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Finally checked out what kind of sunscreen I used my dear Patron.

 Another nice weekend comes and goes. It has been quite rainy and humid here, but there was a break in the weather long enough to enjoy a day at the water park with friends and family. I am happy to report I didn't get burned this time. Finally learning my lessons.

 Got some baking done, played some games, watched a movie, and generally just avoided the deadly heat. How did you spend your weekend? Get anything done around the house? Clean up part of a room? Make some cookies? Laze about? As long as you enjoyed yourself, right? Too many questions!

 So, I have good news and bad news. Bad news is, I have no bad news. (Is that bad news? Or is it one of those no news is good news situations? In other words news is bad news? Call a philosopher.) Good news is, a teaser for the next chapter of EB incoming this week. I have been tapping away. I now have a small surplus of Valentina Content I want to get out there, but as I write the next (MC-focused) chapter, I find it wants to pay a visit to Trish first. This whole novel feels like it will only take place over the course of a single day sometimes. I am actually toying with replacing the the first chapter of the book with the actual day to denote the time skip.

 Maybe it will be like that old horror thriller zombie film 28 days later, where this book will be similar to 28 months later or something. A small detail, but then the chapters will be broken up into times. Give a vibe of how hectic a single day in the life of MC and the rest of the cast really is. Add a fun element of 'That all happened in that span of time!?' I feel like it might be fun.

 So! That is the dilemma I am dancing with between chapters now. Just a thought experiment, but I am feeling like while the meeting is taking place we have a bit more time to interact with the other characters and see what they are up to. This Trish chapter might be taking an interesting turn. It might also have an interesting point of view as well. I will have to get a feeling for the scene. For some reason I find myself wanting to keep things secret from the reader or delaying certain payoffs. Add in a few new characters here and there (In preparation for the inevitable spinoffs?) and then give glimpses and answers about how characters feel and what they want after a little moment of anticipation.

 I like when the reader can make up their mind about things and then down the road get a little indicator or guideline to keep us all on a similar page. This is going into rant territory, so I will stop it here.

 Look forward to more EB this week.

Ta ta~



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