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Do you want a new version of Harrison Wells in this season, and if so to what extent?



Definitely not, I've had my share of crazy alternate versions of Wells - it's a little played out in my opinion. Maybe if there's a new Wells that's a more normal and grounded character like Harry, but no more cyborgs and mimes and silly accents.


I feel as though Harrison can’t bring anything new to the team that they can’t get or have


The council of Wells was so cringe-worthy I don't know if I could take another silly interpretation of him. I love the actor, but there's just too many characters on this show as it is.

Rakoon Shampoo

I want a new one for them to keep. Does Jay’s Earth have a Harrison Wells?


Agreed, it was like a live action Council of Ricks except executed terribly!

Harman Singh

I think I like Barry being the mentor this season, to Nora. However, if we're talkin' Wells the Grey, I want him every ep trying to explain metas using magic.


Definitely! Tom Cavanagh’s delivery of the same character but with different personalities is always fresh and entertaining!


Yes ... but as a woman. Girl power!

Kevin Echeverria

At this point it’s enough. Look at shield for instance, they have multiple versions of Ward and it worked well because they knew when enough was enough.


I would severely miss him if he wasn't around. He was the only older character who still felt like a major part of the team (Cecile and Joe basically feel like background characters). He was also one of the few people without any powers that was a core part of the team.

Chandler Ennis

As much of a sendoff as last season was for Harry, I really hope they bring Tom Cavanagh back in some regard, even as a new Wells like HR was. He just manages to make any version of the character so damn likeable, even when he's evil, I feel like if he weren't around the show would be missing a major component of what makes it what it is.

Andrew Courtney

I do love Cavanagh but I think we have reached a point where maybe Barry needs to be that leader personality type. Instead of him always looking to someone else to help him come up with the solution, I would like him to have an idea and get input after the fact from his team if needed. It would be an interesting change in dynamics as well as new ways for Grant to perform in scenes.


Yes! Im between heavily and cameo but voted for heavily. I want him to be like Ralph this episode. Hes there but hes not all over this episode. a few scenes, a few minutes and I'm alright B-)


Nah, I want Harry back.


I won't be satisfied until they go through all 52, and find one who is a member of the viking cult that worships Beebo.


I feel like if we just had another season of a Wells being there it would get boring and slightly annoying, if we see Harry every now and then, or if we see The Council that would feel less forced, maybe we could get another Wells in a season or two but let’s give them some time before they replace him again


I feel like the more of him we have the less special he feels. Oh this Wells is dead, lets just grab another one.


I feel the team can get crowded with more charcters I wouldnt mind wells popping by


eobard wells or nothing


I feel like they should replace Iris with a permanent Harrison Wells and make Iris be a reporter like she used to be in season 1/2, that way it technically goes back to the original cast since season 1 and it doesn’t feel overcrowded. That is the only way I’ll accept a Harrison Wells back on the show.

Sheriff Uchiha

No Wells but Thawn. The best Wells character is done but luckly Tom is more than just Wells. I woudn't mind maybe another villian Wells. Maybe a Dr Zoom character with blue lighning or just a Harry Wells who's a bad guy.


I'm ready for a new group dynamic without an older wise gentlemen. I love Wells in all his many earthly forms, but shaking up the group rolls sounds good to me. I would love a 1 or 2 episode pop in though :)

Jules Eris

You can never get enough Tom Cavanagh, nuff said.

I Am Groot

There is never enough Wells


Its time we get an Evil Harrison Wells Again but have him kicked out of the Good Guys Wells Club. I think and Evil Version be more scary then when he was Reverse Flash.


I want the Earth 1 Wells that had Tess with him. Maybe another Earth has that


Tom Cavanagh is like the best actor on the show, of course I wanna see a lot of him. I think the reason why The Council didn't work as well as it could've was because we didn't really got to know all the Wells'es'es, however you spell that)


The council of Wells’ could be useful maybe, and they would be called upon only when necessary (if they are available).


yes I want a good reverse harrison wells


Yes but one that doesn't die, and also doesn't have a huge stake (refer to the beginning of the sentence)


Yes, I love the actor and the genius of Wells, like some have said, one that can take Iris’ spot so she can become a permanent reporter.

Doby Greg

I don't need a new one. I just want Harry to come visit for maybe 1-2 episode. Or maybe reverse flash to briefly show up with his face.


I'm fine with cameo's this season.


I would love to see Tom Cavanagh back but more as a cameo every so often. His appearances should feel a lot more important than it has done over the last couple of seasons. Honestly I just want to see Tom play reverse flash again. His take on the character is awesome


Wells has always been the mentor but now that Nora is here Barry has taken that mantle, so I think it would be awesome to have a new Wells but not in as a significant role as before


Every season Tom Cavanagh makes such a big impression for me. Also Incase u forgot reverse flash is still running around with Wells’ face from the earth X crossover. So he mite show up again. Either in flash or legends or something


I think the new Wells this season could be an old Wells playing a new Wells. In other words Thawne pretending to be another Wells. Possibly back to trigger the Crisis that originally happened in 2024. Remember that the 2024 Crisis originally happened in a timeline where Barry didn't become The Flash until 2020, meaning he'd been The Flash for roughly 4 years before it happened. Well, it's been 4 years since Barry became The Flash in this timeline so...

Paul smith

Where's their reaction to the show they are late


A pika wells...no a BEEBO WELLS

Paul smith

I finally found the full reaction on the other website but no picture and picture reaction.i thought u get full picture in picture reactions?if this is what I paid 10 dollars for,I just stick with youtube u get it edited,but u get video of the flash,blind wave why mislead people


How weird is it that the actress playing Nora is older than the actors who play Iris and Barry?

Paul smith

Why is the full reaction to the flash not picture in picture?I'm paying 10 dollars for full reactilns,but all u get is the facial expressions?the one on YouTube free and u get picture and discussions.why aren't the full reactions don't have video

Paul smith

I know the answer but I'd spoil it


nora is fuckin hot


I enjoy all the different Harrison wells. However, Harry is my favourite out of all of them and I’d rather have him back to help instead of a new version and getting to know a new one again


Wells the Grey!


I want a real Wells in a sense like s1 that actually helps more often than not


Anyone who kept up with the press releases that came out right after the finale will know if wells is coming back or not


Not another Wells, but if Tom Cavanagh's Reverse Flash makes a few appearances to torment XS I'll be greatly satisfied.


No I want harry, also you guys said he’s dumb now but that’s not the truth he’s just a regular guy, also supergirl isn’t stronger than Superman he just holds back


I loved him as Thawne, really liked Harry, enjoyed HR, but at some point his presence loses its value after his continued "resurrections" to the point of adding another version feels too predictable and not exciting. His presence on screen used to be a treat but nowadays feels more like a chore that the writers need to do before moving on to the new stuff


I need Tom Cavanagh's Reverse Flash back in my life. P.S. Who will win, Grodd or King Shark? Possible slap bet? Love you guys :)


I would want Wells but I feel like with Nora staying and Digby not dying they have too character so he wouldn’t get enough screen time


No too much. Just give me harry and I’m happy