizon and after most pubescent young girls started to lose hope that they would mysteriously grow a few more inches or cup sizes, she was about 4’ 10” tall.  Her love of sweets and junk food, lack of interest in sports, and general disinterest in (almost) all physical activity left her slightly curvy if not a little pudgy overall.  Short, kind of stocky, and easily distracted. She was intelligent and had a trusting relationship with her parents so they left the place to her often when they went on business trips and the occasional private vacation where she didn’t tag along.  She would take advantage of these situations and do her best to release her various sexual tensions to her heart’s extent without fear or inhibition, but she wanted more.

 She knew her friend wanted to be more than friends, she had always known somewhat but never felt ready despite herself.  There was always some made-up reason like she wanted him to make the first move or she needed more ‘experience’ to make it right or the ever-present self-doubt that plagues many of us getting the better of her.  Her thoughts faded away from those problems and yearnings and reverted to a different set of issues as she lay in her bed looking out the window. With graduation only weeks away, it was university entrance exam season and the fate of where everyone would ‘end up’ was still in the air.  She just let out a long sigh as she began to reach down her navel under the waistband of her nighty pajamas when her phone lit up and buzzed on the table.  A text. It was him.

“How’s it going? Studying hard? You still have one more exam right?” He wrote.  After a little back and forth he came out with it. “I know it’s late, but I wanted to hang out. I kind of need someone to talk to, is it cool if I come over? The stars are out and it’s not too cold tonight.”  They would do this all the time.  He would come by and climb onto the A/C unit and could reach a trellis that would boost him onto a low roof just near the dormer of her room window.  They would sit on the roof and look at the stars, talking and laughing into the late night.  She started to play around with herself just a little bit thinking of him after leaving him on read for a minute or two.  He responded, no doubt panicking, staring at the message, and wrote “I mean, I understand if you are busy or heading to bed. All good either way of course.” She sighed and laughed and responded after wiping off her fingers on her sweats.

 “Come on by!  My folks are out of town and I am just laying around staring at my phone.  See you on the roof in like 10~15? (^^)” It was read instantly and he sent a thumbs-up and a bicycle emoji.  He would be here in under 10 minutes no doubt.  She slid one finger between her sensitive slit tracing a single slow circle around her clit and took a deep breath before getting up from bed and quickly heading to the bathroom and making sure she didn’t look like a mess.  By the time she walked over to the window, opening it to head outside with a couple of cans of soda and a bag of chips, his head peeked up from beneath the roof line.

“Sup nerd!” he joked while scrambling up trying to not break the gutter. Again.

 “Just in time! I got snacks!” She said waving the cans and chips before setting them down on the sill and bumbling out the window and getting her footing setting out the old wool blanket towards the top.  She stabilized and reached down to help him up, his warm hands from the bike ride touching hers.

“Thanks, Em.” His tone was warm and thoughtful as he held her hand a bit longer, warming it, and then stood up leaning on the dormer and looking up at the night sky while grabbing the cans from her as she passed them up.  He set them precariously in their customary spot on the roof or stuffed them in his hoodie pocket while helping her get to the flatter part of the roof where they could chill out with less fear of rolling off the roof.  It was a beautiful evening, barely a cloud in the sky, a sliver of a crescent moon making it quite dark out, but tons of stars.  They both leaned back and sighed, staring up, about to reach for their drinks when a shooting star passed by with streaks of pink and white scratching a long line in the night before fading away.

 They both gasped and he sat up looking at her.  “Did you see that? Let’s make a wish.” She laughed bashfully at first and saw that he was serious about this.  She wasn’t one for fairy tales and appreciated science, but the moment was right and it was really beautiful. “It wouldn’t hurt anything and is just for fun you know?  Maybe have some better luck going forward? For whatever plans you might have?”  His eyebrows raised slightly in appeal and she shook her head, looked down a bit, then peeked up from behind her glasses at him with a grin.

 “You are so corny, but you know what… Why not? Just for you.”  He nodded with conviction and they both closed their eyes, speaking silently under their breath mouthing their wishes in reverence for the celestial anomaly they both shared at that moment.

 “I wish that I can control every aspect of people that I interact with and can change any part of a person’s body to how I want according to my will.” She wished. Something she had thought about for a long time.

 “I wish that I could be with Em, as friends and more than friends, and be the person she needs me to be and be there for her and be happy together forever.” He wished. The last year or two were really rough on him because he had a feeling she liked him but wondered why she didn’t give him more of a sign or an OK.  He didn’t want to be too forward but wondered if he really was too shy for his own good around this girl he cared about so much.

 After a pause of about 20 or 30 seconds, their eyes finally met, and she smiled. “Did you make your wish?”

 “Yeah, you?”  He perked up and she just laughed out loud before looking at him again like it was the first time in their friendship that she finally saw exactly how much he cared about her, how much he liked her after years and years of friendship. He felt the same thing looking back at her. Like it finally clicked with their silly little wishing game.

