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Hi Patron.

 How are you this week? I am doing quite well. After the tumult of busy work transitions and craziness my typical, familiar patterns are returning. Comfort, the enemy of the righteous and the go-getter. Right?

 Certainly. And I see the logic and fire behind those words, but there is always another adage to fight another adage. Which is truth? Which is a lie? Is the always discomforted goal-seeker fall prey to missing the forest for the trees, or however that goes? Finding out too late that it is the journey, not the destination? Etc?

 Here I am explaining myself and I haven't mentioned any nipples or a single glistening cock. Ha~.

 Robin Wood is getting good and there will be another tasty installment for you this week. Count on it!

 With only one or two chapters to go, I am looking forward to starting something new. This is the death knell of any creator on the internet, but I have been researching visual novels and experimenting with renpy, a python iteration that predisposes itself to visual novels and such. Less of a visual novel, I want to make more of an adventure game/point and click kind of experience.

 Ideally, that experience will have some delicious lewd content alongside some flavorful writing and interesting conversations. Of course with a mixture of silliness and goofy hijinks, but plenty of smut as well. It shouldn't detract from any of my writing here since that is what I spend some of my midnight hours doing. And to be truthful with you, I had begun the snooping and practice programming and planning years ago. It fell off for a while into the back of my mind, but recently my heart has been urging me to pursue it a bit.

 The heart, its desires, and yearning are such a mysterious thing. Some things seem so clear.

Either way, none of that business will crop up into this realm. So fear not. And there is plenty of delicious content for you to enjoy in the meantime and plenty more on the way. I have so many stories I want to tell. There will be some one-shot excitement after Robin Wood which I may poll the group about, polling responses have been tepid recently and most responses tilt towards 'just keep doing what you are doing' so don't take it to heart if the polls fall off.

 But I will put out some feelers to see what you want to hear about next in the realm of stories. Robin Wood feels like it is almost on the fringe of what we are interested in, and I am curious about some things.

 Please have a nice day and a nice week. This week has been as the title suggests, warm and gray. (Ayyy, she brought it back.) Blue skies peeking behind lots of clouds giving a very light grey, as the warm weather approaches. Not wearing sweaters at all times has been a nice break and airflow has been so refreshing.

 May you be refreshed and cool, my dear Patron.



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