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Cody and I became best friends in middle school, and stayed close all through high school. So it was only natural that we shared an apartment after high school, while we figured out what to do next in life. Living with someone is very different than going to school with someone, and it soon became clear that we weren’t as close anymore as we had once been. Our work schedules made us drift apart, and he spent most of the little time that overlapped in the gym, working on his already naturally muscular build. But even though the roof was pretty much the only thing we shared nowadays, I always assumed we were still somehow friends. Not after yesterday.

It was late afternoon and Cody was back from the gym. I joined him less and less often, as I can’t really build mass and he had been progressively more taunting about his gains. I was about to go on a date, so I wouldn’t have joined him even if he wasn’t a dick at the gym. He was wearing his typical, super slim white compression shirt and pants, that leaves very little to the imagination. On top of that a pair of grey athletic shorts, presumably to not be stopped by the police for indecency. He was glistening in sweat. It didn’t look like a single inch of him was dry, despite the high tech materials. Cody plopped down on the couch and put his feet up on the ottoman.

“Hey man, if you’re gonna be sitting on furniture you should probably clean up first. You’re soaked.”
“Yeah, nah…”
“Stop being a jerk man, get off my couch, you’re gonna leave stains.”
“I’m not getting up.”
“Dude what’s wrong with you? Get the fuck up off my couch! Take a shower!”
“How about I sit here, and you get down on the floor and take off my shoes for me.”
“Just get off the couch.”

I started to approach him. When I was in reach of his feet I froze.
“Come on, take off my shoes.”

My face fell blank and I slowly got to my knees so that Cody’s feet were at my chest.

“Now take them off”, he said and nudged my chest with his foot. I stared at the foot that nudged me and slowly put both of my hands on it. The shoe was warm. My mouth fell open in disbelief as I pulled his shoe off. I looked up in shock and confusion, and saw Cody grinning.

“Good boy, now the other one”, he said as he put his socked foot on my shoulder while I reached for his other foot. I pulled off the shoe, and his foot went right into my face. His socks were black, short and almost soaked.

“Hahaha! Un-fucking-believable, you’re like a robot”, he said while moving his foot across my whole face, holding my head in place with the other foot behind the back of my head. He pulled his feet back, and saw my shocked expression along with the sweat he left on my face. My hair was damp, and I was engulfed in the sour scent of fresh foot sweat and funky gym shoes. I still had time for a shower before my date, if I’d hurry.

“Hahahaha! Sorry buddy, you wanted to learn the hard way. How, about you give this feet a good rub?”
I started rubbing his warn, damp feet.
"And thank me that I’m letting you do this.”
“Thank you.”
“Kiss my foot.”
I planted a kiss on the socked foot in my hands.
“Hahaha, I can’t believe that you are doing this. I wonder how I get you out of this ‘mode’?”

He stood up in front of me, my head was almost eye level with his crotch. He placed his hand around my face and made me look up to him. He caressed my cheek with his thumb.

“Okay, you can be free.”

I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled it away from my face.

“Hahaha! You should have seen yourself. You were on your fucking knees kissing my feet.”
“Cody! What the fuck did you do? How did you do it?”
“You were like, ‘master Cody you are the best, master Cody I love your sweat’”
“No, the fuck I was not!”
“Fuck yeah, you were.”

Cody violently grabbed the back of my head and pushed it towards his balls, and slapped my cheek.

“Tell me you love it”
“Okay, you’re going to wear my sweaty clothes to your date.”
“I love your sweat”
“I know you do, and I think you need a whole day to really enjoy it”

I panicked. This was my first date with this girl I was interested in, and I couldn’t meet her while wearing his gym clothes, even if they had been freshly washed.

“You can be free.”

I sat at his crotch with my nose near his balls. It was humiliating, but I didn’t want to risk going out looking, or smelling, like Cody.

“Look who’s being a good boy? You wanna give it a kiss for good luck?”

I got chills down my spine. I didn’t want to be anywhere near his balls. I didn’t know what to do next. Was doing what he wanted the best, for now? I closed my eyes and quickly gave his crotch a peck kiss.

“Hahaha, I guess I’m a pretty good damn teacher. Now undress so you can put my clothes on.”

“But! I kissed your–”
“Do you want to lick my ass before you go?”

I froze mid sentence, went to the bathroom and took off my clothes.

“Hey, if you want my clothes you’re going to have to put them on out here.”

I don’t want your clothes, I thought as I got out of the bathroom with one hand on my crotch. Cody was naked but wasn’t hiding anything, lounging in the corner of my couch, legs spread wide, showing off his huge dick he’s been so proud of since middle school.

