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Here it is.

My dear Patron, this right here is it. One of my biggest gambles in a while.

  It won't be the new normal, so don't be afraid. But I think we all had a feeling something like this was coming. Have I already said too much?

 I have to admit, writing this was a fucking roller coaster. I haven't dropped that many f-bombs in my writing in a while and try to keep it 'family friendly' (lol). Just call it a habit. But it was necessary.

 I have to admit that it was one of the more fun chapters to write recently and it was a new kind of intense scene. It felt different for sure. Part of me wanted to divide it into two parts! (It's 8,000 words) But it didn't feel like a good play.

 I really hope you enjoy it and want to hear what you think! I am toying with putting up a poll (Ayy) but I already know the answer I want to hear. Feel free to tell me what you want to happen in a message or in the chat room located on this patreon page. The chapter ends on a question and regardless of the strings attached to the question, since there will be some strings, I am hoping the scene is clear enough.

 Whew! What a rush. I literally JUST finished writing this chapter and it's been a rush.

 Ta ta~

 Please don't hate me!



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