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Lot's of people criticize Yeonmi Park for all the grifting and outright lies about North Korea, but it turns out she's an incredibly entertaining, hilarious performance artist. We must protect her at all costs.



Chris McBard

Long live glorious leader

David Rempel

This is exactly the type of people that can call out yeonmi because they actually went there LOL


Best Korea moment


Guys, she grew up during the great famine. I read similar stories in a couple of books and documentaries about that time. I think she basically just took everything bad she ever experienced or heard and reduced it into a ridiculous over-the-top version of what her childhood was like, giving the interviewers what they want to hear. She gets paid well for her speeches. 😅


guys, you have to find something about russia (im not pro russia but as you are doing things about communist dictatorship)


no its no reaaally communist but lets say its similar (china/russia/north korea are close friends)


i think it would be much more interesting to talk about what she really went trough instead of silly things


Agreed. She's most likely not willing to share it though as it makes her feel vulnerable and not as important as if she lived through the craziest shit. By lying she keeps control. Just like my ex. 😆 I feel bad for her husband.


They could react to Russian propaganda. They probably are aware that we also have propaganda happening against Russia though. Maybe they should make a propaganda-off with some smart Russian person who lives in Russia or near that area. Basically confronting each other with propaganda and debating whether there are elements of truth to it or not.

L Nordin

Just subscribed to the Patreon yesterday. Lucky me


She's obviously lying about the 3 times a month poops, we all know women dont poop :p


Not similar at all. The only thing Russia has in common with China is that they're both under threat from the US. The Russian Federation is not the same thing as the USSR.

Maurice Ruttimann

I would also argue they visited the capital city, compared to if she lived in the rural areas, where the quality of services are different. This would make sense for the train. Even in the US, Washington DC has a great metro compared to literally everywhere else in the country. But everything else is outrageous

Laura Maria

she is so outrageously ludicrous that I'm beginning to think that she may actually be DPRK counter intelligence, sent by Kim Jong Un with the purposes of being so batshit unhinged that it actually ends up hurting the image of Radio Free Asia paid defectors as a whole


She seems to act like she is the only person ever to defect from DPRK, as if there aren’t multiple people who can contradict the stuff she says. Also hard to believe she has no incentive to lie and spread this false garbage when she is super right-wing and anti-woke, anti-« cancel culture ». 😭


I don’t really see why we should be lenient on her for being the human embodiment of a Buzzfeed article that uses Reddit comments for content, tbh.


Oh man I got gifted her book and I never read it, it just sits on my bookshelf. Now I gotta read it 😂

甫潤 文

I don't know if it's intentional but the song used in the intro and outro sounds like a North Korean propaganda song but it is actually Japanese 😂

Henning Krall

I would love to see a Video of an Interview where she just got called out on her ridiculous lies.


I want the Ribena shirt


Great vid guys! Can you make a ‘how to’ video on remaining sane when talking with people who actually believe this blatant bullshit and keep actively supporting political systems that are rigged against them and just exploit them and the world further into eventual demise?

Chad Falatic

Good one to put on YouTube tbh


With how uncritically most of these interviewers seem to accept what she says I almost wonder if they have to sign a non-defamation agreement or something before she sits for an interview so they aren't allowed to push back

Bethany Branson

I'd never seen an interview with her, all I'd seen were the memes making fun of her where people would make up silly, outlandish things about north korea. But everything she said was 100% more insane than anything the internet could come up with for those memes, I had no idea she was actually saying such wild shit.

Keith Larsen

As of right now there are 2 possibilities I have in my head about her existence and why she’s so prominent in the media. #1 she is a government plant or #2 she actually is from North Korea and just loved the media attention so much she just started saying the most outlandish things to try and stay relevant lol

Tom Král

There is this amazing book that came out here in Czechia from Nina Spitalnikova where she talked to people who fled from North Korea, that shows a very scary reality of it. I feel like people when listening to these absolutely insane ramblings of the woman and realize that like 99% of it has to be fake then tend to feel like the place is "not so much worse than LA" but I really don't think it is the case. Hell, even here in Czech reoublic under the communist regime life was hell for a lot of people. Not that they had to eat rats and wlak over dead bodies to take a poop on the streets but still so lol


Somehow I relate to what she's doing because I would certainly enjoy pranking Americans in this way and just seeing how far I could take it.


Yes boys! great vid and great edit. worth the sub again. I will be shameless and ask for longer vids for next time :)


Same western propaganda shit hasn't change for decades, they still use the same stories from 1950s.


She will say anybody called out her only been to fake set and that's NK propaganda, and everybody will believe her. People just stupid.


Great video Estar

Tom Wickham

End the Sanctions on the DPRK 🇰🇵 End the the US occupation of the ROK 🇰🇷 onward to reunification! 🇰🇵🤝🇰🇷


I'll happily buy you another shirt, Alexi


There is something kinda brilliant in the absurdity of it all, she is like if Andy Kaufman was funded by the CIA.

Luke Hudson

Honestly shows how racist so many westerners are that they would believe this


Makes sense. Her stories are marketable, what she can use to survive/thrive. It's possible for her stories to be exaggerated while there also being lots of problems with living under the regime.


