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I apologize for these posts because they feel sadder than the first two years. But I wanted to be honest with the experiences I had, both good and bad! So here we go!

I feel like this was the year where I started to really get burnt out. There was a big plot several people were doing but it was slow going because there were so many ideas and input from various players. I remember ideas were scrapped or I was told to hang tight because my character might be needed later. I really wanted to join but it felt like my characters were not meshing well. When asking for advice I was told by a couple of people that my characters were too high up in a tower to mingle with others. I did not know how to take it other than to try and change them drastically. I made a plot where Lydia became homeless so she could be on a "level" playing field with other characters. I got permission to make a community/town in Nos Dwicka called BABETOWN to try and make a neutral ground for characters to meet who didn't want to be all action. But looking back on things, I think it boiled down to players wanting to do action related things which FAIR. I've always been a wacky slice of life player.

At this point I didn't want to draw anymore. I closed my Scribe of Tuchanka blog because looking at my art made me feel angry at myself. I beat myself up a lot that I was a terrible person. My characters were awful, I was awful. What was I doing wrong that no one wanted to approach them?

I want to emphasize I never intended my writing or character situations to appear unreachable. I did art, and posts with the hope they were interesting enough to get people talking.


my goodbye sign for scribe
despite everything it was a good year for commissions. i opened portrait commissions and got a few done
this was one of my favs, it was so colorful and the visor was fun to design
portrait of a volus named druss
a krogan named vex
An asari named nova
a batarian named mekan
A young turian named nak
a quarian named jassin
a drell named afiyi
Stygian portrait!
an albino krogan once named Br'uuj but he gave up his name
two characters, the one sitting is named turp the larger is named lemmus. he ended up being our bad guy for the big plot we tired to finish
grouchy salarian named spiza
my goodbye sign for scribe


S.J. Slays

I don't think you should apologize for sharing your experiences...in fact, as messed up and sad as what happened is, I think it's taught you a lot about yourself. For instance, you coining yourself as a Wacky Slice of Life roleplayer is 100% factual and might in future help you to find or even create a space for roleplayers who are the same. 🙂💖

Maria Ochoa

Thank you so much, chicka ;u; that is such a positive way of seeing it and I will do my best to remember it as such especially when looking for future projects