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Hey all, It's been a week and a day since I updated you on what's going on with the update. Just wanted to be up front with you all and continue to let you know what's going on. I indicated that this week was going to be really busy and it was going to be hard to find time to work on AFV. Well, I was correct and while I have been able to get some work done on it, it hasn't been much. This week has totally worn me out!

So, here's my plan. I'm actually taking work off today and tomorrow. I'm going to take today to rest up, because I really need it, then I'm going to hit the update really hard tomorrow and the rest of this weekend. Next week should be a lot more calm, and I should be able to get things all finished up by next weekend, maybe sooner. (Plan subject to change due to unexpected events)

I'm sorry that AFV's development has to be subject to the goings on of my life. I wish it were doing well enough that I could give it the time and attention of a full time job. I mean that's the dream that I think all of us small developers have in mind, and I don't mean to sound ungrateful either. I realize how lucky I am that AFV gets the amount of support it does, so just know that I'm really grateful to all of you who support the game, and I'm going to keep doing the best I can to keep earning your support. 

I hope you all have a great week! Hopefully I will too, and we'll be playing the update and hunting for bugs by next week! 


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