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If I had to put a number on the updates progress to completion I'd say we're at 80-85% complete. I'm hoping the last 15-20% will come fairly quickly as the chaos around me seems to be stabilizing, and I'm finding more time to work on the update. So keep your fingers crossed that we don't have more shit hit the fan with whatever life could possibly throw at us again. The renders are done, and I'm writing as fast as I can. Hopefully the various checks can go smoothly and we can have the update in our testers hands very shortly.  I'll keep you all a-(breast) ( . )( . ) on the progress of the update as we get closer and closer. 

After this update I’m going to try a new development method. Currently, I do all the renders and animations for the entire update before I do the scripting, coding, quality check, testing, etc… In the future I’m going to develop the game one event at a time, meaning I’ll do all the renders and animations for that event, and not do any more until I’ve scripted/coded, spell/grammar checked, tested and just make sure it’s release ready before I move on to the next event. That way, every other month on a specified day, I’ll be able to release all the events I've got finished in that time. It won’t be perfect, I’m sure there will be times when I’m on the verge of finishing an event chain and I’ll have to release a few days late, or whatever, but at least the supporters will have something more predictable that they can count on. I’ll also try to make my progress updates and previews on a schedule so supporters can know when to expect info, rewards, etc… I currently work as hard and fast as I can, and even though these changes will mean smaller updates, I think these changes will help the supporters feel like they’re getting more for their money, and help me feel like a better dev.

As always, thanks for all your patience, kind words, and support. I know waiting for an update is frustrating, and all the more frustrating if you're supporting it financially. I hope this next update will be something you all enjoy, and I'm still excited as can be for the future of AFV.  I want to assure everyone that I'm still loving the development of this game, and even if I lost every bit of support for it, I'd push through to its completion just for myself.  I've felt a little burnt out at life recently, but I've never felt burnt out by the game.  I only bring this up because I know a lot of games get dropped around this point in their development, and I've read posts from players worrying that my recent slow down is an indication AFV is going that way. The development slowdown has only been the result of the chaos in the world around me, Since AFV is developed in my spare time, and circumstances have made that spare time in shorter supply. I pine for the day when AFV can replace my income and I can develop games full time!.... ahhhhhh.... someday perhaps. Until then, just know how much I appreciate you all for supporting me and the game!



That's an awesome plan. I wish all dev's did that. A small update every month or 2 is better than 1 big one but takes 6 months or even a year imo (by that point most AVN players have forgot about it and moved on, or at the very least have forgotten what the MC was doing at the end of the last update). I imagine if you can get it to monthly that will get more patrons as well, since alot of them will sub for a month to get the update and then unsub for the wait time in between.