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- What about him?
- Who?
- The witness. Did you kill him?
- Kill him?! No, that just creates more suspicion.
- What then? Bribe? That's very risky.
- No, no. I sent him to The Doctor.
- I've only heard rumors.
- Oh, he's great. I had the boys pick up our witness and have him spend the weekend with The Doctor. Now he's got a new outlook on life.
- And? I don't follow.
- He doesn't remember what he saw anymore, or much of anything really. It's gyms, sex, and parties for him going forward. Here, have a look.

- That's not him... No, it is! How the fuck? How did he get so ripped. I want what he got.
- You really don't. Trust me. Anyway, if anyone else saw him near the site they wouldn't be able to pick him out in a lineup. Or if a camera picked him up no prosecutor would put him as a credibly on the scene, and that's before he opens his mouth.
- Howso?
- You'd be laughed out of court if you put him on the stand. Utter stoner moron. Can't string a sentence together without "fuck" and "dude", and 50% of what comes out is meaningless stupidity anyway.


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