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Every single Australian news story is suddenly focused on why we really, really, really need to go to war against our largest trading partner, China. Watch some of the warmongering propaganda with us and have a laugh, or a cry. Probably just cry.



gustavs eigims

Videos are always worth the wait, thanks guys!


can't wait for my monthly $5 to contribute to aleksa getting shot!


Hope my $5 goes to some extra ammunition.

Callum Bearman

The consulate video is so dumb. When I went to china I needed to visit the chinese consulate to get my visa approval. It was easy as its in my city. Why would they want to remove them? No shot I am heading to canberra to do that. Also for chinese nationals are required to update their passports. Should they also have to travel all the way to canberra to deal with that? Its all very silly.

Grace Falconer

Dear Mr. Prime Minister, there are too many Chinese consulates nowadays. Please eliminate three. P.S. I am not a crackpot - Rex Patrick


yesterday I donated 5 euros and they went and got themselves some haircuts looking fresh

Ben Salvidrim

> "China [military] is not a threat to anyone" Maybe not on a broad international military level, but they're definitely a military threat to the immediate regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet primarily!

Kat Reynolds

i like that video idea you posited at the end there. sounds funny. reminds me of your dprk haircut video


fantastic boys! god i wish this was longer. last ep gave me false hope

Sachin Kuruvilla

please go to pine gap or at least do a video about it!

Ian W

The comment about when they went back at night reminded me of this comic. https://xkcd.com/1391


It'll be the US taxpayer paying for the Ammo used against me, so you'll have to send it there


Yeah, the consulate stuff is insane. It's just people not wanting China to exist and finding random things to complain about


I'm glad you liked it! We're planning to get that video done this year

Ben Salvidrim

Of course of course you're right, it doesn't justify hysteria, propaganda and FUD in Australia or elsewhere. I was just reacting reflexively to the statement "not a threat to anyone", since Taiwan jumped to mind as definitely threatened. But the boys made an excellent point: the US has military bases all around the world, China doesn't (it has two of record, one in their neighbour Tajikistan and one in Africa in Djibouti). But on a related note however, food for thought, the way that China expresses its authoritarian control internationally seems to be less militarily like the US, and more through CCP-aligned residents acting as illicit "ghost police"; that has been a recurring topic in the news in Canada (and eslewhere in Europe) in the past few months. These under-the-radar cells acting as enforcers of CCP's cultural and political control on Chinese people living abroad. It's a less overt display of power than littering your military might across the globe but less overt does not necessarily equate to less effective or dangerous. Some coverage: * https://www.irreview.org/articles/chinese-ghost-police-stations-in-europe-a-deteriorating-relationship * https://www.cbc.ca/news/rcmp-investigating-chinese-police-stations-canada-1.6627166

Daniel Harber

"I Hold the Key to Bringing Down the CCP, but Then They Moved Next Door to Me!" That's a solid idea for a manga right there.

Lina Lundin

Brilliant, love how they try to really squeeze a problem out of nothing


For some reason I could not get the built-in Patreon player to work, but was able to look at the browser console to get a URL from https://stream.mux.com which allowed me to download an m3u8 file which plays in VLC... so... wonders of the internet.


Super excited about mans best meal 🐶🌭


SMACKDOWN!!!! Kangaroo v. Panda!


"Unusual Antennas" - that'd be a good name for a band

chen jin

taiwan: chiang kai shek should have gotten better generals hong kong: china took back land stolen by british tibet: mao liberated tibet from a slave society canadian state media is just as sinophobic and reports bullshit source like "safeguard defenders" which is supposedly a "human rights ngo", these "chinese police stations" can never be real because the government wouldn't have allowed it in the first place

RickAstley Gaming

i love how they tell us to buy the patreon from a patreon video


they must be hinting at a future higher pateron tier... one with exclusive snapchat access...


You guys might only have enough missiles for days but then there are the Emus...


