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Do you think there will be unseen consequences to Jefferson absorbing Jennifer's Power?



I think their powers work together, like what we speculated last season. Jennifer is a generator and Jefferson is a battery. Maybe it just gives him a boost.


Jennifer is just what Jefferson needs so I really don't think so. If anything, there will be consequences when she isn't available


I think Jefferson will be like pikachu in the Pokemon anime when pikachu absorb to much electricity and will get sick

Rime Pendragon

Hey, here's an idea ... DON'T PUT SPOILERS IN MY EMAIL BOX!!!


she charged him up


I feel like if he keeps doing it something's going to happen. Good or bad I don't know.

I Am Groot

I think she will do something that causes her to want her dad to train her


Take Her to the Suit Expert and Have the suit obsorbe her powers in like a treatment in a way and she can always fight crime cause her suit will be fire or energy charged.


no I think it just powers him up more


Yes I think he will have too much power to keep inside him So he’ll have to constantly use his power

Doby Greg

No. I see it as a struggle for Jenifer not Jefferson.


I don't think he's just going to be able to do it every time, but I think this time there won't be any consequences


There is always consequences.


Unrelated to the poll question. About LGBTQ+ representation. I think there should be more of it to be honest. Not in the way wjere it is just "Hey look! We support LGBT!" Deal. I want more of it naturally. I want more of it as just another nornal family. It shouldn't be sonething "special" to have in a show or movie. It should be a normal thing becsuse it is a normal thing. A gay couple in a show is no different then a straight couple in a show.


Heres a good Elliot Family hero group: Melanie - Phobia Aayla - Syringe Leon - Puncture Coulson - Needle Kanan - Pin Aaron - Blood Bag The power activates whenever they poke aaron with some sort or needle


I don't see that moment giving Jefferson any consequences, but absorbing her powers may come in to play once more down the line.


I can’t see there being any overall consequence to him absorbing her power. It’s more of a boost for him rather than anything else. Too much could possibly cause an overload