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What's your favorite moment from this episode?



I was split between the bad ass Iris moment and the creepy ragdoll. But went with Iris, as it was just awesome.

Dylan Carpenter

I picked Iris’ badass moment, but my real favorite part was Nora finally connecting with Iris.

Kevin Bartelen

They're all great moments but I'm a huge Spider-Man fan therefor I have to go with that one.


They were all great but when Iris jumped I legitimately had NO IDEA what she was doing. Genuinely shocked me!

Doby Greg

Definitely Ragdoll. It was the most unexpected I can get Ralph zaziness or Iris being badass anytime but that level of creepiness was both great and original.

Dan Banks

Totally not imitation Spider-Man at all mr Ralph, the motion of mr flexible was fairly sick too, sick in a vomit and cook way at the same time, then there’s iris who was pretty brave, But no ones moves are better than beebos

I Am Groot

IRIS was incredible and when Barry got free and had the electricity in his eyes

Christopher simeon

Iris badass moment for the win. It was just so unexpected for isis to do that. Finally flash writers are taking a page from Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D and making the love interest just as badass.


LOVED Iris this episode. I'm really liking her this season. But that's not to say the other options weren't awesome as well


Give my Baby Giraffe more credit, hes slowly becoming one of my favorites!


Ralph flying like spider man but also I love that dc is nice about marvel and marvel is just mean to dc specially in deadpool


The Satellite names come from: Hal 9000 (2001 a space odyssey) Robbie the robot (Forbidden Planet) Data (Star Trek) Colossus (Colossus: The Forbin Project)


Unfair! These are all great for completely different reasons. Iris - Bad. Ass. Ralph - So much fun Rag Doll - WTF! How are we supposed to choose?

Andrew Courtney

Give me badass full trust in myself and my husband to pull this off moment. No hesitation!!!! Moments like that are why I believe their relationship far more than Oliver and Felicity.


rip stan lee


I can't believe I didn't realise Phil LaMarr did the voice for Ragdoll he's such a great VA


There is a difference between BEST and FAVORITE. Favorite, is Iris. Great character moment. Great shock moment. Best was Ragdoll. He made this episode stand out from the beginning. Unfortunately for Ragdoll, what made him so effective, his creepiness, guaranteed he wouldn't be my favorite.


I like them all almost equally.


The Iris one was ruined for me because it's inconsistent. When Barry first fought Zoom, he equalized their speed by jumping off the roof of STAR Labs. They explained that superspeed doesn't matter when you're falling because you can't go any faster than terminal velocity. But here, Barry could run even though he was falling and even though he was too far away from anything he would be able to run on.


Elongated man, elongated man. Does what ever an elongated man can

The Air Nation

My name is robby Also ray park calls eric robby I think tho the reference is robby the robot from forbidden planet.

Darth Skhorrn

My real answer was Barry's arms at the beginning. But for the poll, Iris's moment. I've been up and down on her this season, but that was undeniably awesome.


For me it was all the episode was fantastic my favorite this season so far. Loving the new entros for the CW shows by the way great job guys


Iris Moment was straight up Brave, Bold, and Badass! Knowing that if she fails they die is a good way to show her daughter what kind of person she truly is


Iris’s moment made my head say “this is BADASS!” in Jason Momoa’s voice.

Eduardo Zatarain

Ragdoll is probably in my top 5 of arrowverse villains, i just loved how he looked and the movements, imagine if this show had a movie budget, you could have some really creepy and eerie scenes with him

Scott Hadden Jnr

One badass moment from Iris does not negate all the crap we've had t put up with thus far. And as much as I want to think Ralph's mode of transport was a tribute to Stan the Man, it couldn't be one.


Iris jumping definitely. She and Barry could have died if she failed. And it was more badass Cos I thought Ralph was stretching to catch Barry and Ralph would save him. Did not expect iris to do it all


All of it but Iris jumping for sure. Also Iris and Nora are finally bonding! AND - For me its been a long time since I gave a damn about a Meta of the Week but Akasa.. ehh Ragdoll I really liked.

Anthia Grant

As much as I enjoyed Iris' badass moment, Ragdoll really sold it for me. He was creepy af and legit one of the best meta humans The Flash has had so far. I couldn't help but say "Where is he?!" when Barry and Iris were having a moment in star labs and she found her lead or when Barry was alone in the apartment. This could have been a great Halloween themed episode

Callie Stephen

So hard to pick. Ragdoll’s creepiness comes so close to taking it for me but that leap from Iris was just so baddass and unexpected I have to go with Iris.

Stormageddon Thomason

I loved web slinging Elongated Man! I wonder where he saw it, was it Spider-Man? Mr Fantastic? Maybe Plastic Man? I just love Ralph doing different things with his powers, like the time he out ran the TRex skeleton in the pipeline in the Black Bison episode last season


Is "Barry showing off his arms in that t-shirt" not an option?

Ryan Witalison

No all of the above and more option ;) I loved everything in the episode


Barry was like your crazy, Iris was like I'm Batgirl


All of the above really, but I'm going to vote for Iris. This was a genuinely badass moment from her in contrast to all the times they literally tell us out loud that "Women can be badass too". Show don't tell. Fucking great.


I loved Ragdoll. He was amazingly creepy. I hope we can see him in the future again

Boomchicawawa Bay

Toughest poll yet, all were great moments. Voted Ralph simply because my favorite thing about any power/quirk are seeing the cool mods that can come from them.


All of it! What a great episode!


I loved all of them but Ragdoll took the cake for me. He's played by a actual contortionist who was on America's Got Talent and voiced by the incredibly talented Phill Lamarr


I love my mom, but I wouldn't mind having Iris West-Allen as a mom as well. 💕


Non I felt it was the weakest episode so far this season for the flash. I dont like Nora and Iris being fixed very fast just because Barry wanted it and Iris lovers can be Happy.


For the poll Iris’ moment was my favorite, but I really liked all of Iris and Barry’s scenes together. Iris felt down at how her future self pushed Nora away, but never once took out on Barry or force him to choose sides or whatever other drama CW shows like to do. Barry for his part didn’t try to fix or force everything back to place and just talked to Iris and listened to her. While I wasn’t always a fan of them as a couple especially in season 1 when both were kind of too immature the last few seasons have turned me around on them as a couple. They are one of the strongest couples in Arrowverse on a whole. This episode showed all their strengths together. I can see how some people thought Iris jumping off was over the top or forced, but I loved it because it showed how much faith she had in Barry and how much she is willing to do for her family. That is a side Nora really needed to see to realize there is more to her mother than what she has seen. Allen-West family are my favorite family in Arrowverse and what makes the Flash show special IMO. I am very happy the writers are focusing on this so far and letting the character drive the stories rather than having the stories drive the characters as I’ve felt some past seasons have done.