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Hey everyone! Sorry for the radio silence this weekend, I know you were expecting an update this weekend since I indicated I thought I'd be able to have it ready. All I can do is apologize and let you all know I'm still working as hard as I can, and trying to get it done.

I know at this point it's just sounding like excuses, but I've had one of the most frustrating weeks of my life, and my lack of communication this week and weekend have just been a result of my trying to cope with what's going on. I won't go into details but it involves in-laws, trauma they caused my wife growing up, trauma they're still causing, another surprise visit, a total disregard for set boundaries, an explosion of personalities, a really shitty resolution, and now, the aftermath. As I've said before, I'm sorry that the time I spend on development of AFV has to be subject to the goings on of my life, but where it's not my full time job or family, it has to take a back seat to everything else.

I really do understand your frustration, I've been on the other end of this where I've supported game developers and felt that they owed me more consideration based on money I've given them to support their projects. And I'm not saying that sentiment is wrong. I honestly feel massive guilt every time I tell you about my goal and then miss it. When I share with you a date, it's because I really believe that I can achieve it, but lately it seems that real life keeps showing up with a hulk size dildo in hand.

So, Instead of a date, let me tell you where I'm at and what's left to do, I can then update you when I get one of the listed items done. Animations and Images are completely done. The main script is written and set into the code. Right now I'm working on finishing up the scripting of repeatable elements of those main story line scripts. After that's done, I'll need to take everything Strenif has scripted and consolidate it into the main script, I'll need to hide and script the new face cards into the AFV world, then I'll need to update all the new events into the event tracking system, update the new events into the completed scene gallery system, and then play through the build to find and correct the obvious bugs. 

I know that looks like a lot, but several of those tasks I can complete in just a matter of a few hours. Because I don't like to keep making a ton of posts on my Patreon and Subscribestar, I think I'll update you on the completion of those above listed tasks on twitter(X) and Discord

I honestly appreciate your on going support and encouragement. I genuinely try not to take your contributions and support for granted. I try my best to respect your time and feelings towards AFV and our shared passion for adult gaming. If any of you ever feel like your being taken advantage of, milked, neglected, or ignored, I apologize. That never has, or ever will be my intentions. You guys are great! You've been way more generous with my shortcomings than I deserve! I genuinely feel extremely lucky and blessed to be part of such a positive community. I hope you all have a fantastic week, and I'll be keeping in touch with my progress. 



I sympathise. My wife's family is pretty bad too; we haven't had any contact with them for decades. It sucks, but you married her, not her family - they're just the arseholes you have to put up with. I'm sure she needs your support more than we do; don't stress.

The Blue Gentleman

Don't stress out, first things first. Good luck