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Hello my dear Patron,

 My neck still hurts. I changed my pillow and it feels a bit better, but I need a new pillow. One of those fancy ones with curves in it, I think. Maybe resting my head on some gentle curves will ease the pain in my shoulders and neck? Here is hoping.

 Enough of my pain, no doubt the whining is paining you to get to the good stuff. Here is a teaser for chapter two of Experimental Business! Today we are going to get to know Lucy's assistant a bit more. She is still quite the fresh recruit, isn't she?

 And so thin and small and plain, too. The complete opposite of her boss, right?  **Whistles innocently** (Small side note, it took me ages to get those asterisks in to express that clever emote. It automatically turns it into italics. Is annoyed.

 Anyway. Gabriella is a piece of work I think. I am still getting to know her myself, but she seems alright so far. Wound a bit too tight. Needs to loosen up perhaps?

 Either way, please enjoy this little teaser. This has been a busy week for me filled with pain and annoyances in my IRL and I am not really on my game. Forgive its shortness and lets hope the world can ease up on us all a bit more so there will be more time to relax and less time to run around like we are on fire.

Ta ta~



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