 “Yeah, I made my wish. Not like it will come true or anything. My wish was ridiculous. Impossible.” There was a little bit of incredulity in her words.

 “Well I wished for something that I have been thinking about for a long time and I have wished for it before, not on like stars or anything, but I don't know. It's the first time I've ever felt this strongly about that feeling, and I… I have to tell you something…” He was blushing a little bit and he was fidgeting around on the rooftop adjusting his position. “I ah. You know..” He started to speak, his words catching in his throat.  She started to get the hint without words and began to fidget around a little bit too and she went to reach for a soda and he grabbed her hand and held it up between them.

“You, you like me, right?” She said as the dim light of the crescent moon shone against her face reflecting stars in her eyes. He blushed even more and looked at her and there was almost a tear in his eye.

“Yeah. I… I do. I've liked you for so long and I mean we've been friends and I know I've kind of hinted at it and, honestly, not so subtly asked more than a few times but I figured that you weren't really into me or weren't into guys at all I don't know….” He trailed off as she spoke up.

 “I'm into guys and you know and… I… I like you too, I think. You're great, and I just guess I’ve always been nervous about, you know, getting a boyfriend or getting into a relationship or anything like that, and I didn’t want to mess up being friends with you. You really are my best friend. And, I… I don't know what you really think about me and-”

“I think you’re amazing, Em. I really do! I think you're beautiful and I've liked you since you asked me if I was OK after I fell off the swings.”

 “In elementary school?” She mused.

 “Exactly. That blue slide. You were wearing some purple and pink sweatshirt with hearts on it. I can see it right now. And I just. I had to say it because I don't know if we're going to see each other a lot. You're definitely going to a good University and I'll be lucky to do better than the school down the road. I doubt we'll be in the same school next year and you love science so much and I am really only going to college because that is what I am supposed to do. I don't even know if I should be, you know, risking my whole “educational career” just to follow you around, but I'm really considering it. I would absolutely do it. I like you so much. As a friend I already know that I love you, there I said it, I… I think I love you and I want to keep hanging out with you and you're important to me and really I want to be there for you… Em, I… I…”  His confession of love was running out of steam and was going on long enough as it was and she had a tear in her eye and reached out a hand on his shoulder and scooted closer to him.

 There was another bright flash in the sky as another shooting star went by and it caught both of their attention for a moment, they locked eyes, and leaned in slowly for a long hug and a deep kiss. A kiss that had been overdue for years according to both of their estimations that they had been secretly longing to share. It was as if a veil was lifted and they finally gave themselves permission to be together at that moment. So after their kiss, they kind of sat for a little while panting after the long passionate make-out session.

 “Oh my goodness,” he said unceremoniously, “that was really great. You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you. You’re fantastic and your lips are so… soft.” She smiled and kind of laughed nervously, kind of giggling pretty much her first kiss, her first real kiss with this boy who had been a friend for so long and she spoke softly.

“I do like you. I don’t know if we should be boyfriend and girlfriend right away or anything like that but, I really liked that too and I don't know let's see how things go?  We have all summer to spend time together and you never know, maybe when we find out what schools we're going to go to we can figure something out, what do you think?” she said somewhat bashfully, the nerves starting to creep up on her as she needed to rise to this occasion. “You know, kind of like a little experiment?”

“Absolutely.  Let’s do it!” His eyes lit up and he looked at her with such hope and such happiness and was absolutely enthralled with the idea. After another moment of silence, both of them looking at the stars, the flaring comet in the sky finally winked out and he let out a long sigh, leaning back with his hands behind his head reaching for the soda can. “Spoiler alert, my wish pretty much came true.” He cracked open the can and handed it to her and opened one for himself too, taking a sip. “I hope saying that doesn’t like, jinx my wish or something. Is that how wishes work?”

“Not if they already came true.” she said without even thinking.  “But that is only in situations where the, I don’t know, wish rules are really strict. Your wish was just to kiss me?  What a waste.” She laughed, taking a sip and leaning on her side, her head resting on her hand looking over to him.

“No, not just a kiss, Em.” He laughed. “Although just a kiss with you would still be worth a wish to me.” He said nodding thoughtfully.

 “Gross. You could have ended world hunger, all wars!” She began to argue.

 “What about you?  What was yours? Your, ‘impossible’ wish?” he arched an eyebrow mimicking her posture then took another sip before opening the bag of chips in preparation for whatever performance she was about to put on.

 “Here. Let’s see if it works! Hold this.” She handed her soda over to him and sat up cross-legged, closing her eyes tightly. She took a deep breath, thought about her body, and kept breathing. She focused on her breasts and imagined her nipples getting harder, her breasts getting bigger and fuller and rounder. Her breathing began to get more and more labored as she focused on this image in her mind while he just sat by and watched.

