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Do you think Gambi is really dead?



Jefferson knows what’s up. No body? Not dead.


He's dead, but I'm sure he believes in the resurrection so will be back. And with cool powers to boot. Super Tailor! Able to darn a sock in a single stitch!


It's like King Bradley in fmab, I'm not going to believe he's dead until I see a body


If Gambi's dead, Iris is the new Green Arrow.

Angry bob ross

na he's alive bruh, thats spy stuff 101


I don't think he's dead. But if he is it would be in keeping with the rest of this season. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong but the way they've been killing off characters this season seems like, they're alive aaaaaand, now they're dead. Moving on. Would be a crap way to say goodbye to Gambi though.


he is DEAD and we are never going to see him again


I won’t believe it until I see the body


The actors did a great job selling it, but unfortunately, the writers did a terrible job selling it.


Right away I sad no but then I saw all the grief in the characters and he did not show back up in the episode makes me a little worried.

William Tanner

They would have shown him actually dying if he was really dead.


Did no one check for a body the next day? Hes alive. This death was to random for me. But when the main character says something like „hes alive, he has backup plans for his backup plans“ shows often tend to really kill a character in the end but they were trying to hard to tell us that hes dead so hell no.

Ryan Witalison

Normally I'd say he's alive and in hiding, but with this show and its history of killing characters I don't know what to trust.


Please, this is a tv show, every main characters death is given significance


What version of the show do yall watch because when I watched that Henderson scene it cut off at a perfect time and was really funny?


No i think he faked his death and could be working with Henderson because of how weird he was acting about it.

Doby Greg

If you don't see the body, he/she ain't dead.

Ryan Gordy

No body, no death

Kevin Bartelen

I don't know, man... I just don't know. But I agree with Eric, if he is dead then it's a terrible way to end the character.

Darth Skhorrn

That's just not how tv death works. If the actor is there and they really die, there's no question. If they get fired or quit and then die offscreen, it's real. And if you see it and the show lingers on the actual death, it's real. This is fake tv death 101.

Fajen Thygia

That crash should not have caused that explosion. If it's not a trick, it's bad directing.

Red Claw

No Body, no death.