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Believe it or not I have quite a bit of writing done already for part 6.  I am working on a couple of things at the moment and will get around to finishing up this next part soon enough.  I want to release one more Patreon only thing and that should be good for a while and let me concentrate on finishing experimental MEdicine.

It is one of my goals to actually publish one of my stories and give them a proper read through, copy-edit, and proofread.  Something that I bet plenty of my fans are more than sick of.  Anyway, always trying to improve.

 So after the previous part 5, here is a snapshot of what is to come, at least what is leading up to such an event.  Enjoy!

Story starts from here:

The car ride and shopping went mostly smoothly.  Only a few glances and looks here and there and despite one minor incident where he was walking down the frozen food aisle when a woman dropped a load of groceries blocking his path.

 “I am so sorry sir! My Goodness!”  A woman with a darker complexion and mid-length brown hair said turning from the case of frozen goods looking at the disaster she just caused.  She was wearing a thin light creamybeige-coloredd knitone-piecee sweater, the outline of her undershirt’s neckline visible as panic crossed her face flushing her upon seeing she implicated another person into the mess. As she tried to move her cart to make space all she ended up doing was prying the case door open letting more product spill out and she gave up leaving the cart where it was, propping the door open. “I am so clumsy.. I…”

 “It’s no trouble at all, really.” He said fairly cooly, smiling.  He slid his cart off to the side and squatted down carefully to begin picking up one of the bags of frozen vegetables and looked up to her.  Under her one piece, which hung down to her thighs at a slight angle, she was wearing somdark-coloreded tight yoga pants and a pair of crocs.  She leaned down to grab the offered package of vegetables, the loose hem of the slightly plunging neckline drooping enough to afford him a view of her quite ample cleavage.  He gulped a little, stealing a glance and realized all too late that her breasts were larger than he thought at first glance.  She smiled at him, taking the vegetable packet and turning to face the case putting it in.  “So how did you manage this?  I don’t think I have ever seen so much frozen food spread out like this!” Laughing a little as he continued to gather goods and hand them to her.

 “Seriously! Right?  I was standing here and comparing prices between buying three bags of mixed veggies, or buying one each of corn, carrots, and peas, you know since I am going to be making this huge stew. And I reached out to pick up one of the bags to check how much was in each one like this and…” She reached out to the packet she had just placed back into the box which had been hastily torn open by whoever stocked the freezer from one of the upper shelves.  She pulled the plastic bag of mixed veggies and it snagged and she pulled harder until the whole box ripped open and it all came down on top of her toppling her over and covering her with frozen foods.  Luckily there was already a pile of bags of vegetables to break her fall as she landed on her back sliding between his legs as he looked down at her.

 “Are you alright? That was a pretty hard fall!” He said with a little bit of alarm reaching down to help clear the frozen packs off of her as she opened her eyes, face to face with his crotch filled with a bulging package visible through his jeans, she lay there a little dazed and blinking.  She brushed off the last few packets on her chest and continued to stare.  He asked again. “A..Are you alright?” He reached down to her shoulder to give her a little shake thinking she was in shock or something when he saw how hard her nipples were through her sweater, poking up like little tents after being barraged by the cold and ice.  He was already on the edge of a lot of things before coming out for this trip, and this whole scene was too much for him and he felt the blood begin to rush to his cock filling it up and pumping it to semi-hardness, straightening inside of his pantleg and beginning to form a more and more visible outline.

 “Holy… shit…” She whispered as what she thought might have been, was actually certainly a massive growing schlong in his pants.  She reached up, in somewhat of a daze assuming that she must have passed out or something, and placed a hand on the middle of the shaft and began to pet it gently, appreciating its warmth.  The precum began leaking around then into the condom, safely containing most of the potent creamy liquid and its dangerous aroma, but he also began to sweat nervously a little and she breathed in his musk and pulled her hand away apologizing.  She leaned up, a few stray frozen vegetable packs falling off as she began to get to her feet.

 “Let me help you.” He offered and she took his arm and they stood up.  She smelled good, if not for the smell of freezerburn and she clung to him tightly.  He held her around the back by the arms, but she pulled them in reflexively and both her breasts were covering his hands until she was steady enough to reach out for her cart.

“Thanks.  And um… I’m sorry about when I, touched your um…  penis, I guess.  If that is what they was.”  She said kind of sheepishly.  “I was in a bit of a daze back there and ..”  She kind of faltered on her feet a bit and he helped catch her.

“Let me help you back to your car, is that alright?  You still seem a bit woozy.  And about touching my, er, me… Don’t worry about it. It’s totally fine.”  He was still getting hard and her flowery perfume was filling his nose and being in contact with her large soft breasts, large nipples sticking out through the thin fabric, subtle impressions of the puffed up areola visible as well caused him to lose any semblance of controlling it.

“Yeah, Yeah, you know that would be nice. I appreciate that. Thank you.”  She glanced down at his thigh and saw the thickening pole straining against the fabric reaching nearly down to his knee.  She gulped and looked back up meeting his eyes smiling.  He was a bit nervous about the whole situation, but her smile made him feel a bit better about things as they got their carts and started off.

They left the disaster of frozen food on the ground behind them and headed towards the register, the two of them pushing their carts side by side walking slowly.  They checked out their stuff and walked out towards her car, parked quite a bit aways from the main cluster of cars and,  was quite close to his car.  He helped her put her things into her car and she sat down in the drivers seat.  He put his stuff away and came back over to her car leaning down in front of the lightly tinted window.

“Are you feeling a little better?  Can you drive?”  he asked with authentic concern in his voice.  She smiled up to him and shook her head a little.

“I don’t think so. Not yet.  Do you mind waiting with me a little bit?  I have the heat going on here.”  She licked her lips and glanced down at his package before meeting his eyes.  He licked his lips in respsonse unconsciously and looked her up and down and smiled back. “I think that might be a good idea.  Just a minute.” He replied as he locked his doors and hopped over to the passengers side of her car and got in.

“Nice car you have he-” She didn’t waste anytime and cut him off speaking reaching in for a deep passionate kiss and began to stroke him lovingly through his jeans.  He had a feeling this might happen and just rolled with it.  She was a great kisser and he reached up grabbing a handful of her large soft breasts kneading them through the fabric while he began to try and unclasp his belt and zipper on his jeans to give her what she wanted. What he needed.  Her stroking was speeding up and it wasn’t long before he felt the condom secured to his cock slowly slip towards the tip of his rod until it popped off sliding down his pantleg and laying limp, filled with more precum by volume than a ‘regular’ person’s ejaculate after saving up for a week.  It slowly spilled out onto the carpeted mat as the smell of his potent seed began to circulate through the vents and blow on both of them.


Tasty!  There were a few people on reddit who wanted to get the vents of the building involved and I liked that idea quite a bit.  This is a smaller version of that, but don't worry.  There is still plenty of fun to go.  Only the start of Day 6!  Still plenty of madness to go.


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