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This year melded with the issues I had the previous year. While I was waiting on whether I would be needed for the big plot or not, I was working on ideas I had formy other characters. Lydia and Zoar had their own personal stories, and Infrastruct and I worked on mending Dwick and Lydia's realtionship ;u; I wanted to do wacky stuff with Branka. She hosted this silly dating auction thread to gather funds for charity. It got a little weird behind the scenes so the threads that followed afterwards didn't get too far, unfortunately.

Near the end of the year, everyone who was participating in the big plot had to bow out or were absent. So Dwick's player and I joined forces to wrap it up quick. We scrapped all our ideas for time and rushed to make a big finale that encouraged other players to join in. In hindsight, despite how stressed it was to do, I'm glad we did because the main plot had to do with this new illness that didn't have a cure and krogan were getting sick and had to quarantine. This happening JUST before covid hit hard.

As I look at my art folder for that year there was less than before and it was definitely due to the burn out. I was juggling so many characters at once! And it was frustrating because I couldn't be a part of anyone's stories so I kept making solo stuff and that's not what I wanted! XD


and for the finale she comes back and shes pissed off!
A npc of mine named Nella all dressed pretty for the dating auction
Nella again, i made profile pics for the dating auction
i feel bad i forgot all my npc names
him too but i remember he had a twin brother!
lydias glamor shot for the dating auction because its lydia
this was for one of the big plot stories, lydia came onto a wrestling show as the challenger to the main fighter, it was fun
branka eventually succumbed to the sickness and on my solo threads i was showing the effects of it
and for the finale she comes back and shes pissed off!


S.J. Slays