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Hey guys, I know it's only been a week since my last post, but I answered a question on Discord that I thought you would all be interested in hearing the explanation.

[Q: Hate to be that guy but Will said he would give us updates when he finished some of those "few hour" tasks he had to do, Its been 6 days and nothing

A: Yeah, sorry there's been no update, and the reason is that I still haven't even finished task one. And it's not because I haven't been working on it. One of the disadvantages to creating a non-linear AVN is that new events affect all the other repeatable events, so adding a new event isn't just as simple as scripting a new event. In the event of Jacky having sex with her son, now it affects everything from how she reacts when she sees him at breakfast, to when he rescues her from the mafia, to every time he knocks on her door, sees her as school, asks her to come to another photoshoot, rubs one out on her own etc... As much as I enjoy game development, this part of it is a fucking slog to get through. Right now there are almost 27,000 lines of code for the 0.08 update alone, and over 102,000 lines just in the scripts that I'm having to go through looking for these instances where I need to adjust the dialogue for this new event. Unfortunately how long this is taking kind of took me by surprise. I didn't budget enough time in my estimates for how long this was going to take. Good news is that I think I'm just about through it. I'll probably finish that part of the update tomorrow or the next day, and the other tasks I have listed won't take nearly this long. This explanation is kind of long, and I probably should make a formal post about it.]

Sorry, if I get really silent for a while, it either means I'm working really hard, or dealing with personal shit, and luckily this week it's meant working really hard. Oh, and I'm not trying to call out the guy who asked the question at all, (Coughs KingKoopa) It's a totally reasonable question to ask at this point. 



Bro, we all or most of us at least understand that things happens. Glad it's coming along smoothly and hopefully we all can enjoy it soon but again man, don't sweat it id rather have a great game and wait a bit longer then get it and it's not up to par.