His clothes were dropped in a pile in front of him. I grabbed his white compression pants, and tried to put them on quickly to avoid standing naked in front of him. I ended up tripping over, almost face planting in his crotch, because his wet bundle of clothes were so unruly to put on.

“Don’t worry about your clit. It’s not like she will have a bulge to look at once you’re in pants.”

Awkwardly I managed to put them on, and the equally difficult compression shirt, and the two wet socks. I finished with the damp exercise shorts. How the fuck could he sweat this much? Of the two of us I probably had most sweat on me now. I certainly smelled the worst.

“I think you’re forgetting something”. In his hand was one of his shoes that he had relaced while I was preoccupied struggling with his clothes. He held it with the opening towards me, toes up, like a muzzle.

I got down on my knees next to him and put my face in it. He pushed it in hard so my chin fit into the heel and the upturned tongue of the shoe pressed against the ridge of my nose. He then tied the shoe laces tight around the back of my head, so the tip of my nose and chin touched the sole inside the shoe.

“Okay, now you’re ready to go on your date, hahahahaha.”

I stood up with his warm shoe on my face. It smelled so much worse than his socks and feet.

Then all of a sudden I forgot about what I was wearing. I searched the pockets of the gym shorts and asked Cody, “Have you seen the keys to my car?”, muffled through his shoe, as if it was normal. His face was just a giant smirk. He followed me around the apartment as I looked for my keys, looking like he would burst into laughter at any moment. As if he had hidden the keys or taped them to my back or something. Finally, and with little time to spare, I found the keys in the pocket of a pair of trousers I’d hastily left in the bathroom.

“How about you just go to bed like you are, have some sweet dreams and let me know how you’re feeling tomorrow?”

“I guess that’s okay”, I said in a monotone voice.

“I can’t believe it. I am a god!”, I heard Cody say as I went into my room.

I laid down in bed with his shoe on my face and his sweaty compression clothes hugging me. I vaguely remember doing the motions of undressing, but not actually removing any clothes, and going to bed as if I was naked. I immediately fell asleep and blissfully dreamed about Cody’s body, his abs, his sweat, his arms, his clothes, his scent, his feet, his shoes.

I woke up in shock, still wearing his damn shoe on my face like a fucking Alien face hugger. It was still warm, but now from my breath. All the moisture had brought forward a deeper, muskier stench. I unsuccessfully yanked it in panic a few times, and frantically started to untie the hard knot behind my head, threw the shoe across the room, and jumped out of bed.

The clothes felt dry, but reeked of Cody. I reeked of Cody. The bed reeked of Cody. The whole room was filled with the smell of Cody, his sweat, his feet, his shoes. I felt unclean and violated, more than ever before in my life. His stink was ingrained into my pores, like a branding. I wanted him off me.

I started pulling off his compression shirt, feeling it peeling away from my skin, tugging where it had dried to my body. I threw it in a corner, and the shorts after. The compression pants were nearly as unhelpful coming off as they had been getting on. The upper parts that had been covered by shorts were still damp.

The socks were damp too, as sleeping with clothes on, and a shoe inhalator, had made me sweat under the covers. The mix of my and Cody’s feet juices took the stink in the room to a new level. I rushed out of my room, towards the bathroom. I wanted to shower in bleach to get his scent off me, his smell out of my nose, the taste of him out of my mouth.

I spent probably half an hour in the shower, really soaking in the hot water. Standing face up, gargling water in my mouth. Repeatedly lather in citrusy soap and rinsing it off. I don’t know why I had reacted in such distress and panic. I’d only slept a night in someone else’s clothes, after all. I could imagine a scenario where I would wear his damp workout gear voluntarily. Say I exit the shower at the gym and someone had taken all my clothes with him. If Cody had offered his clothes for the way home, I sure would have taken him up on it. But it was the way he’d made me do it that made me feel violated. Perhaps it was mind tricks, but I couldn’t shake him. I probably imagined it, but it felt like I now smelled of citrus and Cody. When I brushed my teeth I tasted mint and Cody.

Just as I was about to leave the bathroom I went into the shower again for a few seconds, until I was dripping wet. Then I went into my room and put on the compression pants and compression shirt. Then the socks and the shorts. I picked up the shoe and walked out into the living room, where the other shoe sat in front of my couch. I sat down, fixed the lacing and put both shoes on. I leaned back where Cody sat yesterday and let my wet body inside his clothes make the smell of stale gym bag come to life.

Now I am really scared.

Read my commentary.


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