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Greetings my dear Patron!

 What do you know? It isn't a teaser, but the full chapter! Woo hoo! Spoilers, I ended up cutting this chapter much shorter than I thought because it looked like folks wanted a bit more MC rather than delicious futa-tastic Valentina. I know I know. 'Michelle, why are you caving to the opinions of like 3 or 4 people?' To which I respond 'Well then by all means make sure you share your opinion even harder so I can see that!' But all the while I am thinking 'Ha, all the even raunchier futa goodness is far from deleted and will appear in the next next chapter in full force and that makes my story even more dynamic!'

 And then I climb up to the edge of the cliff's precipice and cackle to the sky as lightning crackles and thunder booms behind me. It's a big moment for me. I feel empowered and not because lightning has just struck my massive futanari penis. It's as big as the mountain I am standing on. Ermagerd.

Yep. But for real, I cut it short (The chapter. I don't do guro. Ayy.) to give a glimpse at Val, and have plenty PLENTY more going on later. She will still suffer, but you don't have to be bummed out all in a row! Spread out the bummage and the futa. Like putting spice in a dish for someone who thinks they don't like spice, but they could if they just tried it. A little at a time. Ground up into their breakfast cereal. Without them knowing. Am I drugging you? I don't think so. Do you feel drugged?

 Nah, you are most likely feeling dragged, I bet, through all this gross reprehensible futanari content. It shall continue until morale improves. But it is you who must continue the beatings on yourself! And for your relentless beating I will offer more glimpses at the main plot and for the intellectual smut connoisseur (All my fans, thankfully), some more intrigue and food for thought on what is going on behind the proverbial scenes. Or should I say, down below... (Oh no she di'in't!)

This whole rant has taken a dark turn and I am riding off the rails for it. Chapter three is a quickie and ended up being around 5500 words. So an additional 3000ish from the teaser? The next chapter will feature MC. What exactly is our job in this new business anyway? Do we just twiddle our thumbs and get blowjobs and titty fucks and have sex all day? Wouldn't that be the life?

  Please enjoy~

Ta ta~



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