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Alex had never been my best friend, but we had been in the same class up until senior high school, even when the classes were reshuffled. We had been to each other's houses, done projects together in class, with and against each other in PE. But once in senior high we were divided into new classes again, and this time we ended up in different ones. I lost some friends and gained new ones, but Alex was one of those people who just happens to be in your life and then move out of it without any good or bad feelings. We still greeted if we ran into each other in the hallways or downtown, not nothing more than that.

I knew he liked sports, but come college I was surprised he joined the jocks. We both ended up in the same college. The curse of options in rural states I guess, but he became part of the popular in-group. The star players from each year, cheerleaders, groupies, the rural state cliché. He instantly became cool by association, even more so as the they mixed across the years. He was on first name basis with prominent seniors, invited to their parties. There's some sort of hierarchy still I suppose if you look closely. He always looked a bit like a puppy around them, always heeding their biddings.

I don't know if he had anything to do with it, but I became decidedly out-group.

It started small. One of the jocks greeted me with "Hey fag" and a sneer one day. I didn't think much of it, until another one of team popular did the same. I knew I had been selected. The eye of Sauron was shining bright on me as the guy it was open season on. Demeaning or homophobic slurs flung across the hall or were taped to my locker. Alex never did any of it, but he was often nearby as an observer. He dressed the same as them, sat with them, and given how he had filled out presumably worked out with them. He no longer stopped to greet me whenever we passed each other.

I don't think they actually knew I was gay. I mean, I hadn't told anyone, but gaydar is totally a thing. If nothing else I would get hard whenever they where around. They, the good looking, athletic, popular ones. At least I always wear jeans.

It all slowly went downhill during the fall with more and more harassment. I wasn't ready to quit, but I could feel the strain of it. If I could just hold out until next year then the worst offenders would age out, some new come in, and hopefully the power dynamic would change. Until then I could gather evidence, take photos of notes, perhaps record some audio, so I was prepared if I needed to take action next fall.

Then came Christmas. It even made the local news that a team of students had broken into the faculty building and had a wild party there that had gotten out of hand. The entire group was swept away by the swift series of expulsions that came just the following week. All of them were gone, except for Alex. Apparently he hadn't been there. Perhaps not even invited.

The new year started much brighter than a bleak January had any right to be. Bright up until I met Alex on my way to my locker. "Fucking faggot!" was all he said, and purposefully crashed into my shoulder hard as he passed me by. Without his posse it appeared he had taken upon himself to continue their work. It felt pathetic more than threatening. For sure he could kick the shit out of me if he wanted, but even at the end before Christmas they hadn't gone that far. And most important of all there was only one of him, so I didn't constantly got bumped into by them.

Still, he diligently kept the hostility up at an even pace for weeks. It was Thursday afternoon first week of February when I encountered him at a parking lot off campus. I was there to pick up some crafts material and some quality sushi when I exited my car and saw him striding across the lot with me in focus. "Hey, fag!" he shouted. I was unsure what I would do. My back was literally against the wall, in this case the windowless side of a Bath and Beyond. I could run for it and hide in my car, but I wasn't sure it was the smart thing to do, even if I could outrun the athlete that practice taking down people for pleasure weekly.

"I don't care what you want! Suck my dick, Alex!" I shouted back in his face, just feet away now. He grabbed me and pushed me hard against the wall. I winced and braced for a fist in my gut or chin. Instead to my surprise Alex kneeled and quickly unbuttoned my jeans. He then took out my erect dick and began to lick it. I was lost, confused, and started to edge away, when he grabbed me by the hips and started to deep throat my dick. I did own a fleshlight but never had a real blowjob before. Compared to what I had imagined, this was assertive, almost forceful.

I don't know what they did to Alex, but he follows every command I give him. He is not mindless, you can totally have a normal talk with him, but if you order him to do something he will do it, so far without question. I've given him strict commands to not do what others tell him to do, unless he wants it. I don't know how that will work out in the end, but so far he appears to resist others. Don't know how long he'll do what I say either, but I can say it has made my life so much easier. I get into parties now, I have a personal trainer, and let's just say neither of us are virgins anymore, in the gay sense.


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