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Happy new week to you, my dear Patron.

  Had a great weekend and my terrible neck pain has slowly devolved into a shoulder and pack pain hybrid. Much, much more tolerable. I need to visit a chiropractor! Hah. Regardless of all that, I'm in good spirits. Even a case of the dreaded Monday's isn't keeping me down. Although I don't have much time to do writing or editing today, due to needing to do 'actual' work. (Ayyy) I am still feeling fine. Got lots of fun plans coming next weekend and the weekend after that as well. Seeing friends, spending time with family members, enjoying the city and enjoying nature. Well-rounded fun across the board.

 I am also feeling the fire to get writing again. The last week or two has been slow for me on that front. If you haven't seen or felt a difference, then let that be a nod to my planning! But I have been busy with other projects that have weighed on me a bit and taken my time. I also have predilections that steal a fair amount of my free time on top of it.

 Ugh. Getting awfully ranty around here. I am having a kind of grey, moody Monday, but I am keeping the light close to my heart and excited for a good week. Depending on how my schedule plays out, I could have an entire day to get some writing done and plan on using it.

Ta ta~




Chiro's aren't real doctors btw. If you have a long lasting problem, you should go to a physio.


I appreciate that, Samwise. I will try a variety of options if my issues persist. Thanks for the rec.