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What the hell? You were just done with dinner and grabbed the phone to relax a bit before clearing the table. Just as you touch the phone, everything wobbles and shifts, and you almost fall over as you are suddenly standing up in front of a mirror, holding a cell phone. But that isn’t your body you see, this isn’t your phone and this isn’t your kitchen. Did you swap bodies? Is this you in a parallel universe? What is going on?

You look around and see row after row of combination lockers. Shit. You don’t know neither locker nor code. It’s silent. Are you the only one at this gym? Carefully you take a peek outside the locker room. In one direction you find the actual gym, in the other an empty reception area. You could call for help, you suppose. “Yes officer, I’ve forgotten which locker contains my clothes. My name? You got me there. No, I don’t know what I was wearing. Can’t we see what we can find?”

There is no landline phone in the reception area. You head back into the locker room and sit down. Perhaps if you let go of the cellphone and touch it again you will transport back into your body? You put down the phone and pick it up again. Nothing. You look at the black screen and feel like a moron. All info on who you are should be in the phone, and it was unlocked and in your hand a minute ago. You press the button, but your fingerprint isn’t recognized. Six digit PIN in three attempts. Fuck.


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