The guys mention her putting out this pro-west propaganda. I think there's value in noting that the propaganda doesn't have to come from the governments. There's no need for her to be a "govt plant", when the system and her situation encourages this - this is her marketable skill

Danny G

I'd be embarrassed for being part of a culture where 5% of people believe these fucking obvious fibs but there's so many people like you can basically hear the cogs turning in her head as she thinks of the dumbest possible thing to say next

Shakra Farrell

I think this epispde was in pretty poor taste and not entertaining at all. Didnt laugh once. In fact, it prompted me to read her book and now I realise what a bunch of blindfolded racist turds you're being. Alexa, imagine someone madr fun of one of your family members trying to describe their experiences during the Kosovo war and laughing about it. The only part of the North Korean shithole you two went to was Pyongyang which is the only part of the hellhole of North Korea that the government will allow foreign people to see..its a mask for the lies, corruption and abuse people there still face to this day.

Djuro Blazevic

You need to realize that all sides use propaganda as a tool to shape our views of other countries. Its not that absurd to think that America and by proxy South Korea are spreading propaganda to make us in the developed west hate the North Korean government. Read up on the history of North Korea and what created the power dynamic that exists today between North Korea and South Korea, between China and America and you will realize how stupidly emotional you're being about a geo-political power struggle.

Shakra Farrell

LoL stupidly emotional.. ok.. sorry.. i subscribed to BoyBoy for entertaining content that makes me laugh.. not to get involved in debates about geopolitical power struggles. I'm entitled to form my own opinions on things also and I'm not sitting here crying. Love how people attempt to downtread others by using words like stupidly emotional. Emotional on its own would have been more effective and made you out to be less of an arsehole..but here we are..

Djuro Blazevic

You're talking about a situation you seem to have absolutely no understanding of. Please just go and read about the Korean war and the events that led to the current political climate involving Korea, China, America and Russia.

Shakra Farrell

Yeah no worries..and I'll pull my support here and go subscribe to things that make me laugh. Which is what i came here for..


You literally make no sense… First of all, leaving out the fact that Alex is literally Chinese and has more understanding of the region and East Asian culture than you do, where exactly did you see racism?? The Pyongyang elite argument is so tired. How are you going to say you know more about a country they’ve literally been to, seen with they’re own eyes and made a whole documentary about while the only information you have on North Korea comes from buzzfeed articles… embarrassing. What’s racist is the orientalism that comes from people like you that only see western civilisations as civilised and refuse to humanise people from places like North Korea when you have literally no knowledge about the country, it’s culture or it’s history. And I don’t even know what to say. BoyBoy has always been a (geo)political channel. Their first real video was literally the North Korean one and all their videos are political. You clearly have too much money if you’re a patron for a channel you clearly know nothing about.

Dennis Waschlos

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night with the urge to pee, lighting your candle and stumble across some bodys to get to the piss place and locking eye with a f*cking rat.. these kids get some serious PTSD issuses.. thats so SAD :(


Turns out all along she was talking about the guy she married he is North Korea

François R.

They have no food and starve to death but when there’s an earthquake they go to the kitchen and eat. They eat wild plants and rats but need to collect their poo to fertilize fields. Makes sense… Thank you Boy Boy for another great video.


north korea isn't communist and neither is the soviet union

Liam ?

You just heard her say that the people pushed the trains and that prompted you to buy her book?... You heard her say there was one train that ran once a month and that prompted you to buy her book?... You can literally look up a railway map of DPRK. You can look up railway timetables/metro timetables. It just doesn't make logical sense. The family were mentally disabled to the point where they couldn't put on pants but were capable of keeping captives and farming?.. She's changed key elements in the story of her escape on numerous occasions, she's a grifter and you fell for it.

Jesse Maddox

why are there so many narcs subscribing to communist youtuber patreons. ya'll weird af. how'd you even get into this channel lmfao?

Gabriel Pappas

i really do not think alex is chinese, did he say that somewhere? as far as i know they are both slavic


from what i could find on wikipedia, she began say absurdities after 2014 when she found out it works better than truth

firstname lastname

"I didn't even know the word 'compassion'". With the amount of grifting she's doing, she clearly hasn't absorbed the full meaning yet

Zorana Gavrilović

Can you honestly listen to this woman and tell me you believe what she's saying? Like logically, using your common sense? If yes, then I'm sorry but you really are stupid.

Ian G

I haven’t laughed so much in a long time, I love you

Isaac Stevenson (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-11 10:13:13 It makes me wonder if she knows what “dying” means. A lot of what she says makes sense if you replace dead or dying with sick or unwell.
2023-10-08 20:18:59


After school, the teachers follow the children home to get a fresh supply of food, I mean poop, then they get sick and die from hep. It's just part of the cycle of life over there. I pray for every soul, and god will save them all. #saveNK




He said it on the deprogram podcast btw, great episode! You should check it out!

Squaid Ink Arts

I watched some of her interviews when she just started out, a lot of what she used to say actually made sense, but she has derailed hard :'D I honestly think she just hates north korea and wants to make the rest of the world hate it as much as possible


Yeonmi Park on her way to say that "children who eat rats must find poop otherwise the teacher gets angry" with a serious face, at least you have to admire that


But she's got the heavies! Jre is legit the worst podcast


when i watched your video about north korea i reealy wanted to see this girl in it

Kat Trueblood

USA gov't plants for sure ngl

Gianmarco Maioli

I’m so bloody glad I subbed to your patreon. Literally downloaded the app for the first time and made my first sub. Cannot support you monthly as I’m still a uni student, but your channel makes me feel less “lonely” in this grim world. Salute you from Italy, comrades ❤️ :)


joe does challenge ppl tho alexa, i just think he believed her so he let his mind skip over some of the insane claims she was making. plus booga ooga porbably made go brrrr. You know?

Issac Peanut

Im so glad im an american and I dont have to live like that!! so ew!


Im so glad i found this


Amazing outro


im blessed to be south african has got to be the funniest comment

rice cooker

Its like listening to a 6 year old made up stories