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Greetings dear Patron~ How are you faring?

I have had an aggravating but eye-opening run of it. I slept wrong last week, or my pillow is too old, or my mattress needs more support, or any number of other reasons I have floating in my head, but I messed up my neck.

As I approach middle age, the realities of the body not being as nubile and stretchy and able to bounce back easily irks me greatly. Thankfully it rarely pains me, but I done did it this time. That and a handful of other responsibilities at work and such happening at the same time falling on my already straining shoulders... Ahh. One of those weeks, I suppose.

 Even this post has been delayed by a day or two which throws off my rhythm for the week. EB is chugging along slowly, but I will have more for you soon. I am pleased that the first chapter has merited a few kind comments. That means a lot to me. Believe it or not, there are few people I can gush to about my work. Do you have people you can gush to about the stories you enjoy reading and/or other predilections? I'd love for it if you did.

 With some luck I will be able to press the keys many times today and tomorrow and produce more spicy make-believe for us all to fan ourselves over.

 Ta ta~



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