If anything, we welcome an invasion. It'd be nice to have an occupying army to deal with all of these emus

dysgregulated (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 23:37:15 Oh sorry, I did not mean to imply you had done anything wrong! I aggressively block a lot of web functionality (because a lot of it is poorly engineered and unsafe, speaking from experience as a software engineer). This workaround is easy for me, and the web player works fine in a not-locked-down browser. Thanks, though <3
2023-06-01 16:49:27 Oh sorry, I did not mean to imply you had done anything wrong! I aggressively block a lot of web functionality (because a lot of it is poorly engineered and unsafe, speaking from experience as a software engineer). This workaround is easy for me, and the web player works fine in a not-locked-down browser. Thanks, though <3

Oh sorry, I did not mean to imply you had done anything wrong! I aggressively block a lot of web functionality (because a lot of it is poorly engineered and unsafe, speaking from experience as a software engineer). This workaround is easy for me, and the web player works fine in a not-locked-down browser. Thanks, though <3


Does anyone know why so many countries are just warmongering while China isn't posing much of a threat to said country and then acting like it's the other way around? (Besides profit of course)


It would be great to see a parody 60 minute episode on Pine Gap


Like you say though, they can’t just randomly come in and build a consulate, the Australian government had to ok them coming and putting it there. So people being scared and worried should really be asking their government “hey, why’d you let them put it there, we’re stupid and need it explained in baby terms” instead of harassing the poor man who works there 😭


I think cos the economic growth of China threatens the economic dominance of the US capitalists, so they want to try to destroy China militarily.

Mario Reyes

Amazing stuff. The panda vs kangaroo bit killed me :D

Isaac Stevenson

Just subscribed here, why are there Patreon plugs in the Patreon videos? I’m not complaining, any boy boy is good boy boy, but it seems weird

E.R.G On The Beat

seems like the videos were made before deciding which were main channel uploads or patreon uploads

Danny G

Wonder how many news stories they'll run on Chinese Australians being victims of crime due to coverage like this VS creating coverage like this like, he was just being rude as fuck to that worker coming out to politely answer questions and they tried to make him look like a bad guy? Do that at literally any workplace ever and they'll react the same way but most of them won't be nearly as bad. Brainrot man.

Luke Hudson

Red scare 2 is hilarious


Need to see you get shot! Perfect video pitch lol

daniel schmitt

"china want's to be dominant in this region." Isn't that just like, what every country is trying to do all the time?


taiwan's a country

Joshua Rayner

I had forgotten how bad A Current Affair and 60 Minutes can be.


Is only a country in the de facto sense, no in the de jure sense. It exists as a government separate from that of the PRC, but due to the fact that the Chinese Civil war has not officially ended and is technically in a state of armistice, the governing body of Taiwan does not meet the required legal standards of complete statehood. The Taiwanese government would have to relinquish any current claims to territory not presently in its control and sue for binding peace in order to achieve true statehood.

Jose Daytona

imagine 10 times super nightmare, greatest quote ever


Let's be real there is no reason other then to do sketchy to build a huge compound like that

Heath Burnet

what about the australian embassies in other countries, or the american ones. If you think this is dodgy then all must be.

lee jansson

I want my exclusive vid come on


there is this doggy building called a "Police Station" where they have cameras all over, armored cars and people with guns close to my house, I think they are spying on my country

Vv Gg

Honestly I believe it's the fake bear panda vs the fake bear koala

victoria dzieciol

love you boys. so perfectly political and satirical and entertaining and original and ballsy and hilarious and smart. keep up the good work


15:25 They actually did it!

Andres Menendez Behety

you boys sure want for the taiwanese to be enslaved by the chinese! maybe it wont be so bad and the chinese will respect them and their freedoms like with hong kong... oh wait... nvm


Taiwan first and foremost belongs to its indigenous people. It was never part of a Chinese dynasty besides the Qing dynasty, which was actually a Manchurian empire and Chinese people at the time didn't recognize it as a legitimate Chinese dynasty because it was ruled by Manchurians and they felt like they had been colonized. But now in retrospect they say it was a legitimate Dynasty because they get to claim all its territories like Taiwan, Tibet, and Xinjiang, and then forcefully assimilate the people and erase their local culture and language to create the illusion of a unified China. Taiwan seems to be pretty good with its indigenous people though so I wouldn't want it to become part of the PRC.