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The original story, posted in the GSS discord caption channel, I based my version on focused more on the end state where the protagonist controlled Alex. I thought the actions like licking the thumb to turn the page felt petty and unrealistic (though obviously chosen because of the photo). I also wanted to flesh out the background and relationship between the two a bit.

Original Story

Honestly our situation felt super weird, it's still weird now but I'm used to it.

See, Alex wasn't ever cold to me personally. But, he was always there when I'd get insults thrown my way across the hall or when a homophobic slur would end up on my locker. He was part of the in-group even if all he did was follow on like a puppy, I was definitely in the out-group.

So it was a pretty big shock when all those guys broke into the university for a party and got expelled, leaving Alex - not invited to said party (hah) - alone once term resumed.

He'd continue to air his hostility toward me, but without a posse it wasn't threatening at all. It culminated one afternoon when everyone had left, he approached me in the empty hallway to call me a fag or to push me or whatever, I don't know what the intention was. I do remember my exact words though: "I don't care what you want, suck my dick Alex"

Now, I don't know whether his old crew did something to him or if it's his natural disposition but it turns out Alex responds very well to spoken commands. Probably too well. That first time I almost had a heart attack trying to wrestle the little jock's head away from my jeans fly.

Now though, I have it down to a science. You can ask him a question and it's undeniably him, but once you issue a command it's like his eyes glaze over and he can't stop himself.

Of course I take advantage of this willingness as much as I can. Need to wet my thumb to turn a page? Stick it in his mouth. Feet sweaty from a run? Tell Alex to lick em clean. Bathroom full at the bar? Tell Alex he's thirsty and find a dim corner to put him on his knees.

Like I said, super weird situation but if he aint complaining I aint.


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