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So I am putting a little bit more time into this than I was expecting from what I thought would be a quick one-shot story!  So I wanted to share another sneak peek to my precious patrons who have jumped in.

This is the direct continuation of the previous teaser that I shared publicly, but for your eyes only!  How delicious.

Meta-wise, in my working document, this is roughly pages 7~10 and I have 25 written already and most likely another 5 or so to go before I call this finished.  It will easily eclipse 15,000 words so look forward to that.  Things are still within what I consider 'reasonable' territory, but it won't stay that long forever!  That is all I will say and please enjoy this second teaser for One Night Wish.


---- Story starts from here! ----

“I don’t know what else to tell you, but that was the hottest thing I have seen in my life.  You are turning me on so much right now it isn’t funny.”  He licked his lips and shook his head unapologetically for his mega boner.

 “I don’t blame you at all boy.  I am going to be really frank with you right now, and that felt really good. Like, really really good.” Her expression went vulnerable for a moment as another moany-sigh slipped out from between her lips as a late reverberation of the growth pleasure went through her.

 “So… you said your wish might work on me too?  Do you mean like, make me grow?  I don’t know if I want to grow boobs or anything but like, my dick? Is that what you mean?” He did his best to look her in the eye while he talked, but couldn’t keep his eyes from wandering back to her big breasts from time to time.  She smiled wryly and reached forward and put her hand onto his hard cock and grasped it gently through the sweatpants. She hadn’t really ever handled a real dick before besides some of her toys and size-wise, his was kind of between the two dildos she used the most often.  A small little three-inch vibrator rod, and a silicone seven-incher that was as thick as a bratwurst. It was sizable but unlike her toys, the real thing was hot, like really hot, and it had a kind of pulse to it matching his heartbeat.  He let out a soft little voice as she freely played with him without asking and she looked up letting go.

“It’s alright, do whatever you want, Em.” He reached in and gave her a big hug, her soft breasts pressing against his own chest.  She grabbed him back in a big hug and they leaned their heads back, shared a look, and then leaned in and kissed deeply once again slowly laying to the side on the wool rug atop her family’s roof.  Her hand wandered down to his lap again and his hands reached up to her breasts as they began to squeeze, stroke, and rub each other while their tongues began to intermingle.

The compulsion to grab his cock and play with it was inexplicable. She stroked it and squeezed it and played with it like a joystick while running her thumb across the head polishing the top of it through his sweatpants.  He was grabbing handfuls of her breast flesh desperate for the feeling and used his index finger to toy with her nipples back and forth like a light switch, each flick sending individual tendrils of sexual electricity through her breasts and into her spine, tingling. They breathed hotly into and on each other for a few minutes as both of them started to approach their first climax together.  

 “I’m almost… sorry, but I’m gonna… Ughn!” She gripped his cock through the sweatpants still pumping it in their shared rhythm as it began to convulse strongly. A damp spot formed where his first stifled rope shot out dripping down all over his cock as she kept stroking, and quickly spread as each following rope and spurt shot globs of juicy semen eventually enough to leak through the thick sweatpant fabric. “Ohh ohh ohhhh…. That is so…. so.. good… ahhh”.

 Although he paused a little after the initial orgasm he continued to squeeze and tease her big round breasts giving more and more attention to her nipples.  Her grasp on his still quivering and spurting manhood tightened as she bit her lip and let out a soft moan of her own teetering on the edge of her own climax. She took his hand and brought it down to her crotch where she guided him and he wasted no time and with little provocation she was pushed over the edge as well letting out a small squeal trying to suppress her involuntary vocal outburst.  They lay there side by side for a while breathing and panting, kissing when their eyes met until they finally regained composure.

 She looked at him and knew that summer might not be enough time if this was the way things were going.  “Let’s do that again.” she said with a smile.

 “Anything you want, Em.” he replied, clearing his throat and rolling on to his back stretching out taking one more deep breath. And again lightly under his breath, “Anything you want.”  She wasted no time and her hand creeped over playfully and she felt the wet spot on his sweat pants where his cock was slowly going soft. Already cold after being exposed to the night air.

 “We should wash these, it won’t take long, do you want to come inside?” She asked.  He had only been in her room a handful of times and he would never say no to such an invitation.

“Yeah, thanks.  That’s a good idea, I haven’t come that hard in my life I don’t think and made quite the mess.” He sat up and looked at the large dark splotches of cum and proceeded to grab up the cans and chips and stuff.  She grabbed the blanket and followed up down and he held her hand helping her into her window and followed behind.

 Her rectangular room was kind of messy with magazines, books, and papers strewn about.  There was a smallish bed just to the left of the window with a few stuffed animals on it and a large chest of drawers beyond that and a closet door, a desk on the opposite wall to the right with a lamp, her pc, and some notebooks.  On the far wall was the door to the hall caddy corner to her closet door and next to that was a small tv stand with her tv and a Wii U hooked up to it.  There were a few small figures of characters from anime and games dotted around the room and a few posters on the wall of characters from science fiction films and shows she liked.  Janeway, Picard, Obi-wan, Groot and Rocket, what have you.  A large sofa-style beanbag chair lay off to the side of the tv when it wasn’t being sat on to play games or watch stuff.

