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Sorry for the long silence, as we get closer to the release of the update, I'm anxious to say or promise too much as far as a timeframe goes, but against better judgement, I want to share with you, what I feel is my realistic goal / expectation for this update's release. I feel confident that I'll have the writing/scripting done before the end of the month. I can't promise you that the update's release will be at the end of the month, since I never know how long playtesting and our other content quality checks will take, but if it's not ready by month's end, it should be only shortly after. Giving you this information makes me slightly anxious, since unforeseen circumstances can always push things back, and make me look like a lazy ass, but I'm giving you this information to hold my own feet to the fire, so I'll have that added pressure to make sure I spend every second I have, and to create the time to make this happen.  You've all been very patient, and I feel bad for not doing better to reward that patience.  

I've already shared this with my supporters, but since this is a public post, I want to share it with everyone else too. I’m going to try a new development method. Currently, I do all the renders and animations for the entire update before I do the scripting, coding, quality check, testing, etc… In the future I’m going to develop the game one event at a time, meaning I’ll do all the renders and animations for that event, and not do any more until I’ve scripted/coded, spell/grammar checked, tested and just make sure it’s release ready before I move on to the next event. That way, every other month on a specified day, I’ll be able to release all the events I've got finished in that time. It won’t be perfect, I’m sure there will be times when I’m on the verge of finishing an event chain and I’ll have to release a few days late, or whatever, but at least the supporters will have something more predictable that they can count on. I’ll also try to make my progress updates and previews on a schedule so supporters can know when to expect info, rewards, etc… I currently work as hard and fast as I can, and even though these changes will mean smaller updates, I think these changes will help the supporters feel like they’re getting more for their money, and help me feel like a better dev.

I continue to love and be excited about the future developments in AFV. I really appreciate how many people currently support, and have supported the game in the past. I started making this game for myself, but now I strive to make the best content I can for all of you. I feel so lucky that so many have enjoyed my version of this already well developed concept of an adult game, and I commit to all of you my ongoing effort to develop AFV as quickly and with the highest content that I'm capable of. 

Thank you all for the many ways you show support for this game!

(above) I've got a sample of a new unlockable game perk that will be available in the next update of the game. Finishing certain events will unlock cards that will be playable in the casino, and an additional gallery where you can see these unlocked rewards. This image was created by Strenif, who most of you have probably had a chance of being acquainted with through Discord. This image has been censored due to certain standards requirements from Patreon. 



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