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Do you think we know the two people with Robin?



I don't think so, but who the hell knows with S.H.I.E.L.D anymore!


Only way we could know them is if they are LMD's.....which might be possible. *shrug*


I doubt it as it would downplay the Robin reveal that we already had. Also there would bee too many "Look we are here too" moments for this season - especially right after the similarly fashioned LMD arc.

Dylan Carpenter

I’m leaning towards no, because they would have had to be children to still be alive at this point, and I don’t think we will see anymore people showing up from the past in this future timeline.

Andrew Courtney

Maybe we will know their parents instead....Maybe grandchildren of Bobbi and Hunter...maybe...

Joel S

Maybe one of them is Daisy's daughter/son. Really screw with the timeline.

Tucker Lobner

I feel like we haven't met either of the people with Robin, but the characters on the show may know who they are

Ian Vega

No, anyone else would be too old. Chances are, it'll be one of the elders, or those who truly believed. Possibly one, maybe even both, of Deke's parents.


I think the two people are just are Robins care takers because she’s old as hell and should need a lot of help living on half a planet.


I don’t think we know them but maybe they’re related to Hunter and Bobbi because they were supposed to be looking after Robin in our time.


no they are just minions. but good


I think its bobbi and hunters kids 👀


Likely not, however I suspect one of them may be Deeks Dad


I think it's Deke's mom and dad. Hunter and Bobbi would probably be too old, maybe they're his grandparents. Maybe it's old FitzSimmons that are Deke's parents (time paradox alert!! Who knows quantum mechanics if not the Amish?)


I think they may be the offspring of someone we know, but not directly someone we previously have met. I'm also thinking there are more people than just Robin and the two masked individuals we saw. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2088.


I hope it's Grant and Ward.

Toast Knight

It's the Koenigs. That's how we find out they really are androids. Now...where did I put my tinfoil hat?


I think That guy is dk's dad, And the woman be a new character. I was thinking about it. What if Daisy dad comes back somehow.


this is definitely the best answer. koenigs are the mvp of the marvel universe


When (and if) we return To Earth, do you think that Military General will be the new or secondary antagonist. I only say antagonist because of the Superior who’s story was left as a cliffhanger


Anytime we come across some character with an unknown identity I ALWAYS jump and hope for Grant Ward.


I think we won't even find out who they are i bet a TARDIS they leave the room before taking their masks off


I don't think we will know them. I have feeling if they were previous characters, that would have been the reveal to end the episode on instead of Robin


I think they are Bobby and Hunter's children. Maybe twins?


i think we will know of them, like i feel it could be deke's parents or somthing like that


Our best chance for an obscene amount of gratuitous cameos is the 100th episode. When is that one anyways?


are brothers