He loved this room, the smell of it. The look of it.  Everything it represented in his mind.

“Take a seat - uhh.” She realized she didn’t particularly want his cummy butt on her chairs and stuff. “Actually, take off your pants so I can wash them.” Casually stated.

“Actually I’m not, uhm, wearing any, you know. Underwear. Right now.” He said sheepishly. “If that is alright, I mean.”  She smiled and pursed her lips thinking for a moment.

“Yeah, actually, no big deal, I mean. It’s not like I won't see it eventually right?  I pretty much just gave you a handjob so no big deal. Strip em off, boy.” she added playfully. He shrugged and fairly unceremoniously pulled down his sweats, a thin string of cum stretching from the head of his penis to the mess in his pants.  It wasn’t anything miraculous after going soft and being in the cold, but he gave it a playful throttle and shake.

 “Is this what you wanted, Em?  To see my soft dick flapping around in your room?” He joked while hopping towards her brandishing his tool in her direction making ‘Rahhh’ noises.  She laughed and began to run away playfully around the room and threw the big bean bag at him and grabbed her and they both fell down on it in the center of her room, only the light of the lamp illuminating them as a clock on the wall beeped indicating they struck the hour.  It was already 11 pm.  “Oh no.” he said looking down at her, kneeling bare-assed beside her as she lay on the beanbag, her chest raising up and down with her breaths after their play.

 “What is it? My folks aren’t home so we can hang out all night if you want.” She assuaged.

 “Not that, I accidentally got some... Uh.. you know, jizz on your shirt. My bad.” He said pointing to her shirt near the navel. Sure enough, he must have squeezed out one last blurb of cum while shaking it around chasing her and got it on her in the altercation.  “What are we going to do?” he said with a mock expression of worry on his face.

 “I suppose it will need to go into the wash with your pants, you jizz monster. Can you help me take it off?” She liked where this was going. And she reached down to her navel and began to peel up her shirt and he helped her take it off over her head watching with full attention as her newly expanded round bosom was held up by the shirt and plopped down with a bounce still under the considerable pressure of the old sports bra.  Seeing her in only a bra got him excited immediately and as soon as her shirt was over her head he threw it at the hallway door where his pants lay and leaned in for a deep kiss while kicking his leg over her straddling her torso, his slowly hardening cock laying on her stomach.

 She reached up to his sides and caressed him while letting his tongue into her mouth and felt the warmth of his body on top of her.  Her nipples were already getting hard again and she felt the passion building inside of her despite having just orgasmed on the roof.  He reached down with, grabbed big handfuls of her soft bosoms and squeezed.  With each squeeze it was like a bolt of energy going straight through his body and landing at the base of his cock forcing it to get harder.  It felt incredible for them both.

Her caresses made their way down to the stalk of his dick and she grabbed it with one hand and the other began to play with his nipple slightly.  “I have a surprise for you.” she said between kisses while they caught their breath.  And she began to stroke him directly and closed her eyes as they kept kissing and he fondled her incessantly and with a hint of desperation to it.

 She imagined his dick growing in her hands, willing it to grow twice as big as it was right now as she stroked it slowly all the way from the base until the tip, pulling millimeter after millimeter from within him at first.  He immediately closed his eyes as her handjob got more sensual and had to pause at times to recover from the feeling.

 “Your hands are magical, Em. I don’t know how else to explain it. It feels so good. '' he whispered. The warmth rushed from his heart down to through his core giving him butterflies in his stomach and down around his crotch warming it up completely to the point where he felt his dick throbbing hard. Harder than on the roof and indeed maybe the hardest erection he had ever had in his life. As her rhythm and will aligned she began to open her eyes and saw his face lost in ecstasy, mouth hanging agape and leaning up while still holding on to each of her breasts and his head leaned back in pleasure.  He was enjoying this and she knew how good it felt too when her own breasts grew just an hour or so ago.  She felt the warmth coursing through him and continued pulling and watched in amazement as his penis got thicker and hotter in her hand, getting harder and slowly snaking along her stomach inching closer and closer to her face.  Her dainty fingers spread apart slowly more and more as the meaty rod in her hands expanded millimeters at a time.  She loved the feeling, the heft of it as she sat up and pushed him back on the opposite side of the couch and straddled his legs.  He couldn’t put up a fight, seemingly paralyzed with pleasure.  His lips quivered and even a drop of saliva began to drip from the side of his mouth as he stifled moans of pleasure and she continued to pump his rod up and down, always pulling hard willing centimeter after centimeter out from somewhere according to her desires. It was already as big as her large dildo and still swelling.


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