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Help, I need a temporary coder! Our good friend and master coder D.S.-Sama is a paramilitary in Romania and his time has been completely taken up with tending to Ukrainian refugees and other tasks.  He'll be back to help with AFV as soon as the war is over, but who knows when that will be. 

I've been trying to change our events system and I need to modify DS's code to do just one more thing, and I've been trying to figure it out myself and failing spectacularly.  Someone who is more familiar with python would probably be able to figure it out really quickly. 

DM me here, or on Discord if you think you can help.

Quality checks have started on AFV.  Lapdragon has a portion of the script for spelling/grammar, and will have the rest of it in his hands within the next few days. We're really close, and once we get our coding issue taken care of, I think we'll be ready to put the update into our play testers hands.

Thanks as always to our supporters! Your patience and encouragement has really helped to keep me going through a tough time. Your love for AFV has increased my love and excitement for its continued development. 

We hope for a just and quick conclusion for the war in Ukraine, and we wish good health to our friend D.S.-Sama and all the victims of this terrible war. 


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