He always knew her to have a fairly average figure, short and stocky sure, but not severely overweight or anything. He thought she was cute, with short black hair and glasses, kind of a bigger butt and thicker thighs, and a small, but nice set of small perky breasts which she didn’t often try to show off.  More than that though, she was always playful and nice to him, cared about him, and listened to him. But tonight she was actually wearing an older shirt under her light jacket. It showed off her regular womanly features and slightly curvy body despite her dislike of being potentially fawned over by people. She didn't like how boys often treated girls at school or people’s gross and forced public displays of affection. She preferred to keep those things to herself and intimate which is what she always thought of such interactions as.

 After being prompted again about what her wish was, she decided to give it an honest try and imagined the countless videos that she has watched, felt her heart racing and she told herself inside of her head, inside of her heart, that her breasts were going to grow and swell to twice as big as they've always been.  She sat there and felt the warmth coursing through her body. She felt tingly around her heart, and her chest, and she felt her nipples getting harder right away and start brushing against the fabric of her old tight sports bra. She was taking full deep breaths but after exhaling, her chest and lungs still felt full and tight.

 He sat there watching her meditate seemingly, and how focused she was.  When her breathing pace evened out and she started taking big deep breaths unconsciously her jacket started to slip down her shoulders and arms a bit exposing the faded yellow t-shirt she was wearing with Ms. Pac-Man and the four ghosts on it.  Her nipples were hard and poking through her shirt like little eraser tips and the outline of her sports bra straps going to her shoulders was visible against the fabric of the old tight shirt.  It was dark this evening and he stole glances at pretty much any chance he could get of her body which was pretty easy since she was always looking down at the ground or covering her face with her hands and such, but something seemed different.

 Her chest was starting to bulge more and more with each breath, and the flesh of her bosom was pushing against the sports bra. Underneath her shirt, the play of fabric and flesh showed clear outlines and creases as the growth slowly continued.  His eyes shot open in amazement looking at the sight before him while her expression of focus was beginning to be interrupted by the occasional wave of passionate heat. Already quite excited from the passion of that kiss his cock started to get hard immediately in response to this miracle taking place before him. It continued swelling from semi-hardness and bounced slowly up with each new gush of blood batting against the fabric of his sweatpants nagging for his attention. He put down the chips and soda, jaw hung open in silence as he kept watching.

 Over the next minute or so her chest kept growing and the poor ill-fitting sports bra underneath her shirt, something from her junior high school days no doubt, was beginning to lose the battle and her swelling breasts bulged underneath and around the edges of the garment.  Underboob peeked out the bottom and her cleavage pressed tightly together starting to overfill past the tops and even spill slightly out of the sides of the bra. Underneath the t-shirt, this was all faintly visible as the fabric strained and stretch lines and bulges became clearer when she finally let out a big exhale and the increase in size seemed to have a bit more weight to them as they settled a bit under her shirt.

 Her breathing finally began to slow after the initial large exhale and as she regained control of herself she reached up to brush the hair out of her face and opened her eyes to look at his reaction.  All she saw was him staring directly at her pert pair of grapefruit-sized breasts squished like marshmallows under her bra, each topped with nipples poking out as large as mini marshmallows.  She looked down a bit and was more interested in the considerable tent in his sweats which he didn’t even seem concerned about. He started to shake his head and mouth something like ‘Your…your…’ and pointed and she looked at her own chest and gasped.  Then she looked up at him and almost stuttered as she spoke.

“Holy… moley… melons… I can't believe it…. I… I can’t… I can't believe it!” and with a ravenous look in her eye, she reached up with both of her hands slowly and gently poked her own breasts recoiling joyously at the sensation.  She looked to him for a reaction and he was just watching wordlessly, a throbbing erection in his pants. She eyed it and absent-mindedly began to grab and squeeze her breasts, closing her eyes and throwing her head back feeling more soft breast flesh under and between her fingers than she'd ever felt in her entire life and it turned her on so much it was intoxicating. The warmth of horniness she sidelined before he sent his first text message came back with a vengeance and the heat spread throughout her body.  She needed and played with her new breasts, throwing off her little jacket, it slid down the roof a little bit before slowing to a stop, and she started to rub and bounce them more vigorously.

 “How did you do that? Did you wish for some kind of superpower or something?” He asked starting to get a handle on himself and trying to do some damage control and hide his erection fruitlessly.  Her head also cleared a bit as well just long enough to realize that she was feeling herself up all sexy-like right in front of her best friend. She got a few more final nipple tweaks and gropes while biting her lip and then focused her attention on him.

 “I don’t know what to call it just yet, but whatever it is it looks like my wish did come true…” she smiled, taking another labored breath before finally letting go of her DD cups placing her hands on her lap leaning forward seductively. “It looks like my wish is working for you too, maybe?” she gave a salacious look towards his obvious hard-on.


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