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"A Good Man Goes to War"


Doctor Who 6x7 REACTION!! "A Good Man Goes to War"

Eric Shane Calvin and Aaron react to and discuss season 6 episode 7 of Doctor Who A Good Man Goes to War Vote in our polls and see certain Blind Wave videos early!! http://www.patreon.com/blindwave Blind Wave is Sponsored on Patreon by: Keyboard Junkie, Kevin Kosterman, Abdulr B93 & Taymoor23, and IIB0JANGLESII Website http://www.blindwave.net Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/blindwaveprod FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/BlindWaveProductions Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/blindwave Discord: https://discord.gg/blindwave Snapchat: blind_wave Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/blindwave Send us Stuff at: P.O. Box 304 Marietta, OH 45750



FINALLY!!!!!! Been waiting all day for this!!


Anyone else having problems with full length? Keeps saying I need to connect my patreon... (nevermind, fixed itself)


Strax have arrived


Time lords are gallifreyians who enter the academy sort of a church and train to be watchers of the universe and have to join different chapters based off of your personality the Doctor is in the pridonian chapter the one rassilion created once you join a chapter you are essentially a time lord and you have to vow not to interfere in other planetary affairs other gallifreyians can just be farmers or medics or join the military etc but are not time lords


Eric mentioning Captain Jack... Things that almost were!!


Basically, Rory, Amy and the TARDIS had a three-way. . . ????


To add on to that, Time Lords are not strictly restricted to Gallifreyans e.g. Ace is a Time Lord.


I do really like this episode but its such a shame that the paternoster gang stuck around after this, they really did become insufferable. Strax has ruined sontarans forever


I love it when Matt Smith takes off that happy go lucky exterior and shows us the Doctor's angry side. Seeing scenes like this gets me excited for that rumored Star Wars role in episode 9.

Bryan Matola

If you ignore the big budget scenes and the amazing acting prowess of the cast and actually focus on the dialogue and scenarios every big Moffat event is immediately recognizable as fanfiction. Not even good fanfiction, either. “My companions conceived a half Time Lord baby in the Tardis on their wedding night and a cult kidnapped her to use her as a weapon against me but I ended up seducing her and now she’s my hot girlfriend.” “I’ve killed so many guys that Doctor means warrior to some aliens.” “Every evildoer in the universe is so terrified of me that all I have to do to intimidate them is give a speech identifying myself.”


The scene at the beginning with Rory is one of the coolest things ever.


I kind of hate how smart Eric is. He figured out that River was the baby and it lessened the impact of the reveal. I remember I was SHOCKED when I first watched it. I truly had no idea. That Rory/River scene will get you even more after The Angel Takes Manhattan ;(

Doby Greg

This episode really does feel like a finale. Those returns were much better than the ones from last season. Altough they are conceptual returns more than characters. I especially like the nurse sontarian(shouldn't have mind dying but that's minor). He as the greatest dialogues. Amy is great in that scene where she lose the baby. And I totally get her not being in the most hugging mood when the doctor failed to save her baby. It's not being mad at the doctor but more not wanting confort from someone that failed her when he promised he wouldn't. And I love the beginning and end of the discussion with River(the middle has nothing to do with everything). It's nice to see the doctor so upset because it's true he doesn't usually ask for help. And I like the end with "Hello" part. They look great. The last centurion bit at the beginning was cool. I like the commander. He really did his best to control his men and does give good speeches. I enjoy the actual plans from both side. The invisible army waiting for the silence to disarm themselves, the flesh switcheroo. I like that little moment where the doctor don't know the girl but pretend he does because that's her last moments. They are several good moments in there. Knowing that the doctor is boning the child of one of his companions who he met the as kid is kind icky to me. And I doubt River would refuse to help the doctor. She cares for the doctor more than herself. You can just have her be here and fail and still do the reveal. Also like the flesh of last episode it should organically be built. There didn't seem to be that connection between the Ponds and River than in this episode she's suddenly emotional meeting Rory. And the doctor doesn't have superpowers so making a timelord baby to kill him is a strange idea. And I'm sure it's the first storyline that begs the question of why this doctor only? Why not kill any of the 11? Season 6 is to me when Moffat started to be to big of a fan of his writing and go caught into his own brilliance and no longer try to reign in his impulses. He is a great writer but he showrunner doesn't suit him well. Really looking forward to next episode. The first half is just fun.

Nicholas & Heather

Spoiler. AFAIK Lorna doesn' t make an appearance again except in non-television media.

Dominic D

The TIme Lords achieved regeneration before TIme Travel, so time travel would not have accelerated the development of regeneration.


The lesson of the episode is... Don't be a monk! Monks are not cool!


Fun fact- Captain Jack originally WAS going to be in this episode, but John Barrowman was busy filming Miracle Day at the time and they couldn’t schedule it.


Please react to the shorts


This episodes, the shorts and the next episode are the highlight of this season for me. I love them so much.


You need to watch the "two days later" mini-episode that comes after this one, because it ties into the 2013 Christmas Special. It's not found on Youtube, but this will hopefully not get taken down <a href="https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xyh6yb" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xyh6yb</a>


I've never seen that one. Thank you for posting it. Not only does it answer a long-time question of mine, it made me chuckle. Win-win!


Fun fact, the Silorian or whatever she is first met the Doctor when he was the 9th Doctor.


Awesome reaction to an awesome episode!

Stormageddon Thomason

This episode was so good!!!!!!! I loved their reactions too! I remember doing the EXACT same thing Eric did which is very coincidental and cool, called River being Melody


Loved the reaction!


you have no idea whats to come